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 Aragami Ryouji

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Solar Mk. II

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptySun Feb 13, 2011 7:44 pm

Account Name: Solar Mk. II (aka Baka Blanche)

Name: Aragami Ryouji
Nickname: Satsujinki
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Group: N/A
Reputation: 0
Rank: D
Affiliation: Dark
Blood-type: A-
Likes: deathmatches, random killing
Dislikes: western magicians, "good" characters
Fears: not being able to kill
Physical Description: Somewhat low, with a thin, skinny build. Short black hair, blue eyes and a somewhat pale complexion.
Magic Keywords:
Ki or Magic? Ki
Clothing: A dark blue casual suit, with a white shirt underneath. Occasionally wears a blue coat over it, when the weather requires it.
Accessories: none
Extra: nay


At first sight, a natural murderer. Ryouji basically completely lacks of morals and has nothing restraining him from killing if he wants to. Also, he has a natural tendency to want to kill anyone he sees, with or without having a reason. To finish the image, he is incredibly blunt and open about it, randomly throwing lines about wanting to kill someone so bad that it hurts etc.

A bit of a contradiction, but he doesn't really kill as many people as he would like to. You see, despite being a natural murderer, Ryouji still has a healthy dose of common sense, which is why he rarely allows himself to indulge in his favorite slaughter. On the other hand, assaulting someone and beating him to a half-dead state in a deathmatch is something he sees perfectly okay, which is why he is constantly moving about, looking for new people who can give him a satisfying deathmatch.


The Aragami family was a one of complicate past. Originally a few families that broke off from the Iga ninja clan, they underwent a transformation and by the time a century passed, they already developed their signature taijutsu and were beginning to use inbreeding to keep the positive traits of their bloodline, like the high athletic ability and talent for their particular method of fighting.

By the time Ryouji was born, however, the clan was reduced to several families scattered all over Japan, with most families having assimilated into normal society as cogs in the system. However, Ryouji's parents were not part of that majority. They were both raised in the spirit of the old Aragami family, as peerless assassins with a cold heart and a highly flexible morality. Such was also the way Ryouji would be raised, continuing the tradition of the family.

Ryouji however, did not need the upbringing that his parents planned for him. From his early childhood, he clearly showed signs of completely lacking any hint at morality and a twisted love for violence = specifically, inflicting violence upon others. The parents were not particularly fazed and encouraged their son's natural tendencies. Eventually, this encouragement cost them their lives, as Ryouji murdered both in their sleep, having his first taste of blood at the age of seventeen. Two years passed, during which he travelled around eastern Japan, randomly starting killing sprees and disappearing before the law even had an idea who he was.

Class: Ninja

Weaponry/Equipment: A rather simple knife. Can be folded and is generally suited for both close quarters combat and use as a throwing weapon.

Stats – 45
Strength: 6
Accuracy: 16
Endurance: 4
Speed: 17
Intelligence: 2

Stat Points Earned: 0|0
Jewels Earned: 500,000


Skills & Disciplines:

Athleticism: Natural affinity for athletic feats that require high agility and dexterity. Not speed in it's most direct meaning, but rather high-grade control of the body that allows him to perform nearly super-human feats with relative ease.

Knife Wielding: The ability to use a knife in combat. Ryouji is basically your resident Knife Nut who uses a knife as if it was an extension of his arm.

Tohno Gland: Aye. THE Tohno Gland. I suppose, being an Expy of such an awesome character, Ryouji possesses this rare skill as well. Rank 15 in in-game terms.

Magic Name: Sensa, Sensou
Magic Type: Utility
Magic Description: A pair of genetically-inherited techniques that Royuji can use simply by being an Aragami family member. They don't use ki, but rather ultra-high bodily control and thus cost a lot of stamina to use, having a limit of three to four uses before causing an anemia attack and automatically KO-ing him.
TP/KP Earned: 0|0
Techniques: 10/10

Sensa - (4)
Type: Utility
Incantation: -
Range: -
Effect: A genetically-inherited technique of the Aragami, flash sheath. The ability to control the arms in a way that allows the user to temporarily surpass his bodily limitations and make high-speed, consecutive slashes at near-instant rate. At this rank, he can do three slashes in one breath.

Also, when combined with flash dash, it allows him to move along walls and ceilings by moving with his legs and arms.

Sensou - (6)
Type: Utility
Incantation: -
Range: 5 m
Effect: A genetically-inherited technique of the Aragami, flash dash. The main technique is a skill related to Shundo. Allows him to surpass his limitations for a moment, granting him a god-like speed for one time, allowing him to "teleport" (or at least appear to) to any point within a five meter range, moving almost instantly.

Also, when combined with flash sheath, it allows him to move along walls and ceilings by moving with his legs and arms.

Last edited by Solar Mk. II on Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:42 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptySun Feb 13, 2011 7:57 pm

Quote :
[19:51:48] B★RS : I saw that character, your techs can't be so intertwined
[19:53:23] B★RS : I am indifferent about it, but some mod will say they can be used together but they should be separated.
[19:54:16] B★RS : ..or, you can raise your speed to 10+ and make them a Rank 6
[19:54:29] B★RS : oh, 17 speed
[19:54:41] B★RS : You can combine them to one move and give it a generic name
[19:54:55] B★RS : then say you can focus on different parts of your body
[19:55:22] B★RS : then you will have 4 TP/KP/MP to use on whatever else.
[19:55:37] B★RS : Also your class is basically a ninja
[19:56:08] B★RS : Otherwise, you need to explain what makes your "Assassin" different from the run-of-the-mill ninjas
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptySun Feb 13, 2011 10:37 pm

I see a Baka Ranger in the works here...

but can we have a strength related one, one day?!?!?!


jk jk

but yea... having that much low endurance means you'll be dead tired from fighting after... 2 minutes tops.

And even with that accuracy you'd get only a few decent medium wounds in with that strength.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptySun Feb 13, 2011 11:13 pm

Yeah but Umi had 5 endurance and completed every mission without fail, so I don't think mods actually pick up on it...
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptySun Feb 13, 2011 11:30 pm

low endurance for a close combat fighter if way too dangerous.
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Baka White

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyMon Feb 14, 2011 5:46 pm

Low endurance stat is due to anemia and is more of a Stamina stat than defense.

Clarification about the two skills: each has it's own specialty (legs-related one responsible for Shundo-like movement at close ranges, arm-related one responsible for super-speed slashes/stabs and the combination allows him to do cockroach-like wall-running that surpass even the Matrix.

P.S. Using this acc as main, so replying with it instead of logging in every time with secondary accs. RPing will be done with them, though.
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Solar Mk. II

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyMon Feb 14, 2011 6:09 pm

Also, his fighting style is to sneak into your dead angle and cut the jugular... or stab any of your other vital spots.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyMon Feb 14, 2011 6:13 pm

Just come up with two different skill. Moreover, I'm not sure about your flash attack... Your attack speed is still limited by speed. If I were you I would come up with something like a instant 5 strike technique. Would do about the same, but it would be easier to Rp with.
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Solar Mk. II

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyMon Feb 14, 2011 6:23 pm

Hmm, Will try to make some relevant changes.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyMon Feb 14, 2011 7:45 pm

Your first tech it still wrong. If you want an instant move it's called Shundo, and for a rank 6 shundo you're allowed 30meter range it I recall well.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyMon Feb 14, 2011 7:46 pm


It's 15 yards for Moertimer.

Only difference with my rank 5 and his rank 6 is that his can be used in the air
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyMon Feb 14, 2011 8:34 pm

I wasn't sure about this, you should ask William for the limit range.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyTue Feb 15, 2011 2:14 am

I just forgot to increase the range to 30 meters. But yeah a rank 6 shundo lets you move through the air and has a range of 30 meters.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyTue Feb 15, 2011 2:20 am

Alberio wrote:
I just forgot to increase the range to 30 meters. But yeah a rank 6 shundo lets you move through the air and has a range of 30 meters.
I didn't know that... can you change that on my profile?
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Baka White

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyTue Feb 15, 2011 6:53 pm

It's not Shundo, that's the thing. It's only possible at very short ranges for infighting and instead of the extra range it has additional bonuses like wall-walking and multi-hitting.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyTue Feb 15, 2011 6:58 pm

If your sensa and sensou are different technique, there must be different spell.

You should go with a shundo AND for a thing like a instant 5 five tech.

Moreover, running over the wall etc... Isn't a technique, it's the speed stat.

Shundo is a technique that allowed you short burst of movement speed.

Multiple hit technique is a technique that allowed you a short burst of attack speed.

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Solar Mk. II

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyTue Feb 15, 2011 8:06 pm

Try them now.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyTue Feb 15, 2011 8:21 pm

Ah finally some good change.

Seven slash for a rank 4 spell is still too much through, you would tore anybody of your level to piece with something this strong.

For a rank 4 spell, making it 3 fast attack would already make it quite powerfull, since no beginner would be able to block the three slash consecutively, and than being hit by the three would mean a severe injury.
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Solar Mk. II

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 6:42 pm

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 7:41 pm

1/2 approval, if someone can verify everything is good.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 3:35 am

Quote :
Tohno Gland: Aye. THE Tohno Gland. I suppose, being an Expy of such an awesome character, Ryouji possesses this rare skill as well. Rank 15 in in-game terms.

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 6:39 am

Quote :
Tohno Gland: Aye. THE Tohno Gland. I suppose, being an Expy of such an awesome character, Ryouji possesses this rare skill as well. Rank 15 in in-game terms.

Be serious before I kill you ==
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Baka White

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 6:42 pm

Actually, it's real. My plan is for him to be a Draco In Leather Pants kind of character whom you can't hate despite him being a total villain.

Actually, I just want to turn him into a memetic sex god...

Feel free to ignore it. It's more of a in-joke. People will be asked, but not forced to go along with the joke.
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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptyFri Feb 18, 2011 4:15 am

Solar wrote:
Actually, it's real. My plan is for him to be a Draco In Leather Pants kind of character whom you can't hate despite him being a total villain.

Actually, I just want to turn him into a memetic sex god...

Feel free to ignore it. It's more of a in-joke. People will be asked, but not forced to go along with the joke.

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Baka White

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Aragami Ryouji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aragami Ryouji   Aragami Ryouji EmptySat Feb 19, 2011 12:00 pm

So... any news on the status of this profile?
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