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PostSubject: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyWed Mar 27, 2013 12:26 am

The day was quickly reaching an end but it was the perfect temperature to explore the canyons. The sun was still shining and would shine light for another couple hours but the heat was bearable and slowly cooling. A light wind could be felt blowing through the many canyons with breaks at some points. Overall it wasn't a bad time to be exploring.

This was Joshua's first time to the canyons and he wasn't disappointed as he reached the edge of a fairly steep drop, looking down. He had time to spare and lots of light left in the day to wonder, stories of the things that could be found in these canyons intrigued him and after everything that he had gone through over the last few weeks he needed a break away from the cities and from most people. He had no idea what he was looking for but that was one of the reasons he was here, he didn't need to be looking for something specific to stumble upon something.

As he gazed down into the canyon he spotted something that reflected light and after deciding it was a start, Joshua began to seek a path down into the canyon. He began to walk along the edge of the drop as he scanned around the edges, not really sure if there was a safe way down or not but he wanted to see what this place had to offer or what he could find. A small wind blew past him which caused him to look pause and just listen to the sounds around him.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyWed Mar 27, 2013 10:40 am

Rie was lost, which was unusual, but with the canyons and such in the region she had gotten disoriented and taken one too many wrong turns. But it could be worse. It could have been raining for one thing... Or there could have been dragons or something about. Yep. Atleast it was a pleasant day... "I am so lost..." Rie spoke quietly to herself as a breath of wind swept by, wafting through her hair. 'I really should get a cape to go with all this wind...' Rie thought to herself.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyWed Mar 27, 2013 6:43 pm

As Joshua returned his attention to the canyon and a way to get down he seemed to find a fairly rigid path. "That'll have to do..." He muttered to himself as he began to make his way towards where the path began. Before he began the descent he looked ahead of the path to see if there would be any problems but it seemed that he was in luck. The path, though narrow, lead all the way to the bottom. He sighed with relief as he began his descent, carefully as he watched his footing.

It took him a couple minutes to reach the bottom but as his feet planted on the ground safely he looked around, the sun had shifted enough that he no longer knew where the shiny object he spotted earlier was. It didn't matter though as he began to walk along the walls of the canyon. He turned a corner and continued to walk for a few minutes and after a couple more turns and nothing that interesting to be found he spotted what appeared to be someone else though they were a short distance away. He couldn't tell what the person looked like but he was curious as to what they were doing in this place, if it was a similar reason to his. "Hello." He called out to them, wondering if he would get a reply.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyWed Mar 27, 2013 7:25 pm

Rie, hearing someone call out, turned around and noticed a man approaching her. Deciding to be polite Rie took a bow before introducing herself.
"Ah, greetings and salutation... I am Nakamura Rie... Who are you?" Rie introduced herself gently.

(Sorry for the shortness of the post! I can't come up with anything Sadness )
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyWed Mar 27, 2013 7:37 pm

Joshua was surprised to find such a friendly girl as she introduced herself so politely. Without realizing it, he had tilted his head slightly out of pure curiosity before standing strait and replying. "I'm Joshua Rilak. Nice to meet you Nakamura Rie." He said with an uncharacteristic smile, though she wouldn't be aware of this. [/b]"What brings you to such a place as this?"[/b] He asked politely, standing no more than a few feet from her. A light breeze blowing past them.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyWed Mar 27, 2013 7:47 pm

Rie smiled gently as she answered. "Ah... Actually I am lost. You would not happen to know where we are at the moment would you? I would rather like to get my bearings again if possible." Rie spoke, looking around slightly "Everything in these canyons tend to look the same after enough wrong turns it seems to me. At least its a pleasant day, yes?" Rie smiled again as she finished speaking.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyWed Mar 27, 2013 9:04 pm

Joshua thought about where they were but he hadn't thought about exactly where this was. He was far from any major cities which is the reason he was out here. Aside from that he wasn't exactly sure where this was.

He raised his arm and scratched his head, trying to think if there were any signs or indication to where this place was but couldn't think of anything. "Honesly, I have no idea where this is... It's part of the reason I'm here, to get away... Sorry for not being of any help." He said apologetically. "I can tell you that if you climb up the canyon and head west you should find a village or a city in half a days travels... Other than that Im not sure." He wasn't sure if Rie was planning on sticking around but Joshua wasn't sure where to go from here.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyThu Mar 28, 2013 3:04 pm

Rie got a thoughtful look on her face, get away? From what? Well, at least she knew where a town relatively close by were, which was a sight better than previously...
"Ano-sa, you said you're out here to get away from things... If I can be so bold, how come? Are you in some sort of trouble? I would be willing to help... if I'm able..." Rie spoke softly.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyThu Mar 28, 2013 3:32 pm

Joshua was surprised that she seemed to focus on him mentioning getting away. He wasn't in any danger but as he thought about how he worded things it may have appeared as though he was running from something specifically. It caused him to chuckle to himself. "I didn't mean it like that. I just needed a break from everything that's happened and a place like this was a good getaway for me." This girl was quite interesting and even without knowing him was prepared to help with his problem. It was a nice gesture and made him wonder what to do next. "If you would like to help then feel free to accompany me as I wonder but Im not sure how long you plan to stay in these canyons." Something seemed to click in Joshua's mind as he seemed to realize what he was saying. For someone who preferred to be by himself he didn't seem to mind the thought of her sticking around.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyThu Mar 28, 2013 9:06 pm

Rie thought for a few moments ultimately deciding to accompany the man, he didn't seem overly dangerous and if need be she'd just contact her magister to summon her. The same was ture the other way around, if she were needed elsewhere she could just be summoned via the pactio.
"Ah, if its all right with you, I could keep you company... if you want. It is no trouble for me, should you so desire..." Rie spoke, smiling brightly.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 12:35 am

Joshua was more than alright with her accompanying him as he wandered as she seemed friendly enough which topped most of the people he had met or knew. "I have no problem with you joining me though I don't exactly have a plan in place here or an idea of what to do. I just came here to look around and perhaps find some lost treasures that I've heard about.." Joshua said with a smile as he began to walk what would turn out to be north and in the opposite direction he had come from. Something could be seen in the distance though it was small and appeared to be highly reflective of light. As Joshua would get closer to it he would find a small crystal necklace of sorts. "That's kinda interesting..." He said, picking up the necklace so it sat in the palm of his hand, perhaps showing it to Rie if she was interested to see it.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 11:42 am

Rie looked over at Joshua, seeing how he had found something of apparent interest... "What have you found there?" Rie asked, peering at the necklace. "Ooh... Its so pretty... Is it special?" Rie asked, clear blue eye wide with slight wonder.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 4:39 pm

Joshua examined the necklace closer but could not tell if there was anything special about it. It appeared to be a fairly average though well made necklace. It had jewels encrusted in it which is what made it sparkle but overall it just appeared to be an ordinary necklace. "I don't think there is anything special about it... I have no need for it but if you would like it, by all means you can have it. It would probably look lovely on you." He said without thinking too much about it. He outstretched his arm to offer the necklace to her if she wanted to take it.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 10:07 pm

Rie smiled brightly and took the offered necklace and put it around her neck, feeling the weight of the precious metal and the jewels. "Well? How do I look?" Rie asked, displaying the necklace so it glinted in the rays of the sun. "Thank you for the gift, I will be sure to take good care of it..." Rie said, smiling brightly.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 11:33 pm

Joshua smiled when she put it on so cheerfully. "It looks perfect on you." He said with a smile, clearly this was the right decision to give it to her. "Let's continue looking around. Maybe we'll find something else." He said as he began to walk through the canyon once more.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 7:01 am

Rie followed Joshua with a smile, admiring her newly aquired necklace as it glinted in the sun... "Hm... What's that there?" Rie asked, pointing at something glittering on the ground in the distance "Could it be more treasure?"
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 2:28 pm

As they continued to walk, Joshua occasionally glanced back at Rie. She really seemed to like that necklace which made Joshua glad he gave it to her. At one point as try we're walking and Joshua almost forgot they were looking for treasure, he was glad to have a companion for once and although they didn't talk much he was glad Rie decided to stick around, at least for a little while.

When she said that she saw something in the distance Joshua looked around until he saw what she was talking about. It was too far to tell what it was so he continued to walk. "I'll let you see it first because you beat me to seeing it." He said cheerfully, letting her walk ahead of him so she would reach the treasure first.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Apr 05, 2013 5:41 pm

Rie soon reached the glittering object, she noticed it was larger than she had previously thought. 'I wonder what it is...' She thought as she grabbed the object and pulled at it 'Ah... Heavy.' she though as the object slowly gave way. "Ei!" With a great heave Rie managed to fully dislodge the object from the lose ground. "Oh wow... Its a shield. A Heavy shield... Made from silver, I think..." Rie said as she held the glittering shield in her hands. (Think the Mirror Shield from Ocarina of Time...)
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Apr 05, 2013 5:54 pm

Joshua watched as Rie reached the treasure. She seemed to be struggling to get it out of the ground but just as Joshua was about to help she pulled it free. "Woah... Nice find." He said, walking over to get a closer look at the shield. It wasn't something he would use but the detail and design of the shield intrigued him. "I wonder how this got here... Is there any engravings that you recognize?" Joshua didn't know much about shields or those who used it but perhaps it was something worth looking into. Just as Joshua waited for Rie to reply he saw something not far from where the shield was pulled. Judging from the look of it, it didn't belong with the shield but instead was a package made of pure black. He didn't motion to pick it up yet but he could feel something was there.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptySun Apr 07, 2013 6:25 pm

Rie looked at the shield but other than a large Crescent Moon shape in the middle there were no engravings or symbols of any kind... Strange... Maybe there was some sort of noble house that had a crescent moon as its symbol? "Ah, not really... There' is a crescent moon on it though, does that sound familiar to you?" Rie answered Joshua's question.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyMon Apr 08, 2013 1:56 am

Joshua took a better look at the crescent moon on the shield. After pondering for a moment nothing came to mind. "Nothing comes to mind... Maybe it's worth looking into later." Joshua said as he looked from the shield to Rie. "What should we do with the shield? I have no use for it." Joshua's thoughts returned to the black object he saw close to the shield. His eyes wondered back to where it was and he decided this time to pick it up.

"I wonder what this is..." He said as he took a couple steps over and bent down to pick it up. As his hand wrapped around it and pulled it from the loose ground it his mind instantly began to race. The feel of this book reminded him of something... his magic. If this was what he thought it was then he was here not just of his own will. The thing that he pulled from the ground appeared to be a small box-like object, similar to that of a book. He already had something like it in possession if this was indeed what he thought but he would have to wait until he had time to sit down and analyze it.

His eyes wondered back to Rie, wondering how she would react to such a discovery. Though she may still be thinking of what to do with the shield... He didn't want to reveal any prior knowledge unless she specifically asked if he knew anything about it but hidden on his person was a book that was the same size as this box.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Apr 12, 2013 9:06 am

Rie looked at the shield again, the rays of the fading sun reflecting off its silver surface, before she put it on her back, no sense leaving it here. "What do you have there? A Box?" Rie asked, peering at the rectangular black box with her one eye... It didn't look like anything she'd seen before.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyFri Apr 12, 2013 8:45 pm

Joshua watched as Rie slung the shield over her back, wondering if she had something in mind for it but letting the thought subside as both their attentions turned to the box Joshua was holding. "Well it's hard to say for sure but judging from the size and weight it might be a book inside this box." He said as he held out the box in his hands an spun it around genty. He found it hard to hide his excitement but managed to keep a blank expression. "I'll hold onto it for now and take a better look at it later." He said and with little hesitation put it in a bag that was slung over his back. As Joshua finished putting the bag away he looked up into the sky. A bit of time had passed and it was gettin close to the turning point of the day. "The sun should be going down in about an hour. I'll probably make a make-shift home in the valley when it becomes too dark to explore. If you want to get going I understand but feel free to stick around. I have supplies that can last me a couple days and Im not opposed to sharing with you. It's been nice having someone join me on this adventure. Especially someone as nice as yourself." He said, turning to Rie and wondering what she wanted to do.
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyMon Apr 15, 2013 6:19 pm

Rie thought for a few moments before she gently shook her head and smiled softly. "I should head back towards civilization, my friends are getting worried, I can feel it. It was nice spending time with you, maybe we'll meet again someday?" Rie said with a dazzling smile as the sun vanished beyond the horizon, plunging the valley in darkness.

(I guess this is it, feel free to end it anytime you want...)
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PostSubject: Re: Something to be found (private, pm to join)   Something to be found (private, pm to join) EmptyMon Apr 15, 2013 6:30 pm

Joshua smiled though was a little disappointed. It was understandable but perhaps it was for the better. "Oh okay. Well it was nice meetin you and thanks for the company. Goodbye and good luck Rie. Maybe we will meet again, I sure hope so." He said before watching her leave. He had a couple more hours to search though the searching was going to be focused on finding a place to spend the night and study his newest find. It was a good day and he was happy to have met Rie.

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