Account Name: Magari
Name: Magari
Nickname: Bookie (Darcsen Filth/Scum/other-names-to-that-effect by Darcsen Haters)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 178
Weight: 47
Group: N/A
Reputation: 0
Rank: D
Affiliation: Light
Blood-type: A
Likes: Books, Libraries, Quiet...
Dislikes: Crowds
Fears: Men
Physical Description: Blue-black hair, purple eyes, light skin
Magic Keywords: Libros Sempiterna Aidus mecum
Ki or Magic? Magic
Clothing: Please see picture provided.
Accessories: Extra:Picture:- Spoiler:
PersonalityMagari is a quiet person, rarely speaks even when she must. She is, however, not unkind and is usually perfectly willing to help if she is able... She has a hard time making friends and opening up, making her something of a wallflower and even when she is on friendly terms she still rarely speaks.
HistoryMagari's life has been one of perpetual hate due to her nature as a darcsen, a race of humans thought to have caused a disaster of some sort many years ago in the past, the Darcsen Calamity, which resulted in much death and destruction and the Darcsens being stripped of the right to a last name. Because of this Magari was subject to bullying in school, something that Magari never tried doing anything about because hate breeds more hate and violence was the cause, not the answer, to this particular issue. In spite of that Magari managed to become a full fledged magician and is determined to prove other people wrong about Darcsens... Magari has little hope of betterment in her lifetime but she is determined to try until the very end.
Class Wizard
Weaponry/Equipment Darcsen Staff
Stats – 45
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 10
Endurance: 10
Speed: 10
Intelligence: 10
Stat Points Earned: 0|0
Jewels Earned: 500,000
Sources:Skills & Disciplines:Dual Wielding - Sword and Staff Combo: lets Magari use both a staff and a sword at the same time.
Darcsen Language Mastery: Magari speaks, writes and reads her native language perfectly, allowing her to find hidden cashes left by darcsens in the past as well as get into Darcsen hiding places.
Magic Name: Air Magic
Magic Type: Offensive/Defensive
Magic Description: Allows the user to control the very air itself for offensive and defensive purposes.
TP/KP Earned: 0|0
Techniques: (10)/10
Blade of Wind - (6)
Type: Offensive
Incantation: Ipsumque pariat venti spiritus, ut mihi certamen arma
Range: self
Effect: Materializes a 6 foot sword of sharp cutting air in the users hand that is not dependent on the users strength, behaves like a normal sword otherwise. Lasts for 6 turns/posts with a similar cool down.
(Wind Shield) - (4)
Type: Defensive
Incantation: Spiritibus Aeris custodiam meam vocationem et protegas me de adversario meo
Range: self
Effect: Creates a standard type, if rather low level, air element shield around the user. Lasts for 6 turns/posts with a similar cool down.