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 Evil Characters Big Mission

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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 5:41 pm

Whose in for an illegal robbery of the governors mansion? The payoff will be sweet! For any evil of MRS characters. But I need to know whose going


Refrain from using artifacts, since those are licensed to us from the Pactio Organization, they can be used to track us.
We'll use codenames and costumes to protect our identities.
Everyone going on the mission needs to pactio with me, they'll be an important part of the mission, unfortunately the artifacts won't be.
Bring some bags or something, cause we can only take as much as we can carry.
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 5:49 am

I'm in Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 11:58 pm

It's ON
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyFri Aug 20, 2010 5:43 am

Thinking of a code name...
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyFri Aug 20, 2010 11:37 pm

Already made them, but we need more people, Remember: We use codenames when talking to people


Nyorai: My codename will be Nyorai, named after Dainichi Nyorai...

Umi said to the other mages standing around him.
(Codenames in speech, and your actual name in description)
P.S: We're all named after bodhisattva's and buddha's cause few people in the Magic World will even be aware of the more subtle sects of Buddhism, and cause i love their names!)
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 10:50 pm

(Might as well start, we might not have another chance)

Nyorai: Alright guys listen up, Fudo Myoo(Kitty) i took the liberty of making a pactio with you, i think you were asleep, but then again Vampires dont sleep, but here you go

Umi handed the Ministra's copy to Kitty, he had everything in place for the operation, but he was hoping everything would turn out alright. They were just outside the Praetor's mansion and Umi withdrew his artifact to give to the others

Nyorai: Alright, Fudo and Aizen we'll be in the diversion group, Tathgata, you will remain here to cover our escape route. Aizen you'll begin by breaking through the wall here. As a peaceful gesture they dont keep a barrier up around the mansion, we'll use that to get us in. let us know when your ready. Ill give my artifact to Fudo, if your in trouble, just say Honeres Inferre
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 11:51 pm

"Alright then" Aizen said as he began stirring his shadow, causing it to form into a giant fist over his arm The sooner we get this overwith the sooner I can get back to sleep "Knock Knock" he cried as the gigantic fist smashed into the wall. He let the fist dissipate to save the magical energy... Gesturing with his now normal hand at the gaping hole in the wall he said; "Ladies first".
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyMon Aug 23, 2010 2:09 am

Umi: Was that a cheap shot?

Umi covered himself in his Mirage illusion and made his way towards the mansion, he hugged the wall so that he would go unnoticed by the guard until he made it inside.
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyMon Aug 23, 2010 4:52 am

Actually it was a referance to Kitty going next but go right ahead...
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyMon Aug 23, 2010 6:03 am

Kitty walked through the hole after Umi. "So what do we do now?" She asked.
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyMon Aug 23, 2010 6:16 am

Nyorai: ~telepathically~ Just stall for about 20 minutes ill make it into the treasury by that time!

Umi entered the mansion through the widw open front doors
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyMon Aug 23, 2010 8:50 pm

We begin by getting as much attention on us as we can... Enter the Eternal, Phasmatis umbra , exorior in vultus quod ego electus ut tutela quod vindex. Pareo meus to order quod evinco mei hostilis , umbra miles militis!. (sorry for the bad Latin translation but hey, better than nothing right?). With that, half a dozen shadowy figures formed in a semi crcle around the party. "Attack however gets in the way... go". The six spirits dispersed seeking their first victim for the evenings assualt...
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 3:22 am

Nyorai: *Alright im in, Tathagata, activate the shikig-*

Umi placed o-fuda charms on each of the members of the team, in case telepathy was blocked, Yoko could communicate with each other through his Ki powers. Soon enough, Umi's message was cut off

Nyorai: Charm-San Charm-san! Allow our minds to speak! They shut off Telepathy, communicate through the charms now.
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 3:33 am

Tathagata: Alright, Om, Kya-aya

Using the charm as a medium, Yoko created an exact duplicate of himself, although a mini version, he changed the shape using an onmyoudo spell. The duplicate was just as strong as Yoko was. Clenching the nodachi tightly, he took point in front of Umi and turned transparent alongside him
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 3:54 am

Sensing the actions of his spirits, Aizen discovered that two of them had been destroyed, they were weak projections after all. Three more were engaged in combat with random guards. Of those three one was outnumbered. The last projection had already knocked out its first opponent and was searching for its second target. Needs more flash. Calling upon his innate capacity for darkness, Mortimer cast the most basic of darkness spells and the proceeded to cause it to become over the top forming a gigantic black cloud. Placing his hand on the forehead of his fellow hell-raiser he communicated using the mages basic telepathic skill; If you want to make a big flashy entrance as some ferocious creature or some big flashy atack than I suggest you come out of this cloud whenyour ready. If not, then just stay out of my way and I'll take care of it.

OOC; Yes I know, Mortimer is rude

Gathering a portion of the massive darkness around him, Mortimer shaped it into a medievel suit of armor and covered his staff in shadow so that it appeared as a great spear. Stepping out from the billowing mass of darkness Mortimer emerged, the picture of an evil knight. I'm using way too much magic on this entrance, I've burned a quarter off already. With that he bellowed "I am the black knight Aizen... all who wish to die, come face my wrath".

Umi and Yoko still had seventeen more minutes. He just hopped that his partner in crime could pick up the slack because three guards, one of them clearly a high ranking officer emerged and made ready to assault him.
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyWed Aug 25, 2010 6:16 am

(Not quite sure to say or do...)
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyFri Aug 27, 2010 3:23 am

(Fight, kill, suck blood, all you need to do is stall, so use your artifact while your at it)

Nyorai: We're approaching the top floor, treasury and the praetors room, but we'll have to deal with his best bodyguard, but i have a plan...

Umi knew his opponent, Onirugas, the top bodyguard in the Confederacy and former general in the army, his skill was at least AA rank, so Umi knew nothing he could do would stop him, but then again they just needed to buy some time. The approached the end of the hall, and we're immediately spotted, Onirugas saw through the illusion and chased after the pair.

Nyorai: %*@!, and i thought i was good, he saw through it in an instant... RUN!
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyFri Aug 27, 2010 3:36 am

Tathagata: Right here right??

Yoko ran down the hall faster than Umi did, so he activated a Ki-spell using the charms Umi had kept with him, performing the spell, he lost the connection to the shikigami he was using as it was the medium for the spell, it created a barrier made of Ki, and was hard to break by magic world standards.

Tathagata: Im done, call me back in later!
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptyFri Aug 27, 2010 4:00 am

Nyorai: Alright, i'll set this up right here....

Umi extended his barriers in front of Yoko's barrier, he then covered it up with an illusions of a wall. he knew it would be easy for bodyguard to get through, but that was the plan...Onirugas reached the end of the hallway and Umi set his trap, covering the sides of it with his barriers and an illusory wall.

Nyorai: Now onwards to the treasury!
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptySat Aug 28, 2010 3:15 am

Kitty smirked, those officers obviously had a death wish. "Kittal-latic mutare du mihi sine lupus animus!" She recited before closing her eyes. Fur grew along Kitty's arms and legs as she shrunk in size, before long a massive snarling black wolf stood in her place.
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptySat Aug 28, 2010 6:59 pm

Tathagata:*Did you know Kitty was a werewolf vampire? cause i didnt....*

Umi opened the doors to the praetors office, he would have to go past the office to get into the treasury, and while his guard was distracted, Umi could waltz over and open the lock.. Aside from the fact it had a power barrier on it and it was made of incredibly hard material. He saw the praetor cowering in the corner, the 2nd most powerful man in the Confederacy was quivering on the floor like a toddler who scraped his knee.

Nyorai: You have the key to the vault, open it!

The praetor refused, he said he would rather die than open the door himself, realizing it was a bluff Umi had no choice but to use force, he could sense that the barrier was Western Magic, flexible but sturdy made by an excellent cleric. Their was no way Umi could break the barrier, but instead he penetrated it through a complex ritual, he slide his hands into the barrier, and then his entire body, which miraculously, allowed him to get passed it without a single negative side effect, aside from a dizzyness that afflicted Umi after he used it.

Nyorai: Charm-San! Charm-San! Let my mind speak! Alright guys im in, but ill need Aizen to shatter the vault's door, its made of some super hard material..

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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptySat Aug 28, 2010 11:50 pm

Sensing the vampires feral transformation, Aizen immediatly began forming armor for her. Unseen by the three charging guards the wolf inside the black formation attained a wicked set of armor.

Covering the top of her face and running down her spinal column were sheets of platemail, wrapping the coating over her eyes while leaving openings which she could see through. Just to make it look more fierce he added small razor-sharp protrusions around them. Likewise, the sheets of metal on her back grew broader, wrapping down her torso, forming a chain mail that protected her stomach and ribcage. At each of her shoulders and leg joints, wicked blades seemed to sprout from her skin ready to tear through any being that got too close. And lastly, similar blades grew out of her tail and the claws on all four of her legs were covered by long deadly shadow blades. The formation of this armor only took an instant but it took long enough that all three of the guards managed to get close enough to land a successful hit.

The experienced guard came in on his left flank, delivering a sharp cut with his lance blade to Aizen shoulder, attacking just where the armor pieces connected, effectively dislocating his left shoulder though thankfully, it wasn't strong enough to cut through his arm. While Aizen crumpled from the pain of his broken shoulder, kneeling on the ground. The other to guards came in at his right side and center. The attack made by the right handed guard struck true and pierced through the helmet made of shadow. Though not enough to actually pierce him, the attack had created a large gap in the helmet and left Aizen addled. The final on-comer charging directly at his chest was clearly a novice, aiming his spear directly at Aizens chest, which just happened to be the most heavily armored part of his body. By far, that attack had caused the least damage, barely scratching the solidified shadow. Still, the cocky young guard seemed pleased with himself and began taunting Aizen

"Some great evil overlord right guys? Who goes down after three attacks? Pff, we shouldn't have wasted our time on this guy, lets finish him now!"

Strangely enough, although it is stereotypically believed that evil characters are prone to monologing, thoseon the side of "justice" tend to be just as mouthy and overconfident given the appropriate situation. Giving no sign that he was going to move, the silent knight merely manipulated his armor, causing each piece to shoot off of his body in a different direction. The farther away the armor was from his body the less solid it became, however since these three particular guards were standing right next to Mortimer, it was as if they had each been shot by a cannonball. The first and second guards although disoriented by the blast of magic were safe and sound. The third guard however had been cocky and failed to put up his barrier in time, was knocked out coldLet that be a lesson the next time you start gloating.

Taking advantage of the guards momentary confusion, Aizen incanted his umbrae militis spell. At the moment of its completion, the remainder of the shadow cloud coalesed into ten shadow minions, surrounding the armored wolf in the middle like guards protecting a dignitary. Just as well, twelve more guards emerged from the building and made ready to attack the impromptu army.

Whats more, the original guards had regained their seneses and made ready to attack.

That was when Aizen recieved the telepathic message from Nyorai.

Attempting to send one back Can I use the card to teleport to you?

And while waiting for his response, sent a message to the wolf behind him Think you can take these guys now?
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Evil Characters Big Mission Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptySun Aug 29, 2010 12:02 am

Nyorai: I can bring you in, but activate my artifact first, it'll keep the teleportation unnoticeable...

Umi focused on the door, but something behind him caught his eye, a message on the preator's desk was labeled with an unmistakable signature, Umi couldn't believe it, he went back through the barrier and took the scroll that was left on the table, He stuffed it into his bag and continued with the teleportation spell
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptySun Aug 29, 2010 12:14 am

sorry Was the last message he was able to send to his comrade before being dragged through extra-dimemensional space at the last minute, uttering the first sylable of adeat to through off the guards. He had left the minions with the silent command to obey the wolf and he hopped she would be smart enough and well equipped enough to take on the guards at the front entrance... OOC; Kitty, the armor is made out of shadow so it is technically weightless xD.

Appearing at Nyori's side, Aizen realized just how exahusted he was. Creating the armor for his friend, firing off his own protective shadow like a shrapnel bomb and forming ten minnions coupled with his previous exploits had depleated his magic down to 55% of his total.

Seeing the task his "partner" had set out, the shadow manipulator proceeded to examine the vault door. Upon completing his inspection he asked his ally "doesn't this door use a key, like an actual physical key?"
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PostSubject: Re: Evil Characters Big Mission   Evil Characters Big Mission EmptySun Aug 29, 2010 2:12 am

Kitty nodded to Aizen before he teleported away. Not wasting any time she charged the guards with incredible speed, her paws swiped at the first guard breaking his legs with a loud crack. The experienced guard suddenly appeared and swung his blade at Kitty's muzzle, she lept back quick but not quick enough to recieve a thin wound. Now Kitty was pissed, "You asshole!" ((OOC: Kitty has a really short temper Happy ))she hissed before headbutting the guard in the stomach making him loose his grip on the weapon. Kitty pinned the guard down and brought down a paw on his neck breaking it.

For the first time Kitty noticed Aizen's little shadow minions and wondered what they were doing here with her."Hey you. She called to one of them. "Go back to your 'master' and ask him if I'm supposed to stay here" The shadow nodded before disappearing into the mansion.
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