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 Swampy Beast - Golems Gate

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Male Posts : 4808
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 10:59 am

William, Aliidan and the usual disastrous ermine, Rickardo walked down the murky hall entrance towards a much more open marsh pit. Somewhere deep inside the marshy swamp was a giant golem, which was said to carry its only weak point, a rare, ecstatic ruby jewel that is extremely valuable. The nurse of the school, Lorraine had requested the two mages to get the jewel for her for an outrageous sum of money.

“You ready for this, Aliidan?” He grins at her, patting her head as he continues further threw the swamp. There was an already made human-bridge, showing signs that humans may have used to live down here. He took the lead, but was unsteady as there’s rumours of mutated monsters and even humans that inhabit this morbid, disgusting area.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 11:11 am

Aliidan, still not over her sisters abrupt leaving, didn't answer at first as she tried valiantly to smooth out her hair (now worn loosely instead of her old twin pony tails).
"Aiyah... This place is a health hazard to be sure..." Aliidan said absently as she manged to smooth out her hair at last. Her new outfit was designed for better protection but she wondered if it would help in this swampy environment...
"Uhm... What are we doing here again... and why is your ermine looking at me like that?" Aliidan asked uncertainly, George flexing his wings intimidatingly once he saw Rickardo staring.
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PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 11:21 am

Rickardo quickly backed away, refusing to stare at Aliidan with such an eagle glaring abrasively at the fear-filled ermine. “I’m not looking at you for any reason~” He rudely scoffs, quickly hiding under William’s hat. He made it blatantly obvious that he had an evil plan. William nodded in agreement towards Aliidan, the place did seem like a health-hazard, meaning they shouldn’t stay in the area for too long and finish this silly mission as soon as possible.

After Rickardo successfully got away with forcing William to create a pactio with Rie, Rose and Ashraeh, he (attempted) to vow not to let the same happen with poor Aliidan, but... the ermine had so many foul and incomparable tactics William has ever seen, so he didn’t know what to expect.

William was glad to see Aliidan gaining an eagle; it seemed to stop Rickardo’s harsh and brash comments. However, he was unsure if it’d be helpful during battle. The further they got into the swamp, the bridge had ended and it ended in a platform continuing deeper into the ruins, filled with destroyed buildings, ancient stones with carvings and such. The platform was still surrounded by the brown, murky water, if you could even call it water. Listening carefully, William could hear scurrying in the distance, there were other things in this area that not even he or Aliidan may expect... "We should watch out." Will remarks.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 11:47 am

Aliidan was about to reply when a waft of swap gas surged upwards hitting Aliidan and causing her to sneeze violently, the sound of her sneeze echoing harshly in the ruins.
"Aiyah! -sneeze- I'm sorry... -sneeze-" Aliidan managed to get out before another bout of sneezing continued. It would seem that she was highly allergic to the gasses in this swamp.
The rather violent sneezes continued, with George trying valiantly to hold on and Aliidan dropping her cherry wood staff on the floor.
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PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 12:09 pm

William rushed over to Aliidan as she began sneezing quite haphazardly, trying to comfort her, just as he’s about to speak, two kappas (turtle-humanoid things) emerged from the swamps they were lurking in. As they jumped out of the swamp, a massive splash of the water was sent flying everywhere. Grabbing Aliidan, he jumps back avoiding the swamp water.

“What’re huuuuuumans doing hereeee?” One of the kappas asks, lengthening the words as he speaks, rather annoyingly, too.

“Damn… so there are enemies other than the golem.” William mumbles to Aliidan, Rickardo and George. Equipping his gauntlets, he hoped Aliidan was ready to fight too, that was until he realized her cherry staff was right behind the two kappas that looked like they were guarding it.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 12:23 pm

Aliidan gave off a final sneeze before she could actually see what was going on.
Kappas, two of them. And her precious staff was behind them. Damn. That wasn't good. It would seem that her magic would be weakened...
'Aku-Zuko-San Moestifer Aequora!' Aliidan thought, using her rare silent magic. Soon water materialized and started circling Aliidan as she let it gather power. She just hoped that the kappas didn't try anything before the spell had gathered sufficient power... Good thing there was a large amount of water present already.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 12:37 pm

William watched as Aliidan began charging up her spell, she was known to be amazing with silent or even no incantation. "Right, I'll distract them then." He notices the water around Aliidan shiver slightly, she was planning to take them out with their own water it seems. "Son Ta Rik, Son Ta Rik, Per telum of incendia quod inflecto of incendia, EGO to order thee! Incendia largior super mihi, surculus! Destruction Arrow!" William brings his arms out as if he was weilding a bow and arrows as flames slowly emerge and begin to form a deadly bow create out of fire.

Bring a fire arrow back, his elbow bursts with fire, charging up the power of the arrow as he lets go of the fire string. With the burst of the flames as back up, the arrow of destruction was sent bursting towards one of the kappa. They quickly jump on top of each other, bringing up a wave of water taking the arrow down under the murky swamp. “I seeeeeee how it is theeeeen.”One replies, sending a spiral of water at William and Aliidan.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 12:46 pm

Aliidan stared as the water spiral charged towards the two of them.
'Just a little bit more...' Aliidan thought as she continued to pump her spell with her innate powerful magics. 'There!' Aliidan thought in relief as the spell was done charging, soon several rather powerful upward blasts of water appeared, hitting the kappas multiple times, a crunching of crushed bones could be heard above the sound of the water blasts. Aliidan dropped to her knees in exhaustion. Her magics, while powerful, had a tendency to overcharge her spells, making them more powerful than needed. This had the unwanted side effect of being severely draining.
"Aiyah..." Aliidan panted light.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 12:58 pm

William watches in awe as Aliidan destroys the poor kappas, it’s sad that they weren’t able to interrogate them, but with their natural surroundings around them, it’d be dangerous to let them live. “Good work,” He twists around, walking over to her, helping her up as she was already exhausted. Escorting Aliidan further in, they were able to rest in the ruins of a previous building. The platform extended, the more it extended and the further they were away from the water fumes and such, luckily to their behalf.

The ruins seemed odd... they were decayed; they must’ve been extremely odd. They have an odd source of power embedded into them... As William and Aliidan continue to travel, a merge of a lion angel beast with snake tails flew across the halls angelicly, most likely looking for pray for all eternity. “Aliidan, what should we do? You should refrain from using such powerful spells.” William remarks, that Aliidan’s magic is fast and/or powerful, but does drain her energy, which is exactly why William gave her the book on electrical spells from Hathaway.
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Female Posts : 284
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 1:14 pm

Aliidan was still a little tired from the use of her previous spell.
"Aiyah... I don't have any more spells I can cast right now... I really don't like electrical spells..." Aliidan said quietly, ashamed that she held such dislike for her strongest element.
"I guess this next fight is yours..." Aliidan said. It was about that time that she noticed that her cherry staff was still gone... "Oops, I think I killed my staff back there..." Aliidan said meekly.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 1:41 pm

“Eh? R-right, sure, sure.” William nonchalantly agrees, he has to protect Aliidan, he guessed. However, the problem was, his magic seemed ineffective against water which is what the kappas use and rock, which is what the golem they have to fight is made out of. He couldn’t say no to Aliidan though, he was too confident. However, this mother didn’t seem to control water nor rock, but it may be strong. The only way was a sneak attack...

William throws a rock out as he begins chanting, making a slight commotion. “Son Ta Rik, Flamma ex divum, surculus procul meus hostilis! Fell Flames.” He creates a cloud forming above the rock he threw before. During that time, the angel monster began drawing closer. “Son Ta Rik, trinicus spiritus ardescat coentes sagittet inimicum! Sagitta Magica, Blazing Punch!” He finishes his attack as the angel flies with immense speed, boosted by wind magic to fly towards William as he takes note of Will.

Its tails hiss as William sends thirty punches made out of fire slamming into the poor monster as it is sent flying at the ground breaking up; however the cloud also seemed to finish charging as it hails down some flame needles onto the monster. The monster laid lifeless, only to get up in a matter of seconds after the onslaught of attacks, its movements sluggish like a zombie as it crawls towards William and Aliidan… It wasn’t going to give up.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyMon Nov 15, 2010 4:24 pm

Aliidan backed away from the zombie like creature only to trip on some rocks, falling flat on her butt.
"Aah!" Aliidan said, flailing her arms as she fell "Aiyah, that hurt... Eep!" Allidan made a tiny sound as the creature suddenly lunged for her... Rolling (Read throwing self) to the side Aliidan managed to escape the creatures clutches. "Will! Save meeee!" Aliidan whined as she ran around with the creature (now quite fast after Aliidan's bouts) chasing her.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyTue Nov 16, 2010 8:05 am

William simply stamped on the zombies head as it grabbed hold of Aliidan’s leg, quite crudely. “It’s fine,” He sighs from the abnormal amount of monsters around, he points around the corner, showing a giant slug, a mutated merman and an odd clock that had legs. Quietly, yet stealthily walked through the shadows of the ruins until they arrived at a safe spot inside an abandoned mansion. It was of great proportion.

“We’ve been running around here for awhile, maybe we should take a break?” He winks nonchalantly, as he sets down for a small rest. It’d also be great to rejuvenate their magical power.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyWed Nov 17, 2010 8:42 pm

Aliidan sat down slowly by Williams side. She sat silent for a few minutes, during which George flew off to look for food. After George had flown off the silence stretched onwards and became quite awkward. Aliidan shuddered lightly in the cold of the swampy ruins, not noticing that Rickardo was again staring at her and sizing her up...
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 12:05 am

"Sigh... we took up a pretty dangerous mission," William sighs to Aliidan, using his fire magic that he created from his palm to walm up Aliidan and himself. The silent moment was quickly interrupted by a constant shaking and numerous shouting, in English, too.

"Master's awoken!"

"Bring food, food!"

"Hail the master!"

William wasn't sure what was happening, but it caused quite a lot of shaking, he stealthfully began to check it out, but was unsure whether they were even close enough to get a good look.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 12:08 am

Aliidan hid herself, still not having gathered up her magic enough yet to be able to cast a spell...
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 12:12 am

William recommended Aliidan to stay back and rejuvenate her magical abilities. One spell fully charged took a lot out of her. Maybe they should go on a training mission, again? Either way, he shifted between huge broken pillars of decay and rusty metal as he travels across the broken walls. He looks between any gaps, seeing numerous monsters surrounding a large ball of light.

"What is that...?" He asks Rickardo, who shook his head in confusion.

"I'm not sure, but I recommend not to attack it, it doesn't look like it has a physical form." He remarks, hushing William to go further or go back to Aliidan, who was roughly 100 meters away. The dark halls and huge shadows caused William to be unable to see Aliidan properly, he wouldn't even know if she was getting attacked.

The ball of light was about 500 meters away, so it seemed safe to go further.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 12:19 am

Aliidan, having horrendously bad dark vision, strained her eyes to see what was going on, in the distance she could see what looked like a floating blob of light. 'Odd... Oooh I hope Will comes back quickly, this is getting too darned creepy...' Aliidan thought to herself and shivered again.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 12:23 am

He continued spying on the group of monsters as they began throwing ruins and rotten food into the orb, bowing and praising it as if they were quelling its anger. William's interest perked up as he continues forward, tripping over and exposing himself into the open. None of the monsters saw him yet, until he saw one staring right at him, holding a fireball in its hand. "%*@!..." William mutters, getting up quickly and running back to Aliidan.

The monster threw the fireball at William, however it missed and burst into the wall, causing mass explosion and obliteration of that said wall. It continues to shoot fireballs that once again, destroyed the walls that it had hit, but William had made his way back to Aliidan safetly. "We better get out of here," He tiredly pants.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 11:30 am

Aliidan nodded and got up from her place on the ground.
"Yes... this is getting too darned creepy, lets get out of here... Hey, where's George?" Aliidan said, noticing that George wasn't around, the cry of an eagle was suddenly heard, echoing in the swampy ruin...
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 1:01 pm

William almost noticed the disappearance of the eagle, who seemed too observant and careful to separate it from the rest of the group, especially it’s master, Aliidan. “We should go save it, even if it’s dangerous, we were asked to get that gem, but... if anything happens, we shouldn’t continue further, we should head back and condemn this mission a failure.” As the monsters from before scurried along, looking for Will and co, William jumps up and axe kicks one as it wandered past the group. Knocking it out, he had hoped to destroy each monster, one-by-one, by picking them off.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 1:16 pm

Aliidan nodded and was just about to move when another cry from George was heard and the eagle came swooping down on them, carrying something in his claws...
"George! There you are!" Aliidan called out with glee "What do you have there..?" Aliidan asked as she held out her hands to receive whatever item it was that George had found. A new staff, lighter, longer and more durable than her old one. "oooh, a karate stick!" Aliidan said with glee, making George face-palm in mid air.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 10:08 pm

Will chuckled at Aliidan's sense of 'humour'. "I wonder if the scream attracted the monsters where George was previously, maybe we could get around more easily?" There was one thing though, that ball of light seems ominously odd. He noticed some were still catering the ball about six-hundred meters away, so if they avoided that ball of light, things would most likely go well.

Walking onwards, he wondered where the stone golem was. There had to be some hint or some idea on where it should be. Especially when it’s a massive monster.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 11:14 pm

Aliidan, her new pristine (surprisingly) staff at the ready, followed will, summoning a small glowy-ball of magic (a very, very basic spell for Aliidan's class) in the palm of her hand to help her see better. After a few minutes of walking the duo (or Quartet if you count the helpers) came upon a high wall, coated with images... "Ooh. Neat, Aiyah." Aliidan exclaimed quietly "Looks like... One of those ancient recording walls they talked about in class a few years back, You remember? Or was that one of the classes you didn't take?" Aliidan asked will as she paced along the wall, trying to make out the images on said wall "Okay... as far as I can see... There is... A battle...? And A mage doing something... to a pile of rocks? Next we have... A walking pile of rocks? Strange. The Walking Pile of Rocks smashes some... something, too eroded to make out. Looks to me like a recording of the Ashanti, one of the first magic castes to master Golemology... And next we have... A piece of text? "War against Laputa 2000 BC?" ..... Aiyah! We've stumbled upon a archeological gold mine!" Aliidan exclaimed, flailing her arms in excitement. "This wall could hold the entire history of the Ashanti Caste! Do you realize what this means???" Aliidan asked, her eyes shining.
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Swampy Beast - Golems Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swampy Beast - Golems Gate   Swampy Beast - Golems Gate EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 11:17 pm

William obviously didn’t know what it means, as he was too dense to. He shook his head, expecting a scowl of disappointment. “Of course,” He squiggles his way out of the embarrassment, nodding rather profoundly. This area did seem odd, as it was covered with a swamp, buried very far underneath, only having a staircase cave to make contact with the outside world. He didn’t actually take any history lessons; ever. It bored him too much.

He did notice that there was a mage that triumphed or created a large golem, which is what they’re currently hunting. He wasn’t sure if it was defeating or creating the golem, but historical context didn’t really matter. History may repeat itself, as people say.
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