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 Peace, calm, tranquility, violence

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PostSubject: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 3:59 am

Mortimer lay down on the small island which lie towards the center of the lake. It was small only about 3 meters long and 9 meters wide. The soil was sandy though a few sparce blades of grass had managed to dig themselves a home on this miniscule island. The sun rose in the sky to midmorning, a solitary cloud rolled over head passing the sun and casting a shadow across this pristine natural paradise. The lake was ringed by a small sandbar, before the earth turned to sod and grass and wild flowers grew, forming a natural meadow around the pristine lake. In turn surrounding this meadow were concentric rings of trees, leading steadily up hill. Dryed leaves caked the forest floor but as one traveled further the altitude increased. Eventually leading to rocky snowy mountain range, which formed an oval around the valley.

All this natural wonder and in the center of it (well okay not the center, but fairly close to it) lay the sleeping Mortimer C. Graves, taking his usual 11:00 a.m. nap. He involuntarily rolled on his side and faced the cabin he and his comrades were building. It was a quaint number, sitting on the very edge between the meadow and the forest. Two stories tall (though it had only one floor and a sleeping loft above it), they had just installed the new generator. Well... it wasn't so much a generator as it was a complex series of magical circles and runes placed on the roof so as to capture the morning sunlight and convert it into magical energy for use in their appliances. (It has taken Mortimer forEVER to get that array just right and he was quite certain he would die if someone destroyed all of the hard work he had put into it.)

Still Mortimer was waiting for the ones he had invited to this little spot. He had much to do and wanted to be well rested for when they arrived. He had hoped that the 25meter swim would give him a few extra minutes of sleep before the others arrived and he began his busy busy day.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 4:54 am

Taurou had just finished his morning run and stopped at the cabin for a drink and a change into something more fitting, and easier to dry when he goes for the swim to get to master. He wore his normal boots but instead of his normal slacks, he wore slacks with runes on the inside of his knees. They would keep his pants dry. He didn't wear a shirt or his gloves, but kept his ring on. Without his shirt, it revealed quite a few scars on his chest, and one big one the went from his shoulder to the middle of his chest.

He dove into the water. Holy $#%@ it's cold!! He yelled in his mind. He brought his head out of the water and inhaled deeply shaking his head to get the wet hair out of his eyes. He found his direction to master's little island fairly quickly and he started his swim. Thirteen minutes later he came out of the water onto the small beach. He rubbed his shoulder, it was throbbing. He looked down at his hands and almost forgot the shadows that still covered his forearms. He remembered that day when he met his Master. He chuckled and walked to where his master was sleeping.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 5:23 am

Mortimer could hear footsteps on the sandy hill. He had hopex he could get in another five minutes... but then again he always wanted another five minutes. Sitting up from his trance like sleep he yawned and stretched blearily before standing up completely. Moving over to his apprentice he unspun the shadows attached to his arms. They had sat there long enough and had absorbed enough of his magical energy in time to become nearly permanent. The boys arms had healed by now. But strangely enough they remained black. From now on Mortimer would be sure to not leave them on for so long. Still, black arms aside he was perfectly healthy.

"Now, for the past couple of days I have let you wear my shadows. However these were only meant as training wheels. You may not have realized it but any object which I create with shadow has increased power behind it. Now you must supply your own power. I am going to teach you the most versitile spell in existance, saggitta magica. Now memorize this incantation" Mortimer pulled out a small paperback textbook, the kind which would have been used by middleschool magic users. In it the page for saggita magica was bookmarked and ready to be memorized. Once this was done the real fun would begin.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 5:31 am

Taurou looked at his arms at where the shadows had been only minutes before. It still looked like he had them on, but his arms felt heavier than before. He took the book from his master and set to it that he memorized the incantation for saggitta magica. It took him but minutes to memorize it. He looked up at master, but he was gone.

The hell? Taurou said to himself standing up, looking around the tiny little island. There was no sign of him. He inhaled deeply and took one more, long look at the book. He then stowed it in his pocket and repeatedly spoke the incantation to himself while slowly looking over the small island.

Where did you go, master...
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 5:40 am

Unbeknownst to his pupil Mortimer was still there... just not in the form his pupil expected. Circling high above was a swarm of small bat like shadows, though to the casual observer they would seem like a normal bunch of bats (save that it was daytime). The best way to test someones ability was to actually put them in danger, and noow was a perfect time to do that. Spinning once,then twice the bats which made up Mortimer dive bombed Taurou, squeeking all the way down in an attempt to claw, bite, beat and scratch him. Those which were incapacitated by the boy would accumulate on the island while the rest would fly up and move in for another similar attack. There was only one way which the newcomer could hope to defeat him considering his state... Mortimer just hoped the kid would figure it out before he ran out of bats. This form was harder to maintain than most people thought.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 5:49 am

Taurou heard the squealing of the bats as they dove towards him. He realized he was being tested, but Master's tests were always excruciatingly painful. He dove out of the way from the bats' initial dive and started chanting Poen a dioddefaint 11 spiritus fulgoris coentes sagittet inimicum! And he fired off 11 arrows of lightning towards the bats. He knew that this was a test about how well he memorized the spell. It was a new spell so three of the arrows faltered and two of them blew up. One of them just veered out of the way of the bats and he cursed under his breath.

He crossed his arms and braced himself for the pain that was about to come from the multiple bat bites and scratches that were about to come, seeing as how he missed a few of them.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:02 am

Umi wandered off to some sort of desert island, once again without Yoko guarding him, in search of Mortimer. They would periodically keep tabs on one another and would meet whenever they found themselves in the same place, this time it was to discuss they're latest adventure and a few business things, but Umi was shocked to find not just Mortimer, but some other kid.

"Hey kid, can you get Mortimer for me? His shadows are everywhere, but i cant find him"

Umi ESP'd the guy standing across from him. He was pretty pure, not much battle experience and very little malice in him, from the twitchy nature of his body, he could sense that he used....Lightning Magic, and from the level of lightning spirits in the air, he could tell he used a Sagitta Fulgoris.

"Good spell that Sagitta Magica..."
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:09 am

As soon as Taurou had braced himself for the attack, he heard a strange voice in his head which screwed up his concentration and opened him up for the strikes that the bats were inevitably going to land on him. He cursed and tried darting out of the way, but the island was too small for him to dodge the bats.

He felt the bats' teeth sink into his arms and scratch at his chest. Taurou growled in pain and swatted them away, again chanting Poen a dioddefaint 7 spiritus fulgoris coentes sagittet inimicum! This time he focused more on the incantation than the bats and none of the arrows blew up or went askew. The spell took down half a dozen bats and the other arrow missed and dissipated in the air.

He looked around for the source of the voice while the bats regrouped and readied for another attack. He spied a man on the mainland and realized what the man had said. Before the bats could strike him he yelled out: Master! Someone is here for you!
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:25 am

Umi observed the Kid's failed Sagitta Magica and took note of what he was doing wrong, and automatically formed a training method for the kid.

"Look, i see what your problem is you dont have nearly enough control, and from looking at your body, i can tell your prefer close combat, so this Sagitta Magica long-range spell wont come naturally for you, even if it's a basic one. From what i can tell, Morti-kun wants you to beat his bats, and you wont be able to efficiently at the rate your going, i'll teach you a little trick, a sort of a pre-spell, spell to make things easier until you get it:

Aim to create only 1 or 3 missiles, they're easier to use than 11, using the terms [unus or tres] and focus them directly around your body, easy because you dont have a barrier. and then allow them to ride along your fist through punches or kicks, i call it 'Full Contact Magic' this way you'll be accurate and pack a good punch until you can make them easily, which should take maybe 48 hours to get"
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:31 am

Mortimer was miffed to say the least but he was not exactly surprised that Umi had come there. Somehow the water mage always seemed to find him no matter where he was. What's more Umi still gave off that dark corrupting aura. Oh well, Mortimer thought as he spiraled down to his fallen counterparts. The bats coallesced into a fully formed human though a few wisps of darkness still trailed behind Mortimer as part of his still forming trench coat.

Mortimer turned to see Umi rising out of the lake, he still couldn't get used to Umi's aquatic appearance and white hair after all this time. Taking a deep breath he began the introductions. "Taurou, this is Umi, a colleague of mine. Umi, this is is Taurou, my third apprentice. Taurou if you would, I would appreciate if you continue practicing the basics of saggitta magica. There are plenty of fish in this lake, I suggest you start there. Umi and I have a great many things too... discuss and I would appreciate if you did not evesdrop on our conversation."

Mortimer hoped that Taurou would be tempted to listen in now that he had actually mentioned it. He needed to talk with Umi and he hoped his student would be able to observe Umi without being totally corrupted by him the way most would in a normal conversation. Mortimer faced Umi "so tell me what is first on this ever growing agenda of ours?"

Last edited by Alberio on Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:40 am

(Dude i dont always give off a corrupting evil aura.... I dont murder people...)

"Well first off, imma need all of your money in order to purchase something off the black market, It'll benefit us once we begin our current operation.

Second, I have come up an organization system to the Ryu-ju-go. You will be the commander of the Research Division, and in celebration of this event, i have brought you this."

Umi took from his backpack a small earpiece, handing it to Mortimer, he took out another one and placed it in his ear, pressing the side, it activated and they continued the conversation in telepathy.

"The latest thing i created, the Incom, a device that sends direct telepathic signals to the people who own similar ones, it cant be jammed by interference and operates through magic signatures, meaning i can contact you directly even if someone else is trying to listen."
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:44 am

Taurou seemed disappointed that his master ended the training there. So, he moved to the edge of the island and looked at the water, picking a couple of fish to target. He was far enough, but not far enough to miss what his master and the newly arrived "Umi" were speaking of. He was always curious when it came to magic.

Poen a dioddefaint tres spiritus fulgoris coentes sagittet inimicum! Taurou said focusing the magic arrows around him. Spheres of lightning appeared around him and he focused them on his fist. They all morphed together into one sphere and he punched it in the direction of the fish. The arrows flew into the water with a sizzling splash and struck two of the three fish. The fish he missed smoothly dodged his arrow. It looked up at him as if mocking him and he cursed it. He sent off one more arrow, quietly chanting the incantation to himself because master and Umi suddenly stopped speaking. He thought they were just being quiet.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:57 am

(You give it off around loe level chars. And the corruption stems from your dark alignment and overpowered magic. Thus making your aura corrupting without you realising it)

Fitting the earpiece in Mortimer continued to "speak" with Umi telepathically.

"You know I have been meaning to ask you this for a while now... why exactly did you up and decide to destroy everlast. Nore to the point why is it that you insist on taking out the government? What is your motivation for doing these things in the first place?"

Mortimer turned to face his apprentice "Good, now I want you to try using three seperate arrows, and as a little hint, don't try and form them all around your body, focus your magic at a single point to start out with, then fire them out from there without letting them converge. It is much simpler and will allow you to converge them together faster than if you just let all the magic hang around you."

Mortimer turned back to Umi. "Also I want to know what it is you actually plan on doing if you actually succeed in topling the government, what then?"
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 7:07 am

Nodding, Taurou looked back in the water at a small school of fish. He was dying to find out what they were talking about, but it wasn't relevant to him right now. He muttered Poen a dioddefaint tres spiritus fulgoris coentes sagittet inimicum, once more. But this time, he focused them all around his right fist, where his magic conductor ring was. Three small spheres appeared there around his fist and he exhaled slowly. He focused on the small school now. He pulled back his fist and punched towards the water. The arrows flew away from his hand and into the water once more. And yet again he heard the sizzling sound as the magic lightning sped through the water.

Success! The three arrows pierced three different fish. They all floated belly up to the surface of the water. Taurou let out a quiet cheer under his breath and looked at his master. He was still staring at Umi, his arms crossed. Taurou was SO curious.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 7:19 am

(No Al, that's even worse... Focus on a single point but dont let them converge just makes it even harder, i told him to focus them around his body so they form naturally as he emits magic. And Al, i dont corrupt people anymore, thats what my old body did, this was does not do that.)

"Well Everlast was destroyed for two reasons: One was to take out Rose, her artifact would allow us to be tracked no matter where we were, and as wanted criminals, we cant have that. And it's a MM-run facility, and most of those mages end up falling into the army. If i can stop their magical education right now, it'll be less resistance in the future.

And i chose MM as my enemies for a reason: Justice. MM is a sickening reminder that the Magic Race is still treated as underclass by the government through their overwhelming firepower and political power. They fund Arm's Dealers, Assassins, and allowed Slavery to exists for hundreds of years and to ensure nobody can stand against them. The Preators also funded the Jusanbutsu, they had found our bounties and were prepared to sell us out to them for the high reward.
They are a power hungry group, and deserve to be brought down for their misdeeds. If these humans seek to bring down the magical world, then we must stop them!

Towards the end Umi got a little hazy on what he was saying, but he figured he said everything given Mortimer's reaction.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 7:27 am

Out of breath and out of energy, Taurou sat down on the water soaked beach. He looked at master who looked astonished at something Umi said. Taurou looked at the water rubbing his scarred shoulder. There were a few dozen fish floating there and another dozen or so fish dead under water. He stood up, figuring master would want him to try once more when his arms felt as if they were on fire. He let out a yelp and thrust them into the water. it didn't do anything but soak his arms. He took them out of the water and cradled his arms in his lap, obviously in agony.

After the pain had disappeared mostly, he sat up staring at his arms. There were small etchings on the shadows that his master had put on him. He wiped away the tears that accumulated in the corners of his eyes and looked at master and Umi. What the hell happened?
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 4:13 pm

"Okay, so I get that you think they're corrupt but let me ask you this Umi, if you take them down are you ready to live with the consequences? It's the fucking government were talking about which means they're involved in EVERYTHING, bad and good. If you are going to take them down are you ready for the calamity which will ensue? Infrastructure, medicine, the economy,wellfare, adoption, law enforcement. All these and about a million other things are run by or involved with the government. If you really do want to take it down, then you have to be ready for everything they support to come down with them. Public works projects, maintaining order, healthcare... these things will end with the Praeteum. Are you really willing to have every good thing in addition to every bad thing they've done get obliterated because you've generalized the idea that EVERYONE in the government is evil?"

Mortimer looked over to his student. Patterns had formed on his arms. The shadow seemed to have formed a natural lattice from its formation, leaving deep imprints while the rest was just dust. They were practically tattoos. Mortimer would have loved to study them but as things stood his apprentice was exhausted and he had other things to deal with. "Taurou, please rest. There is no need to push yourself when your limit is reached. It's... unhealthy. Please take a break and we will resume in an hour or so."

Mortimer looked back at Umi. He hoped he could get the man to see reason. Yes reforms needed to be made but to Mortimer this just didn't seem to be the right way. "And whats more, when the government has been toppled. IF it can be, what will you do then hm? Will you set yourself up as ruler of the magical world? Will you become a tyrant and rule as you see is just. What reason can you give me that you won't become just as corrupt if not MORE corrupt than those in power now. Or will you just walk away when this is all done, act like a spoiled child and leave a destroyed world in your wake? Break everything and then leave the adults to clean it all up? So which is it then. Make yourself a dictator or be a child? WHICH IS IT?!!!"
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 5:19 pm

Taurou nodded when his master told him to rest. He was exhausted and in pain, and really needed sleep. Unfortunately, sleep almost never takes him, so he just laid down, panting in exhaustion and pain. He looked over at master who was still keeping eye contact with Umi. Telepathy? He wondered. He shrugged, too tired to be curious. He just laid there staring at the sky.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:23 pm

"Medicine? Military? Law Enforcement? I have all the information on any achievement MM has made in my Archive Interface, and i have you to improve them, even as it is, the underlying causes of racism, prejudice and corruption wont get removed if we improve the standard of living in the Confederacy, that is why i have Ryu-gu-jo. I plan on having our organization take over once we're done, if we do indeed beat them, we have better military, if no one is injured, we have better medicine, if everyone remains equal citizens, then our laws are better, if only the criminals are arrested, the Law Enforcement is better. I dont care about whether they are doing the right or wrong thing, as a whole they are aiding the discrimination of societies they should have no control over. How do you think the Confederacy gained control? through military might.

After another moment of confusion, Umi returned to what he was originally saying.

"And to be honest. I dont plan on taking over the government, it's not my thing, i will have two individuals that take over the praetor's spots, and have Ryu-gu-jo take over the government. After that, i will just cede the land to Ostia and allow them to deal with it however they want"

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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:44 pm

Mortimer wanted to say something. Anything. To refute Umi. But he knew that anything he thought would be pointless. And so he merely turned to his student. "Now let us examine those markings shall we? Umi what do you make of these?[/b]" Mortimer said as he kneeled by his student and closely observed the markings.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:51 pm

Taurou sat up begrudgingly and held out his arms for master and his friend to examine them. They were burning but he wanted to know what happened to his arms, so he endured the pain.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:56 pm

"I believe your magic's are both reacting to each other, wait let me help him, he's seems almost dead..."

Umi took up a seat on the ground to examine the patterns, he then noticed the kid was in pain, and brought out his healing spell to help him

"GeroGero! Agite jovis alatum, Sanare

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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 6:59 pm

Taurou winced as the magic cleared his pain. He wasn't on excruciating pain anymore, but his arms still stung. Uhm, Umi-san.. I think the pain in my arms is coming from the weird etchings... he was clearly doing his best to keep his voice under control and his arms started shaking. The symbols glowed and he bit his lip to keep himself from yelling out in pain. They grew slightly, as if reacting to Umi-san's magic.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 7:05 pm

Observing the arms, Mortimer rubbed them slightly, removing granules of shadow in the process. Black lines had appeared on his arms and coursed all around it. They seemed like bolts of lightning, the kind you would see in the sky striking the earth. Jagged and lined, not cleaned up or pretty. The blackness was contrasting with his natural skin tone. But right now Mortimer couldn't tell if these were permanent or even an influence on his apprentice rather than merely aesthetic discolorations. Letting Umi's healing spell wash over his apprenitce Mortimer asked"Where does it hurt more, here[/b]" poking the unblackend skin "Or here" poking the lightning bolts.
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PostSubject: Re: Peace, calm, tranquility, violence   Peace, calm, tranquility, violence EmptySat Nov 27, 2010 7:10 pm

Taurou hissed in pain as Master poked the lightning bolt symbol. There. That's where it hurts. His arms felt like they were going to catch fire any second. He looked between Master and Umi-san and looked back down at his arms. What the hell was going on with him? First he's hit unconscious by that water-demon, now his arms had a burning magic symbol on them. What next?
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