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 Queen of Beauty

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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 11:03 pm

Ayra was outright furious as she continued reading the request paper. She turned to Umi and Yoko and begins reading out the mission for them to hear, too. "An enemy of absolute beauty that none could surpass in that category. She has destroyed our crops, killed our people, we request that you destroy this ultimate beauty. She is called the Vesperia Queen Bee, the strongest and most rarest type of bee to come, please restrain her from destroying our small civilization." Ayra slightly sobs, reading the horrible news to Umi.

"Don't you see the problem...? There's something considered more beautiful than me!!" Ayra delivers the horrible news, as they continue walking to the Queen's hideout, a big honey comb.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 2:07 am

Mortimer seemed to appear behind Ayra as he said that. Then again he probably did appear just like that. But that was beside the point now. Ahead Mortimer saw the behive, a massive honey-combed structure which seemed like a skyscraper. Then again, it was more like a castle really. Honycomb towers and balconies sttuck out of it, with large anthropomorphic bee guards standing tall. They wore armor which covered their face and and upper bodies and thighs. Just above the knees their legs morphed into that of a bees, though they still maintained the beelike stinger tail at their waists. Glossy wings stuck through the back of the armor and each of the "guards" held a spear shaped like a stinger of some kind. Mortimer could tell they were enchanted somehow but couldn't tell exactly.

Worker bees buzzed in and out of it constantly buzzing, carrying large pots of pollen and nectar. The workers seemed different from the guards. They were more... insect like. Their features were much more bee-like than the guard, their lhuman legs terminated sooner, their arms seemed to have more insect like bends to them and their bodies were more rounded like an actual bee's, not curved like a humans.

Mortimer could understand why they built their hive here. What with all the giant flowers around it was the perfect place for gigantic semi-anthropomorphic bees.

"Please don't tell me we need to destroy that beehive?" He asked in a pleading tone.

OOC; Hope you don't mind me helping you with this. Just thought I could help. Feel free to have me delete this. Also, Umi, feel free to jump in any time.

Last edited by Alberio on Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 2:17 am

(Nope, go away you Pactio-Whore...)

Umi was back. He had received a rather wonderful gift on his last escapade and was free of the USOW's control, Yoko was a lot more cheerful, and they had come up with new uniforms too. :)

"Sounds rather dangerous, I think this will require your exorcism gear Yoko.."

Umi sat outside of the beehive, enjoying the view, while Yoko ran off to gather up all of his materials.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 1:32 pm

(If you want, Al.)

Ayra smiled cutely at Umi, finding his love complication with Yoko quite 'cute'. Of course, she didn't mind interrupting it, or having them fight over her-- but she had never had a good experience with homosexuals. She didn't mind them though, as long as they appreciated Ayra's looks, she's happy.

"I guess so~ better be more prepared than not," She replies to Umi, then turning to Mortimer. He was right, there were a lot of enemies and the giant beehive was a major casualty. They had to do this correctly or suffer consequences... but Ayra was determined to kill this queen bee. "My magic should still work on the male bee workers." She nods, practicing her boob bouncing abilities as an attraction towards males. She let the guys lead her, as they're supposed to for such a cute, 'innocent' girl like Ayra.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 11:05 pm

Mortimer wasn't sure how well Ayra would be able to handle this mission. She was a deception artist and worked best when she manipulated her male opponents to her advantage. Mortimer understood that even he was subject to her charm magic and probably wouldn't be able to defeat her if it came to a fight (curse his heterosexuality) but Mortimer wondered how her magic would fair in this situation.

Mortimer was unsure as to how Ayra would act in this situation. Not only were they approaching a den of spear wielding anthropomorphic bees, but that all of them (save for the drones in the queens inner-sanctum) were female.

Umi should have a plan, Mortimer thought... Should being the key term there.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 2:28 am

"Well we know what? lets just walk in"

Umi tried to come up with a strategy but was FAR to lazy to come up with a way to enter the hive with the least amount of damage, it appeared that Yoko would be late, so he had decided to leave him as the three mages entered the hive without him.

"If you guys fight, ill back you up Magic Battery-style"
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 12:00 pm

"Alright, let's do this! I'll start the attack, okay?" Ayra lustfully smiles, removing her top and then her skirt and stockings. As male bee workers buzzed past the corner, she confronts them. They quickly raise their spear against her, but dropped their weapon as Ayra pulled off her 'Fabulous Beauty' technique, capturing their hearts. "O' hearts, follow my command, penetrate thy enemy! Seduce Arrow!" Ayra shoots a large arrow the splits into many smaller ones and entrance the workers, as they awfully follow her.

"Shall we continue?" She smiles, leaving her clothes behind as two bee workers, now her servant, follow after her.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 10:54 pm

Mortimer was more than a little surprised that Ayra had managed to seduce them. According to his research there weren't supposed to BE any male worker bees. But then again he had been wrong before.

Ayra's sudden lack of clothes was... distracting. To say the least. Thankfully however he was quickly brought back as he realized the effectiveness with which the bees could be used.

"Ayra, if you can get them to take us in there we can be made o look like prisoners... or tributes or something. Something which gets taken directly to the queen. You think you could get them to do that?"
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyTue Dec 07, 2010 2:52 am

"Its a bee... it doesnt need to know how we arrived there... now lets go"

Flanked by the two bee soldiers that Ayra had charmed, Umi walk with the group towards the innards of the sanctum. He was coming to enjoy her company, she was a refreshing scene in his normally boring day spent arguing with Al, she was very nice and pretty, but Umi was not attracted to, or fell for, her looks in the slightest. Whenever he thought about Ayra being pretty his mind always somehow trailed back to Yoko, so he could not focus for very long on the subject.

"So, how are you guys?"
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 11:48 am

Ayra could tell the obviously competition between the two magicians. Then again, male models she knew also competed like this, then again, what happened in the end? "Hehehe," Ayra giggles simply thinking about what they ended up doing. "I'm quite alright," She acts seductively, pretending to be hot in the tropical honey comb.

"I'll be able to do it Mortimer, but you two have to settle down!" She smiles, riding on the two bee workers, they carried her as she was obviously too lazy to stroll down with the halls. "So how shall we initiate an attack?" She asks, as they go further in, the more enemies appeared and obviously, the more likely to be attacked or even ambushed.

"Let's slay that queen bee!" She shouts filled with jealousy.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 4:19 am

"Alright-y then! you guys attack, i'll back you up, just leave the defenses to me!"

Umi took his staff and held it in front of him, with a snap of his fingers he opened up his barriers to their maximum level, allowing him to defend against pretty much any attack, but would not be able to keep it up for long. He had maybe 10 minutes at full power before they would have to be closed again, but in the meantime Umi prepped his support spells
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 12:32 pm

The queen bee that they were targeting was more than likely further in, however there were a lot of workers buzzing around casually, carrying items and such as they were on lookout. "Riiiight, well I'm not into bestiality! So don't expect me to do anything special with these monsters..." Ayra flicks her wrist casually, ordering the two workers she entranced with her beauty to create havoc.

She watched as the two workers began picking a fight with other bees, causing a massive brawl. Their undistinguished characteristics made it hard for even bees of the same species to tell each other apart. "Ready or not, let's go~" She adjusts her bra, "Ta ta ta ta ta, O' hearts, follow my command, penetrate thy enemy! Heart Storm!" She shoots the enemy with the sharp-side of the hearts, aiming to injure them by cutting them or piercing their skin.

She heard their stingers were deadly, or at least dangerous. The poison causes stinging throughout the body, but it's nothing fatal or lethal.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 5:01 pm

With Ayras loud outburst and Umis' blatent barriers, it was no surprise that the trio drew attention. "Nooooo, we couldn't have waited to actually GET to the innersanctum BEFORE we started drawing attention to ourselves. NO that's just too EASY isn't it" Mortimers voice driping with aggrivation and sarcasm. Drawing his cane Mortimer encanted the spell, " Enter the Eternal, Exorior phasmatis ut habito in meus animus , tribuo mihi macies umbra redimio contego". Calling forth a black shroud to defend himself.

Umis barriers were poerful but Mortimer wasn't going to leave things to chance. The anthropomorphic bees were begging to organize themselves despite the large confusion. FOur guard bees stood astride the central hall, leveling thier spears at the party before firing bolts of magical energy from their tips. Bobing and weaving, in addition to the facimle of protection brought on by his shrouds and the greater protection of Umis barriers, Mortimer rushed the bee guards, performing a baseball slide as he got close, drawing the hidden blade from within his cane and slashing at their legs all the while praying he wouldn't get hit.

Mortimer figured that this big hall was obviously meant to go somewhere important, hopefully it would lead them to the queen if they just kept following it... hopefully. There were still swarms of semi-humanoid bees, many of which were armed. It might be a while before they could cut through the swarm.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 1:33 am

"My barriers are for me.... this is for you Gero Gero, Jovis corpus, precari nos dare nostrum sociae cum tolere, Dolore Tolerus

Giving Ayra a healthy dose of magic, it powered up her defense enough to withstand the bees attacks for quite awhile, and now that they were buffed up, Umi sat back and watched the fighting happen. He sat on the floor, surrounded by his barriers and watched as Mortimer and Ayra fought the bee soldiers, and thought how fun this would be if Yoko was here.....
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 1:39 am

"Thanks, sweetie." She flaunts her body, as her endurance was spiked up incredibly. This man was an incredible mage and it'd be very good to use him all up to the best of her abilities. The problem was, he's homosexual. There's nothing wrong with that, but... it made things harder for Ayra.

"But, I'm not a fighter... what do you expect me to do?!" She argues, shooting another bee down with her hearts. Her magic wasn't very offensive, so it'd be up to Umi and Mortimer to do more of the damage.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 1:49 am

Mortimer continued hacking and lashing at the enemies, occasionally maiming or killing one of them as they pressed further in. They had about ten more meters to go before they reached those ominous honey-comb pattern doors at the end. Shundoing the last part, Mortimer stuck his cane in the door and made to pry it open. Hopefully Ayra would be able to distract the rest of the bees long enough. He thought he felt some stings as he pulled but was too concentrated on the door to pay attention to them.

At last he yanked the door open, displaying the ineer sanctum. He just hoped Ayra would find what she was looking for.

(OOC; Ayra, you get to choose what the inner sanctum and queen look like)
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 1:59 am

Ayra continued to shoot a few bees down, aiming for their wings and watched Mortimer yank the door open as the narrow hall widened, as the door revealled a large dome shaped room. A large, royal throne stood towering over everyone else, as a beautiful woman with bee-like features sat condescendingly, peering down at the group. There was something different about her, she seemed… just like a human. In fact, it would seem she once was a human who was forced to go through an antimorphism mutation.

"So there’s the person that says… she’s more beautiful than me." Ayra grunts, then again, it would even show to be true. She had beautiful green hair and the bee mutation on her, showing a giant stinger, similar to wasps and bee-like wings that caused her to flutter in the air beautifully… how could Ayra compare? Either way, she was going down.

Looking around, there were also ten manly bee workers, most likely stronger than the one’s from before. They idealized the queen, making her look superior to everyone else. The queen was crowned in jewellery, and because the area hadn’t got much attention to it, people would more than likely fixate their eyes on her instead. As Ayra blinked, having a hateful stare at the woman, she disappeared completely, appearing behind Mortimer aiming to attack him with quick speed. The other ten macho bee workers also charged forward aiming to attack the three mages.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 2:15 am

"Ooh! How interesting.. i wish i could study these bees more... whatever, Paries Maxima"

Bringing out the full potential of his barriers, Umi charged forward and absorbed the attacks of about 8 of the bee soldiers, with them attack his nigh impenetrable barrier, Ayra and Al could fight the queen while he backed them up. Now that their flimsy bee spears were braking on the strength of his barriers, he would be able to summon up his water spirit powers, if he could manage it.

"With no USOW backing me up anymore, this is gonna waste my magic reserves in a few minutes... Water Body Spirit Claw!"
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 8:52 am

Ayra watched in awe as Umi dominated the bee workers. She knew he was strong, but not this strong. To be honest, though she didn't have any problem with homosexuals, she hated how people didn't pay attention to her. "Hey, why don't we do it?" She asks mischievously, seductively flirting.

"I'll help you out, if you help me out. You like that idea? Just like partners." She says with a sickly smile.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyWed Dec 15, 2010 4:16 am

"Oh, i already have a partner and he'd be mad if talked to you...but if want to be my ministra, that sounds like fun!"

Umi started clobbering the bee workers with his Ocean Spirit powers, his gnarled claw slashing at the bees bodies while he did it, he finished them off easily, the spinning motion he incorporated into his attacks shatter the bees shells, with there shells broken, the bees fled in fear of more damage. With his job done, Umi transmuted his claw back into an arm, and settled down to watch both of them fight the queen

"Whew~! At least i didnt have to kill these ones, im out of magic, so you guys can handle these guys right?"
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyWed Dec 15, 2010 4:49 am

Honestly Mortimer was not too happy about the situation. He could feel the magic aura peeling off the queen. It was... life gibing for this hive. Inside of the honeycombs on the wall were hundreds of bee-larvae feeding off of the honey which encased them and the queens raw energy which was feeding them.

This queen was... a mother. He had heard the rumors about the queen terrorizing the nearby town but somehow Mortimer felt like she had a good reason for it. As the queen hovered above them she didn't look down on the group with hatred or disgust, it was... disapproval. Even though they had killed so many of her workers she looked down on them as if they were children who were misbehaving.

Mortimer looked around for anything which might be a suitable alternative. He could attack the honey combs, but that would just anger the workers and summon even more to the hives center. He could simply walk away right now... but then again he might be pursued and Ayra would simply call him back with her powers. Attacking the queen directly was out of the question, so long as she was inside the hive she could draw on all the energy stored in the honey which lined the walls. Not to mention the workers who would easily die to protect her, or kill to defend her. No, in this place the queen was almost as powerful as Umis' patron, the Ultimate spirit of water.

Mortimer saw now that the only reason they had been let in was because the Queen had willed it. The queen could have, at any time killed them all or empowered her workers to kill them for her. No, she wanted them here. But for whatever reason Mortimer couldn't fathom.

Come on, come on! There has to be a way out of this! Eyes darting around like rubber balls, Mortimer looked for something, anything which could tip the tide in their favor. After several more seconds of eye sprints, Mortimer saw it. Sitting next to the queens thrown in what looked like a chilled champagne bottle, sat the queens sustenance. Mortimer cocked his head back towards Ayra and asked her one of the most important questions she would ever hear. She didn't know it at the time but this question could very well change her life. "Ayra, which is more important to you, being beautiful or being human?"
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyWed Dec 15, 2010 8:27 am

"Eh? I didn't mean it like that, Umi-baka." She pushes him aside, "But, a provisional contract? Sure." She licks her lips, as she avoids a flying spear at her. She noticed the queen didn't seem phased by their obvious winning streak. She arched her head towards Mortimer, as he seemed to be the one to figure out intelligent plans. "I'm ready when you are, Umi." She says to Umi as her last words to him before she gives him her lips.

However, before she could speak, she was rudely interrupted... the difference was, the question struck her heart. She didn't let it show on her face, or her expression, but she has always been slightly effected by these kinds of things. She wondered if she lived her life properly, she always had an unfortunate sensation while having sexual intercourse and though she likes having sex and kissing, she never considered it the right thing to do.

"I-I want to look... beautiful...?" She sounded unsure, as she stared at the queen. The queen hadn't laid a single finger against Ayra, so maybe Ayra could defeat her. "But... for once, maybe its good to be human... So, how about both...?" She asks Mortimer, stopping her body flaunting and didn't take note of her make-up or hair.

"Why...?" She asks.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyWed Dec 15, 2010 3:35 pm

"Because right about now there's a bottle of royal jelly sitting next to her throne. Inside of this hive the queen is almost as powerful as the spirit Umi made a contract with. Drinking that jelly should give you the same power she has... for a little while at least. From there it would be up to you to defeat her. But I'll warn you right now, drinking it could have...side effects and I don't know what would happen if you did manage to kill the queen. Consider this very carefully Ayra, you can either become like her and become the queen of the hive... or we can leave right now and you can be hapy that you are the most beautiful human alive."
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 8:13 am

"Queen of this hive...? No, I'm too beautiful to do something so lowly... Ya know, being cooped in this hive, you're not really much of a queen from my point of view," She points to the queen as if Ayra was superior.

"That liquid? No, I don't need it... What if it ruins my beautiful complexion? Plus, look at those hips! They're the fattest things I've seen ever, whoever said this girl was more beautiful than me must have been spastic!" Ayra squeels horribly, the guy could have also been into beastiality. She looked at Mortimer, pleased that she didn't have to kill anymore. Then again, her life was completely screwed up, it kind of felt like there was some change in Ayra.

"Umi, come here..." She says kissing him on the lips. "This better work out, if I'm your ministra, you have to protect me!" She says like she was using Umi for her own personal gain, which she may very well be.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Queen of Beauty   Queen of Beauty EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 11:13 pm

"Typically, you protect me, but i shall bestow onto you the power to fulfill your dreams"

Umi began the pactio incantation as he and Ayra entered the circle, he hoped that Al would hold off the bee queen as they entered the ekstasis field and kissed. Umi thought 'this is just ok.." as he was kissing Ayra, after a few moments two cards formed, one for Umi, the other for Ayra.

"There you go. This artifact is pretty rare...enjoy"

Umi only had his barriers left to protect him, so he let his two allies finish them.
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Queen of Beauty Empty
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