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 Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)

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PostSubject: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 4:47 am

After the attack on the school, Sai's old personality had seemed to have changed. He wasn't sure what he should have done, his objective had failed, he hadn't saved half as many people as he would of hoped and it had cost him some of his closest friends, particularly one which he planned on finding soon to make it up to her..

As he was now a fugitive, he had taken up to wearing some more concealing clothing, not that it didn't get him some curious glances, but it did hide his face and that was the main idea. Now though, he had been wandering without purpose throughout the magic world figuring out what he was to do next, currently he was working on a weapon, sitting on a bench with his magic. It was going to be based on one of his current weapons release states, a concealed blade with various mechanisms in place to be able to quickly extend and retract the blade to attack.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 4:58 am

Taurou, walking through the crowded streets, was getting a little... Aggravated about how many people were in this one district. He spotted a curious man with a hood covering his face, on a bench. He walked over and sat on the bench opposite of him. He was watching him work curiously. He had never seen such a weapon and was fascinated. He was going to ask what he was making when there was a click in the strange weapon and a dagger shot out of it, landing with a heavy thunk in the wall behind him.

He would have been skewered by the blade if he hadn't moved his head slightly to the right. The man who was working on the mechanism looked up where the blade had landed and stared.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 5:13 am

(It is a hidden blade silleh, not a blade launcher XP oh well)

He did look up, the blade had impacted with the wall with great force... which really wasn't what he wanted it to do... "Huh... I need to fix that" he mumbled to himself, if Taurou looked back, the blade that had only narrowly missed him would be shimmering slightly as it vanished into the air, into little light particles towards the man. When they got back to him, the reformed back into the blade again and he slotted it back into its proper place while he continued working, not quite noticing that he had probably nearly killed someone, or at the very least seriously injured them.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 5:37 am

(It may not be a launcher, but in the book [I read it cuz i had nothing to read] leo screwed up and the dagger did just that)

Uhm, I'm alright, no need to worry. Taurou was quite fascinated at this man's stupor. He looked like he didn't even notice what had happened because he was so engrossed in his work. Taurou thought real quick, and did what most people would do. Wave his hand infront of the man's face. No reaction. So he took the mechanism from the man to see what he would do.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 5:40 am

Apparently Sai wasn't really in the mood for anything to be annoying him like this, he found it a little annoying actually. But he would continue with his work until suddenly the mechanism was taken from him, he sighed. ”Hand it over” Sai would say, holding out his hand to get his work back, he was getting quite close to having a working weapon and wasn't about to lose track of where he was at.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 5:45 am

Taurou looked at the mechanism with interest. He touched the mechanism with his magic and gave it back. He couldn't get near it with magic. Barrier runes probably. The man went straight back to work and Taurou really wanted to see the finished product so he sat back down and took out an ever present book. Hours later, Taurou finished his book and looked at the man who was nodding at the mechanism.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 12:15 pm

Taking it back and quickly getting back to work, Sai would add more to it, adding a bracer and coloring it similarly to his clothing. Until, quite a while later it was complete. He slipped it over his right hand. As he did this, it seemed to perfectly blend in and really wouldn't even seem to be there, that is until he activated the weapon, and the blade extended from its compartment and looked quite dangerous. ”Excellent.. now, who the hell are you?” he asks, looking across to the person who had taken the thing for a second quite a long time ago, he had quite a patience to still be here.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 4:36 pm

Taurou leaned forward and answered with a blank expression, Someone who's interested in that strange weapon of yours he indicated the concealed blade. What is it for? Killing obviously, but how? You'd have to sneak up on someone to get them with that.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 11:38 pm

"Not true, the blade could be used in any circumstance, I was simply testing the limits of my magic with its design you see” He examined the thing more closely, apparently he was quite impressed with himself this time. It made him wonder what other kind of designs he could make, for now though, he felt it worked quite well.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 11:44 pm

Huh, well... He shrugged and looked up at the sky. There was a shine in the cloudy sky. Hey, can that thing block meteorites? Taurou asked standing up knocking over the bench he was sitting on. The meteorite came closer and it was much bigger than Taurou thought it was. We're screwed he thought to himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyMon Nov 29, 2010 12:00 am

Sai looked up to see the meteorite that he was talking about.. with the whole 'on fire' thing it had going on, it looked quite threatening.. but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He stood up as the bench was drew his bow, and aimed it at the meteor. ”Liberatio!” though he looked mighty strange pointing a bow at a large rock, there was a bright flash of light and when it cleared it would seem it was now some sort of gun, almost like a rifle of some kind. He pulled the trigger twice, and two loud bangs would sound and black energy would fly towards the meteorite... upon impact, it would literally explode, much more manageable pieces of rock would fall down from the sky.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyMon Nov 29, 2010 12:04 am

The dust of the meteorite covered that whole area of town. When the dust cleared, Taurou and Sai were coughing from the inhalation of smoke. When he stopped smoking, Taurou looked around him. They weren't in town anymore. He didn't know where they were at all. He turned to Sai who was still coughing and asked, Where the hell are we?
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyMon Nov 29, 2010 12:10 am

Sai sealed his weapon back into its bow form and then looked around, while brushing various meteor debris off his hood. "I have no idea... got damnit." he wasn't even sure if they were anywhere near the town they had been in a few seconds ago.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyMon Nov 29, 2010 12:18 am

Sighing, Taurou walked around the little clearing in a forest they were in apparently. He looked up and there was no nothing but the tops of trees. He heard rustling in a bush nearby. He shook his head, Cliche move... he said as he walked over to the bush. He kicked it and a bunny ran out. Huh, dinner maybe? He asked looking up at Sai who was dusting his hood off. As Taurou was about to grab the bunny, a bear claw struck at him. He rolled to his right. If he hadn't seen it in his pirephoral vision, he would have lost an arm. Uhm, hey. You want I should kill this, or you? He pointed towards the bear.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 11:48 pm

Sai looked over to the bear attacking.. he seriously pondered if he should even bother stopping the bear at all. But, he decided he had already scarred enough lives without helping defend against that attack.. so he promptly drew he sword and rushed the beast, odd for a mage but it didn't matter. ”liberatio” the sword was gone, and in its place a metallic metal claw gauntlet over his right hand, which he promptly slashed at the beast, causing deep gashes before it could even react.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 11:59 pm

There was a spray of warm, red blood as the bear was struck by Sai's claws. Taurou was impressed at Sai's power, but the bear didn't heed the pain and swatted Sai away, slamming him into a nearby tree. Taurou was caught off-guard as Sai went flying and he dropped to a crouch. Poen a dioddefai- Taurou's activation keywrods were interrupted by a spear of pain through his body. The magic he was charging in his arms to cast Fulgoris Gladius felt like fire running through his arms. He bit his lip till blood trickled down his chin to try and ease the pain, but it was a failed attempt. Forget it! He yelled and used the charged magic in his arm to reinforce his strike with speed, power, and hopefully that black lightning that had appeared on his arms when he focused his magic. He struck the bear and there was a loud BANG sound. The magic in his arm drained and it tingled, as if it was going numb. The lightning arcs were gone and the bear went flying back into the forest. Taurou walked over to Sai and helped him up just in time to see three dark figures appear from the forest and trap him and Sai in chains. He was about to yell out at them, but he felt pain in the back of his head, and his vision went black.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 11:45 am

Sai wasn't exactly 'swatted' away, he was hit, yes, but the actual damage was minimal. He had blocked, but still sent backwards by the bears strength, he was surprised it wasn't actually dead. Landing in the forest, he picked himself up and watched as the other mage attacked the bear and won. Only to walk over... and help up what looked to him like a fallen log... odd. Interested, he watched as hooded men placed a bag over his head and took him off.. again Sai felt like leaving that guy to his fate, but as before, he felt a need to protect everything, so he followed just within distance to watch where they took him, careful not to be seen.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 10:04 pm

Hours later, Taurou woke up in a small cabin in the middle of no where. Literally. There were no trees, no grass, no sand, no water. Nothing. Just flat rock under the cabin. He looked around the cabin and saw: A washroom, with a toilet and sink, a kitchen, with cabinets and such all around the room, and this room. He figured it was a den because it had a sofa and lots of bookshelves. He stood up and walked around the room. His legs felt like rubber, but that gave him a better reason to walk around than to just check out the cabin.

When his legs felt stable under his body weight again, he walked outside. There was nothing, the only things there were was a couple of mountains, and a pile of boulders with a sign on it. He walked over to it and it read: Training Ground of Eternity. Two permitted at one time.
Occupancy, 2.

Two... He didn't see anyone else in this wasteland. So he wandered up to one of the mountains and sat in its shade waiting for the sun to go down.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 11:45 am

Sai had seen Sai had followed the men, they had taken Taurou to some sort of strange place.. he actually couldn't find his way out after moving past the tree line of the forest... well he thought it was a tree line, it seemed like there was nothing behind him now... so it didn't even matter that he had escaped capture, he was still trapped as well. Face palming, he decided he would have to find the guy and plan a way out before they manage to lose themselves completely. He saw a figure moving up the mountains of the desolate area.. two guesses as to who this may be. Sighing, he followed, though at a quicker pace, until he was standing near him as he waited for the sun to set. ”So, you managed to get us trapped here... well done” he comments.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyWed Dec 08, 2010 9:42 pm

How is it my fault? Taurou said turning to Sai. He looked at Sai with anger filled eyes. I don't want to be here as much as you do. He crossed his arms, which were stinging like crazy. The shadows on his arms were emanating those damned black lightning arcs. How he wished he could control them. So what do you think we do here? And before you say "train", I mean, what do we do to get out?
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 1:15 am

"What's going on with your arms?" Sai had only just noticed the arcs of black lightning, which obviously wasn't normal at all. Already he assumed that whatever it was, it became harder to control when its user was losing their temper.. "I suggest, we have a look around before anything else happens." he would continue, turning to go back where he come from, though he stopped at the bottom of the mountain... stumped at what to go do next.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 2:59 am

My arms do this when my emotions show. But they're stronger here than usual. I think this place is messing with the darkness. Taurou laid down, placing his hands behind his head and looking at the sky. The sun was shining brightly, but the stars were completely visible, as if it were the dead of night. One star caught his eye though. It shone as bright as the sun and seemed to get bigger. When he realized it WAS getting bigger, and heading right for him, he spread his legs out and the star slammed into the ground right where his legs were just occupying. His eyes widened when he managed to dodge the star, and when the smoke started to clear, there was a humanoid looking monster. It had the body of a dog, but it stood like a man. It was snarling like a dog when a hostile was near and one of its arms was a long, metal blade. And its left leg was what seemed to be a closed umbrella. Uh.. Hey! Taurou said standing up. He looked over to Sai and pointed to the beast. What the hell is this!?
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySat Dec 25, 2010 3:12 am

You guys done?
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptySat Dec 25, 2010 3:17 am

[No, Sai hasn't responded yet is all... >.>;;]
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PostSubject: Re: Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!)   Lost (For Pyoh!! PM TO JOIN!) EmptyTue Jan 18, 2011 9:21 pm


Ryooooo >>
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