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 Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)

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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:09 am

There Emi was, salvaging electronics and other stuff to make herself a permanant home with... When she felt the vibrations of footsteps coming closer. She quickly took cover, looking out curiously. Azurath was perched in a nearby tree, watching the scene. He was always like this when Emi salvaged stuff, he preferred watching from afar.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:19 am

"Where could I be going? Ugh, I hate getting lost." Aeon said to himself. He took out his map and looked at it for a moment, then, deciding it was useless, shoved it back into his side pouch. Reaching for his canteen, he took a swig of water. "Refreshing!"
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:24 am

Emi smiled, her crow mount Azurath getting the signal almost instantly and flying over so she could get on him... Then she directed him to perch close to the lizardman... Enough so he could claerly see her. "Hate getting lost, hmm? Good thing you stunmbled across me then... I doubt there's anyone who knows this area better... Of course, my guidance does come at a price. Not nessicarily in cash, you can barter or do me a favor later." Azurath cawed, and Emi frowned at him. "Hey, it was your idea for me to settle down in one area." She said, then turning back to the lizard-man. "You may call me Emi, and the crow is my best friend Azurath. You are?"
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:33 am

"Hmm?" Aeon looked at the tiny little hybrid. He roared with hearty laughter. "Ahahaha! How..." he put his finger out for her to jump on, so that they could take face to face. "Cute." He smiled. "That would be a great help, little Emi. My names Aeon."
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:38 am

Emi jumped onto Aeon's finger rather skillfully. "A lot of people say that, really. Well... Those that don't scream and run or worse..." She shook her head, switching subjects. "Nice ta meetcha... So where would you like to go then?" Azurath cawed again, to which emi turned to him momentarily. "Oh, shove off you silly bird. You don't know what you're talking about." It was clear from the was Emi and Azurath interacted with each other that they knew each other very well.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:41 am

"Well, I'm supposed to go to some school. Evenlight? No...Everlast! Yeah, that's right. Know where that is?" He looked her straight in the eye, as much as he could anyway. "You and that bird are like kin, huh?"

Meanwhile, in the bushes far away, something lurked. It was quiet, and careful not to be detected.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:46 am

"That place is kinda in ruins now... Dunno all the details, but my friend William does... And I dunno my way to that place either, but William would be able to get you there, and I know where he lives." Emi spoke truthfully, heck she only lied as part of her pranks. And she knew playing pranks was not a good idea right now... "Do you still wanna go there?" She asked... And at Aeon mentioning how close she and Azurath were, she smiled. "Yup, pretty much grew up together. Think of him as a Brother actually."
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:51 am

"W-what? Damn! How am I supposed to train now?" Aeon said. Things were going so well, too.

At that moment, the unknown being made a mistake. It snapped a twig.

Aeon whirled his head around to see the source of the noise.

"Ow ow ow!" a pink and purple lizardwoman tumbled out of the bushes, onto the ground, holding her foot.

"Io?! What are you doing out of the village?!"
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:54 am

Emi looked at the lizardwoman, then back at Aeon. "Wait... What am I missing here? Could someone tell me what's going on?"
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 5:04 am

"Appearantly, Io followed me out of the village." Aeon eyed Io disappointedly.

"But I couldn't stay! That place was like a prison..." Io said cautiously.

"But, you're the priestess. You have duties to fulfill." Aeon said sternly. "I thought I told you that you couldn't come with me. What if you had been hurt?"

"Well, I-"

"No buts. You're going back."

"But Yonnie!"

A vein on Aeon's head engorged with frustration. "I also told you not to call me that!" he scoffed.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 5:07 am

"Ok... Let's leave Azi, before this turns nasty." And Emi mounted Azurath, flying off into the distance... She hoped they could settle things on their own, if not she'd have to get someone to intervene. She sure as hell wouldn't...

[Sorry about short post... XD]
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 5:12 am

"But, that place is terrible! Keeping me all cooped up, like I'm some treasure. I couldn't wait to leave! And then when you left, I couldn't bear- Oops! Anyway, I'm not going back." Io said defiantly. She was still the fiesty girl Aeon knew when they were kids.

"...Are you sure?" Aeon said, eyebrow raised.

"Yes! I'm positive! I'm never going back!" Io confidently smiled.

Aeon took a pose as if he were in deep thought. After a minute or so, he patted Io on the head and calmly said. "Well, if you're that determined, I can't stop you."

It was Io's turn to be annoyed. He knew that she hated for him to pat her head like a child. He saw her dismayed look and chuckled.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 5:15 am

Fortunately Emi wasn't too far away... but unfortunately she'd gotten herself in some trouble... A bunch of cats were now chasing her and Azurath, and she didn't know what to do except run and fly away... "HELP!!!!!" She screamed, hoping her new friend would come to her aid. "Damn felines."
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 5:47 am

"Hm?" Aeon heard a faint, high-pitched screech. He turned his head and looked at Emi being harassed by some alley cats. "Hardly a challenge."

He walked to the cat battlefield and muttered an incantation. "Contremisco, Ego dico vos subvertio. Contremisco Contego." He knocked the catts around a few times before batting them into the atmosphere with his magic-enhanced shield.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 5:57 am

Emi saw the way he handled those cats, and gave a happy look as Azurath flew over to perch on Aeon's shoulder once the combat was over. "Oh if you hadn't been around... Usually Williams the one that deals with these alley cats, the Fire Mage..." She smiled. "If you still want to go somewhere, I'd be happy to guide you Aeon." But ah crud, the clouds were starting to turn grey. "Somewhere we'll be safe from the rain perhaps?" Emi hated the rain... And so did Azurath, he couldn't fly in it.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 6:30 am

Nhieling was always observing newcomers by afarvwhen some get to the city. The last ones were kinda strange. First it's kinda rare to see a lizarmen into the Bosporus, seeing two was quite unexepected.
Through the first one seem to be kinda lost, since he was trying to speak to a crow.

Nhieling finally decide to approach them :

, said him. Welcome to you two.
As the two lizardmen turned to him.
I was wondering what member of your race were doing so far from your homeland?
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 6:43 am

"I'm looking for Everlast Magic School, but Emi tells me it's in ruins." Aeon points to Azurath.

"I followed him here. It's nice to meet you." Io looked at the strange person cautiously.

Last edited by Aeon on Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 12:27 pm

Emi? You mean the crow? Said Nhieling, starting to doubt his mental sanity.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 1:53 pm

Emi dismounted Azurath so she could be seen clearly by Nheiling... "No, me... The crow is my best friend, Azurath." The crow lightly nudged her... "Oh, what now?" Emi asked, before thunder rumbled in the distance and it started to rain. "Oh, drat."
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyTue Jan 11, 2011 4:37 pm

Nhieling look at the little chimera. After a second of silence, he said. Hmm yeah we should find a place to stay, but what are you? Never saw someone of your species before.
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 2:39 am


Aeon: 2 SP, 2 MP and 150,000 Drachma

Emi: 2 SP, 1 MP and 100,000 Drachma

Nhieling: 1 SP, 1 MP and 30,000 Drachma
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Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well)   Not The Only One (Aeon, Open to first 2 other posters as well) Empty

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