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 Tathagata Enters the Arena

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Male Posts : 2815
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 2:50 am

Umi and Yoko, having been inducted in by the select few "gladiators" of Granicus, were officially an Arena team, whom the aptly named Tathagata a pronoun used to refer to buddhas. They were given their own arena clothes, made lightweight yet sturdy for the fights, and grabbed their weapons, and were ready to fight.

This time they're opponents were a standard Mage-Warrior duo, much like themselves, so they prepared a simple strategy, Yoko would fight the warrior while Umi stalled the Mage, once Yoko had one, they would then double team the mage, simple but effective.

They were ready for battle the second they stepped into the arena, taking a look at their opponents, a Spiderman and a low-level skeleton Demon. Umi used his ESP to reveal everything they new about them, to his shock, they were actually incredibly skill opponents, the Spiderman a master of water magic, the Demon skilled in close combat.

"This may be harder than we thought...."

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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 7:40 pm

"Shinmei-ryu Ougi..."

"Sagitta Magica: Series Undinis!!"

Yoko could already sense that the Spiderman gathering up power, but the fact he was able to launch a barrage of unincanted Sagitta Magica was a testament to his skill, Yoko barely kicked up a storm of petals large enough to cover them as they were bombarded by 37 arrows of water.

"Demon Fist!"

The Skeleton Demon meanwhile, had charged them while the team was dealing with the spiderman's spell, sending his magic-powered demon fist flying straight into Yoko's shoulder as sent him across the arena into a wall.

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Male Posts : 2815
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 8:19 pm

"Strategy Time!...."

Umi used his broom to fly over to Yoko, who thanks to his Ki armor, was able to avoid most the the blow and escaped with just one large bruise. Umi planned out his next strategy while the enemy was busy doing the same.

"1.He is probably gonna cast something major after this, all we have to do is block the next spell, 2. He's got unincanted Sagitta Magica, and appears to be pretty skilled at it, he likes his mid-range combat, so he'll keep just behind his bodyguard and spam Sagitta Magica to keep us on our toes until he can cast something major or 3. Do that backwards. All i have to do is keep my barrier up as high as possible, guard against his fast attack spells and his big attack spells, we can separate both of them. especially when i use this.."

Umi conjured up a spirit, the pinnacle of Magic Sensing, a chibi spirit wearing a witches hat and wings and sent it flying up into the air, given how small it was, the enemy would not be able to see it.

"Let's start out counterattack... GeroGero..."
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 10:35 pm


Yoko shot forward like a rocket as he aimed for the demon, charging his sword with Ki as he did to unleash a Zanganken, but just as he was about to attack him, the Demon jumped out of the way, revealing the Spiderman right behind him, his arms outstretched gathering water.

"Lymnades Aquarius!"


The Spider mage unleashed his spell, causing the mass of water he gathered to explode outward into a 30 foot tall wave, ready to swallow up Yoko as it came towards him.
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 10:54 pm

"Paries Maxima!"

Bringing the full power of his anti-magic barriers into action, he used both of them to punch through the wave of water, causing it to stream off the sides of his shields while he stood still focusing on maintaining the barrier. From across the arena, Spiderman, using it's 6 massive legs, jumped into the air until it was just above them, and began chanting a spell.

"Ab Torum Drum!, Aquarius exudans, inimicum mea dispulsa...."

Umi knew the spell and had to think quickly,the waves of water hitting his barriers started to subside, Umi removed them and repaired them, the staunching effects of the water made it hard to maintain after repeated attacks.

"Yoko take him down before he finishes his spell!"
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 12:50 am

"Shinmeiryuu Ougi.."

Yoko shundo'd into the the air, flying at the Spiderman while he was gathering a watery spiral. Yoko was about to cut down the spider mage when his partner, the Demon skeleton, also shundo'd towards him ready to defend his partner before he had time to finish the spell

"Umi, I need a little help!"
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 3:27 am

" Im already on it Paries Extentes... Area Constet"

Maneuvering his Anti-Material barrier into position directly below Yoko, it would allow him the stable "ground" he would need to perform Shundo and evade the demon skeleton. Just as he did, he heard the Spiderman finish his incantation.

"...Magna Cataracta!"

"Paries Maxima!"

Bringing out the full power of his Anti-Magic barrier, it's entire mass was struck by a falling tower of water, maintaining a constant shape as the full brunt of the attack collapsed onto Umi.
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyFri Dec 24, 2010 6:34 am


Hopping onto the invisible barrier, Yoko brought Ki into his feet and shot further into the air to match the elevation of the Spider mage. He charged ki into his sword, which transformed into an electric current and aimed it at his opponent, from Yoko's increased sense, he could sense that the Spiderman, being a Wizard, had only a average level anti-material barrier surrounding him, possibly to guard against his sword attacks. Regardless, Yoko brought up his sword and brought it swinging down onto the Spiderman's barrier, electrifying the sword and causing an electrical explosion around the blade.


Gravity brought him back to the ground, where he landed lightly on the ground, which was turned into a mini-bog from all the sand and water that mixed together, the Spiderman had flooded the arena in water up to his knees. He looked around to find Umi, but he could not find him.
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Male Posts : 2815
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyFri Dec 24, 2010 10:59 pm

Umi, using his Ocean Spirit Form, transformed into water and inserted himself into the newly created swamp, with all the water in the arena, he would be able to ambush them at any moment without them noticing, of course, this would severely drain his magic capacity, so he moved fast as he raced through the water to finish of the Demon Race bodyguard before he and the Spiderman regrouped, Umi could see that the Spiderman was hurt pretty badly from that last attack, but he would live, and continue pelting them with water spells if Yoko didnt take him out fast. His Magic Sensor spirit, perched high above the field, telepathically chimed in to inform him.

"He's going for some serious firepower boss!"

Traveling faster through the water he tried to focus on taking down the Demon Race, if he got this right, he would be able to ambush the Spiderman too, interrupting his next spell.

"Ab Torum Drum! Aquarius exudans, inimicum mea dispulsa..."

Umi was right behind the Demon Race, recovering from the last attack, he stepped to the side of the Spiderman so as not to get in the way of his spell. Reforming his body, he transformed his hand into a his claw and struck.

"Water Body Spirit Claw!"
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptySat Dec 25, 2010 7:23 pm

Yoko saw Umi's claw go straight through the demon race,given his size it not be a lethal attack, but the staunching effect it would deal would leave him groggy and tranquil. With Umi appearing out of nowhere, it shocked the Spiderman, causing him to stop chanting, losing precious seconds while Yoko shundo'd in and hit him with Zankusen, after losing his barrier in the last attack, the Spiderman was hit dead on by the blast of air that hit him, pushing him back a few paces.

"Ab Torum Drum, Sagitta Magica, Series Undinis!"

Yoko was hit from close range by a dozen water arrows, as they collided with his body he felt his power weakening and his will to fight was lost thanks to the arrows magical effect. He fell to the floor, too sluggish and demoralized to continue. The only thing he could do was defend as the Spiderman began to chant another spell

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Male Posts : 2815
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptySun Dec 26, 2010 2:00 am

"GeroGero Agite Jovis Manus, Renovere"

Umi began the process of removing the status effects on Yoko, while the staunching factor in Sagitta Undinis wasnt large, the number that hit Yoko dealt a severe blow to his current state, Umi took that into account while his barriers were pummeled by another salvo of magic arrows, he could feel the barriers deteriorating under the attack spells the Spiderman was dealing. He prepped his barriers one more time to bring them to full strength and began his attack.

"Yoko ill by you time, im not good at deal damage but i can sure take it, once Renovere takes full effect, drop in and take him out."

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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptySun Dec 26, 2010 7:26 pm

"Go... ill be fine..."

Yoko sat back and let the treatment commence, he had lost his will to fight, or even stand, thanks to the effects of the water arrows, but he felt those reappear as the Renovere spell continued to heal him.

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Male Posts : 2815
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyMon Dec 27, 2010 8:34 am

Umi took out his seldom seen gun and from its holster on his lumbar region and fired a test, Umi's magic accelerated the bullet so fast it would be strong enough to keep up with the magic shields and reinforcements of the Magic World, the shot was not the best but shot straight through the Spiderman recreated barrier.

"Sagitta Magica, Series Undinis!"

Another wave of arrows flew from the Spiderman's direction, bombarding Umi with explosions of water magic, staunching his barriers and weakening them, knowing they would not remain stable for very much longer, Umi moved closer to the Spiderman, trudging towards him through the miniature swamp his Water Magic created. Once within closer range to the Spider, he began to take shots at his barriers, his bullets piercing through it in superficial areas, leaving it ready to break once Yoko was done being cured.
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyWed Dec 29, 2010 3:29 am

Yoko sat back, he was starting to get feeling back, and readied himself as the Renovere spell continued through his veins
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyThu Dec 30, 2010 1:27 am

"This is useless now... bye bye barriers.."

After several attacks made on his barrier, Umi found that his barriers had deteriorated to the point the would not be able to defend him anymore, so he got rid of it. He extended the distance from himself and the Spiderman and began to open fire again, this time the bullets went straight through the already the Spider's destroyed barrier and shot him directly, thanks to it's thick hide, it hurt him, but not nearly enough to do major damage
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyThu Dec 30, 2010 6:54 pm


Yoko used Shundo to skirt across the battlefield, while not making it close enough the first run through, he changed footing and blasted forward again, coming in directly behind the Spiderman, charging his sword with Ki, he unleashed it on the Spiderman, weakened and slightly wounded from Umi's attack.

"Shinmeiryuu Ougi....Hyakaretsu Okazan!"

Ab Torum Drum, Undans Paries Aqaurius!
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyThu Dec 30, 2010 7:47 pm

A swirling cascade of water surrounded the Spiderman, blocking Yoko's attack and carrying him away in the stream of water.

"Anti-physical magic with the power to stop a ten-ton truck... this is my kinda guy..."

Umi waited until, for obvious reasons, the water shield fell back to the ground as it did not maintain itself for a long time, and began to open fire once again, grabbing the Spiderman's attention while Yoko got back up
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyFri Dec 31, 2010 8:19 pm

Using the opportunity Umi gave him, he used another Zanganken, hitting the Spiderman right in the face, he was down in one hit.

"And the winners are Team Tathagata!"

(I think were done, grade it)
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tathagata Enters the Arena   Tathagata Enters the Arena EmptyTue Jan 04, 2011 4:24 am

Umi; 2SP 1MP 250,000 Drachma
Yoko; 2SP 1MP 250,000 Drachma
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Tathagata Enters the Arena Empty
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