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 Fortune Telling Competition

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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 2:56 pm

Rose wandered through the city, quite a distant from the Everlast Magic School. It was bustling with mages, cat men/women and all. Rose sat on a bench, shadowed by a tree of massive proportions. "Ah… What to do?" She asks, obviously bored. As time passed, her fatigue increased. "What to do, what to do, what to do…?" She continues to repeat to herself, not letting anyone else hear of course.

Noticing a large, flashy sign to the north, it read… "FORTUNE TELLING COMPETITON! COME JOIN NOW, WIN AND MEET THE GREAT MS.CLAIRE!"

"Ms.Claire!? One of the most famous fortune tellers alive!? I must see this!" Rose shouts with happiness, jumping up and down. Travelling to the directed location, she soon arrives at a giant colosseum.
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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 3:26 pm

Rose entered the room. There were many other fortune tellers around the area, at least one-hundred. "Hello! New mages!" The hoster announces, "We'll be testing all sorts of things from you! All revolving around your fortune telling abilities. Holding her newly bought tarot cards and crystal ball. She sat at a table, a man with brown hair and hazel coloured eyes glared at her.

"Is something wrong...?" She ask.

"..." He didn't reply. Rose felt this situation quite awkward...

"The first competition will be using tarot cards! Please get out your equipment!" The announcer orders everyone "You must figure out what the person on the other side of your table will be doing this exact time, tomorrow! Begin!!" He commences.

Rose quickly grabs out her tarot cards, spreading them across the table. Having the spirits guide her, she puts her hand on one card, followed by another... Not taking any chance to look at her opponent, which could take up her valuable time. The man begins to speak... Has he found out the answer right when it began...?
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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 3:38 pm

Rose looks up at the man, still allowing the fortune telling spirits to guide and aid her hand, to find the correct answer. "You will..." The man speaks. "At 12:00 tomorrow you will be at the park... with two friends."

'Does he mean Aliidan and Will?' Rose thought to herself in shock.

"One of them will take you all to a restaurant where you will meet a man." He continues to explain.

'N-no! Have I lost already!?' Rose begins to lose confidence. However suddenly a big large red cross shines brightly over their table. 'You were wrong. Bzzt.' It says to the man, who's face begins to brighten.

'He was lying! How dare he!?' Rose thought to herself in anger.

"Hmph..." The man murmurs.

However, by now Rose had finished. The spirits had guided her. "You! You lied to me, however... this won't be. By tomorrow you'll arrive at a large casino and gamble away a lot of money, most likely because you lost this tournament, no the card say you were publicly humiliated. You will... meet a girl there, you think she's beautiful, kind. You trusted her in little to no time... She will rob you. Steal away all your money! You will be scammed by her!" Rose predicts, pointing her finger at him. "It's up to you, to change your future!"

A large bright green tick appears above the table. "I was right...? I did it!" She cheers to herself, pumping her fists into the air. A few other people had finished as well... all of them looked more magical than the other...
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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 3:59 pm

As the second round started, Rose examined the amount of people, dropping by more than half. Some people left because of forfeit, some left because of disqualification, some left because of losing and some other people seemed to leave because of lack of equipment.

There was at most, forty people. "My, my. Quite a lot of people still remaining," The judge mumbles through the microphone. His words were the exact opposite of Rose's thoughts. "Either way, lets start round two!!" He happily announces.

As everyone was assigned to a different desk, everyone had to use a crystal ball to find out the other persons purpose of entering this competition. Rose stares at her opponent, a rather beautiful lady, all the way up to her hair... she had an afro... "H-hello," Rose stutters with a feint smile.

"What are you looking at you, *****?" The girl bitchily replies.

"W-what did you say!? Where did you get to say such things you sl--," Rose didn't want to be caught up in such a childish argument. She was still smart, though not very strong.

"Begin!" The announcer announces.
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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 4:11 pm

Rose was in complete and utter concentration. Concentration on winning though. As her magical power slowly increases for the concentration, the visual image appears. "...You want to join this competition for... money. Money? Not admiration? When was there a money reward anyway!?" Rose was quick to ask as a tick appears above her table already, making her the first person in the entire room to win.

The girls jaw dropped. She last in less than ten seconds. Throwing the table aside, she angrily walks over to the judge saying this entire thing was a hoax. "Silly girl..." The announcer mocks, shooting her with a lazer gun, teleporting her away from the room. "We do not tamper with the rules or game, you argue and you'll be banned from this area."
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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 4:19 pm

As more and more people won, the contestants lowered to 20. Roughly slightly under, 18 to 19. "The third and final round! We're finally here! You can use both a crystal ball and tarot cards! You use them to avoid the incoming lazers! The last one standing! If you get hit, you'll be sent out the arena! Good luck everyone!" He shouts out in happiness, ready to see who wins.

Rose enters the back door as everyone else did, as the battle is commenced tens-- no hundreds of lazers are sent flying across the room. Using the quicker tarot cards, Rose avoided a few beams as she knew the rough direction of where they were coming from. Hiding behind the rocks as terrain she shields against numerous beams, that soon hit other contestants. "This is hard..." She mumbles to herself, swapping to the crystal ball. "Above!!" She shouts avoiding another beam that of which hit two other people. As a minute passed, only three people were left.
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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 4:33 pm

Rose soon trips face first into the floor, a lazer coming directly towards her. "I've... lost... after coming so far..." She mumbles, closing her eyes. A few seconds passed, nothing happened. "W-what?" She asks slowly opening her eyes. A woman there congratulating her.

"Very well done if I do say so myself. Summoning a spirit without knowing how to... Congratulations on winning." She congratulates, offering a hand.

Grabbing the woman's hand, "Who are you?" Rose inquires.

"I'm Ms.Claire..." She smiles.

"M-M-Ms.Claire!? You're my idol!!" Rose shouts in glee, "So what happened?" Rose asks.

"As I said, you summoned a spirit... I've decided I shall help you learn some spells." Ms.Claire once again smiles.

"R-really? You'll be my teacher!?" Rose asks excited.

"Yes..." Ms.Claire simply replies.
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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 4:57 pm

"I will be teaching you six techniques..." Ms.Claire smiles. "The first technique is seeing the future. Even you should know how to do that, it's the same concept as the past. These two techniques are called Future Sight and Foresight, future and past respectively." Ms.Claire states.

"Yes, I should know how the basis of them work. More about extending the time or how far I can see into the past and future." Rose replies.

"Correct. The next technique is Vicinity Sight, once again a beginner spell. It's unlikely to be taught as it might invade someone's privacy. However once again, practice makes perfect," Ms.Claire explains.

"Right, I'm noting this down... I have to get stronger somehow..." Rose murmurs.

"The next two are medium leveled spells, Spiritual Protection and Fortunes Favour. These both involve using the spirits that you use to tell fortunes to help, aid you. Spiritual Protection is specifically for using them to attack and shield your opponent and you. Fortune's Favour however uses them to lower and increase your luck! Very useful for other things."

"T-thank you for teaching me these moves."

"I haven't taught you them yet, you'll have to practice them yourself..."
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Female Posts : 912
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PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptyFri Feb 05, 2010 5:08 pm

Rose spent the next three days, training all these different spells. After gaining quite a lot of ability in controlling these spells, she had finished her training.

"The spirits seem to like you~!" Ms.Claire smiles cheerfully.

"Y-yeah... So this is good-bye, master?" Rose asks.

"Yes... Don't worry we'll most likely meet again. Say hello to your Fortune Telling teacher for me!" Ms.Claire says as she takes her leave.

"Good-bye!" Rose waves good-bye, taking a ride back to Cerberus Magic School, knowing she's one step closer to her goal...

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Male Posts : 4808
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Fortune Telling Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fortune Telling Competition   Fortune Telling Competition EmptySat Oct 30, 2010 2:39 am


Rose: 2 SP, 1 MP and 400,000 Drachma.
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