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 Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 3:20 am

Raising one of his eyebrows in a questioning manner the shadowmancer asked "Now you have my interest piqued. So what are these techniques?"

Knowing his abilities would be the start. Once this was done he would try and further gage the young man through either Kagami or Emi.

And he said that his father was part of the azure dragons... a dragonslayer? There were few who took up that profesion full time and even fewer who survived. Dragon hunting, regardless of the breed or age, was always a dangerous buissness.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 3:42 am

Well mostly support magics. usually involving water and wind, combining them to make a tougher type of ice magic.

Wind pressure to speed them up, slow down dragons, help them unbalance while flying makes it easier to jump on their back.

The water is usally associated with healing of course and to counter against fire breaths all the whelping and drakes still use.

And finally ice magic to slow down them even more. They are cold blooded creatures after all and the using it to take away the heat in a given area really weakens them rather effectively.

Our Lineage started a long time ago when the first dragons appeared. However our magic usually don't go past what you mages call rank 5 since we focus on the physical portion of fighting more.

Don't think it so easy to learn our techniques though. One needs to have drank enough dragon blood in their veins for the effect to take place. While I myself don't know if I have ever done so I'm just guessing it's ingrained in our family line now.

I've still haven't got enough skill to join their ranks as a Great Lancer but my mentor Jecht Havens does what he can with me.
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 5:35 am

Mortimer was rarely impressed but not because of the organization or the boy. The techniques they used were only rank five on the typical scale... yet they could still take on dragons. It must have been highly specialized training focusing on combination techniques and superior tactics, in addition to physical strength which allowed them to face such beasts.

"Intriguing" was all he really could say at this point. "Tell me, would you be agreeable enough to have a short spar with Kagami here? Once I've seen you in action I'll have a better idea of what we are working with. I might even be able to find some people based on the techniques you utilize. JUst a short one nothing too dangerous mind you." He reassurd.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 5:56 am

Darrens eyes narrowed...

Of course
he replied as he drew a greatsword that seemed similar to his description.

Hmm he said she was a vampire right? And that handshake wasn't something too pleasant.
But her hands were so soft ^^

He grinned as he faced her

Hmph I can probably surprise her with this ole wep he thought.
I had to go thru hell to make this wea-

Now remember, Jecht said in the back of his mind- Focus your on a battlefield now.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 3:15 pm

...but first he looked at Eddy on the ground

Hmm.... he rolled his body out of the way.

and picked up a stick along the way.

Okay let's start
he said as he rushed the vampire

he cried as he mercilessly started poking her with the stick leaving his main weapon at the ready in his right hand for the fight.
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 7:47 pm

Kagami grabbed the stick and snapped it with her left hand, focusing her flaming ki into her right hand and going for a punch in the guts... "You may be brave, but you aren't that bright." She hissed at him, a grin on her face that showed off her vampiric fangs and a look of pure malice in her blood red eyes. "Direct attacks are exactly what you shouldn't have done..." Mortimer probably saw this coming, knowing Kagami liked to show off her hundreds of years of experience with battle strategy and tactics.

Emi would do what she could to help, healing Kagami if she got injured and using her ability to see with other's senses to alert the vampire to dangers she did not perceive. For though the vampire was good, Emi knew she had more experience with the type of magic this fellow used.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 8:42 pm

Well of course the stick wouldn't work he thought as she snapped it with her left hand,
What I really wanted to know was your preferred type of attack, he explains to himself. Alright a closed fist accompanied with Ki is her main close quarters method. Now I need to learn her element(s) and her Pactio artifact.

The blow aimed at his gut was deftly dodged as he used the momentum from her grab to get away. The blow did actually reach him though, but he twisted his body away from the punches arc barely hitting his side. His counter was a quick concise swing from the great-sword that of course missed it mark but served it purpose, it created room from him and her for the next part of his plan.

Flipping the switchs on the handle of the blade it morphed into a gun similar to that of a gun blade, shorter reach then the longsword due to the handle but much quicker and that much easier to guard with.

While the counter swing was going on he spoke the dragon language of Draconic.

To him it sounded the same as the normal English he uses but to others it seemed to be the voice of a deep proud individual roaring.

Innocent Rage take Shape! Stick snapped*
Endless Winter! Right aimed at the gut*

The area around Darren got very cold. In fact this was the first time Darren was serious using this technique. As the heat from the air diminished the area was made into an intense winter bite zone, Darren was able to see his breath now.

He looked at Kagami as he put on his facemask and bandana as she took in the spell.
His eyes were bleeding off excess heat and blue magic as he growled -

playtime is over, prepare to face a dragoon!
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 8:46 pm

Kagami hadn't been expecting this... not one single bit.

[Uhm... Whats the word for pactio weapon getting it out... I'll edit once someone reminds me!]
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 8:50 pm




What is she doing...

all she is doing now is having a confused look on her face.

yes, it's cold now but I didn't think she would get so taken back by it

Whatever he thought as he pulled out his satchel. He then poured opened the zipper and let the contents spill onto the floor.
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 8:55 pm

Kagami finally snapped out of her daze, getting out her pactio card and shouting "Adeat!" because frankly she was out of ideas... This was the first time she'd summoned her whip, and as it appeared in her hands she couldn't help but to feel an overwhelming sense of mischeif. She swung it at Darren, wondering what it would do to him as she was unawar it was meant to paralyze people into submission.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 9:03 pm

Upon seeing the whip and the curious face she made during her looking at it then himself he was pretty sure there was an hidden motive in that face.

Hmph bandits have used all sorts of weapons against me, a whip is nothing new he thought as he recalled fighting his partner OmegaRed who sometimes uses one himself.

But with the cutting sound from the whip caused Darren to hesitate.

She's a vampire though, she's probably had that thing for hundreds of years and is probably 50 times better then Omega.

He sidestepped the whip and kept an eye on the wielder. Watch what she does first and focus back on the end of the whip and react accordingly, he told himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 9:29 pm

Kagami knew he was faster, and so did her flaming knife spray with her other hand to keep him busy trying to dodge all the flaming knives as she sent the whip at him again.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 9:41 pm

Darren smiled as he saw the flames coming from his opponent. He watched as the heat from the flames dulled from his spell and was a mere breath of fress air

Obviously she didn't realized yet that his spell took out the heat in his general area. He thought

He realized now was the time to go on the offensive.

He recited the words to his 2nd spell.

Hmph, Innocent Rage take shape! Env-

he stopped 1/2 way as he saw the whip coming down at him and moving out of the way. Obviously if he wasn't thinking every action he's been doing he would have gotten the incantation through and avoided the attack. He clutched his left hand and felt it numbing up. Being familiar with poisons he right then understood he would only last for half a minute at the least before his arm would be paralyzed and the damage curve would probably lead him to get hurt more from then on.


The cold area around him just gotten very windy as it developed a developing winds. He took a glance at Mortimer and Kami as the winds soon blocked them from his view. He turned back to his opponent, who was already feeling the wind bear down on her.

He picked up his signature dagger with his right hand and reviewed the side he was using and it's enhancements.

He would have a full 5 minutes before the paralyzing agents got to him.
Safe side
Wind Magic- Clean cuts
Poisons- Crippling poisons

Last edited by Jukensong on Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Baka Green

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 9:52 pm

Jess soon came across the scene - Kagami fighting some guy (looked like she was winning) with Emi, and Mortimer standing by watching... She walked up to Mortimer, deciding to ask him what all the fuss was about. "Hey Mortimer, what's going on here?"

[Lets wait for Mortimer eh?]
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 10:26 pm

"Don't worry Kagami's just testing a potential recruit." Leaning in closer to Jess he whispered "b]Kagami may be stronger, but she's not used to fighting against opponents who use magic. However it seems this particular contact has only two spells in his repitoire. Still, he seems to have been better trained and actually utilize tactics and trickery. Don't worry I'll call off the match soon enough. Just a little more and I'll know the full extent of his abilities[/b]" he reasured.

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 10:40 pm

Speaking of testing, Kagami quickly got her buckler out of malletspace to help her resist the onslaught. She'd underestimated his abilities and was now paying for it. Frustrated and with few other choices she considered using the molotov cocktail she had stowed away... But the would mean possibly severly injuring Darren so she didn't Instead she tossed her buckler at his feet, followed by a lash from the whip.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 10:54 pm

Darren had no time to fool around anymore he raised his dagger hand as he saw the assault.

Heh it's like it's in slow motion he thought as he saw it get affected by the winds inside his perimeter.

He raised up his hand and looking weightless got carried by the wind... I come

He said as he was already at her back his dagger held sideways aiming at her left arm.
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 10:58 pm

Mortimer shundoed into the center of the maelstrom. Using his cane to stop the knife blade slash and broke the whiplash mid swing with his other arm.

"That is quite enough and I do believe I have assesed your abilities in this matter... tell me, do you need a place to stay for the evening" He asked the dragoon.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 11:03 pm

Darren paused.

Wait what?
he said with a blank look.

Oh right, I forgot about him as the wind blocked my view from me.

Heh aww well, grinned.

Uh well I was planning to get back to town and Amelia but looking at this Raising his left shoulder showing the loss of motor functions in the area, I probably should spend the rest of the evening with ya.

Besides he said looking at Kagami

I gotta spend some more time with that one.

Grinning, I'll tell them why later.

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 11:06 pm

Kagami had been narrowly saved by Mortimer... Thank goodness she'd chosen to accept his deal and become friends with him. They'd saved each other's neck countless times. She put away her weapons, including her pactio artifact as she quietly said 'Abeat' and pocketed the card that appeared in place of the whip.

Emi was also quick to recover, looking at Darren and hopping around happily. "Dang you're good..." She said, leaping onto his shoulder. The way her antennae were twitching and she looked at him with those big eyes you could tell she was starting to like him already.

[Oh I wish someone would draw a piccy of the whip! Hehe ]
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 11:10 pm

[End of thread] K?
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 11:11 pm

Fine by me.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 31, 2011 11:15 pm

Meh thank you he replied.

I'm still so slow to get serious he thought, that and his constant thinking and hesitation got in the way with this fight.

Probably better that way he thought as he noticed the aftereffects from the battle.

The first punch that was aimed at the cut barely nick'd him but still produced a tiny bruise as he checked beneath the leather.

He smiled at the intriguing ant-chimera variation.

I'm guessing you can take care of this of course?
he asked

happy to see a nod he move on to the newest addition.

He looked at her she was slightly taller then him, and even had a look of experience being next to Mort. He grasped her hand with his good arm.

Hi there beautiful, what's a tempting lil amazonian doing around here?

Eh oops.

I'll just carry this on the next time we meet ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave)   Tracking Origins I (Open to join/leave) - Page 2 EmptyTue Feb 01, 2011 12:42 am


Jess: 1 SP, 1 MP and 40,000 Drachma
Kagami: 2 SP, 2 MP and 160,000 Drahcma
Mortimer: 3 SP, 3 MP and 450,000 Drachma
Junkensong: 3 SP, 3 MP and 450,000 Drachma
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