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 Stranded in a New World

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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 6:48 am

Darren looked back to see a very confused Lyon taking in his new surroundings.

Interesting...I wonder how strong your will is to want to be able to be able to go through portals without any real powers or anything.

He thought back, I think I have to act all smart. It's just not the same with me but I'll give it a try.

Motioning Amelia to clear the room and to turn off the lights, Darren took out a candle and lit it to set the overall mood he was going for.

It seems like you have been forced by the fates to the magical realm. You should take care the world is not so simple and clean as even walking down the streets will subject you to all types of trauma as you realize that this world is not as it seems!!!

His voice amplified by the echos made from inside the cave.

He thought back, yep....scare the crap outta them then make em join you.

Tell me, would you like to be my apprentice?"
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 6:57 am

Lyon didn't really react to Darren's description of the magical realm as he didn't seem too convincing. "What do you have to offer? I mean... I bet I could beat you" He said smirking. Although Lyon didn't really like fighting he wanted to see what was going on, still not completely convinced of what was happening.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:08 am


Well...I mean come on I made the mood all depressing and even made my voice echo in a crazy way.

He pouted at Lyon.

What I have to offer you is this!
he said pulling out a crumpled piece of paper and spoon.

This is the magical...paper of suffocation! I use it to strangle my enemies, and this! is the spoon of disbelief! It will cause you to question the your morality as it touches you.

These seemingly ordiary objects are exactly that! the magic world. Everything has hidden properties and pudding isn't made too often here!!!

Don't believe me?!?!?! Watch!

He then shundo'd to where Lyon was in an instant facepalming him with the paper and hitting him over the head with the spoon before he shundo'd back to where he was holding the spoon upright.

Did you see that?!?!?! The paper just jumped on it's own! The paper and spoon just want to harm you out of malice from their cold souls!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:13 am

Lyon almost falling backwards steadied himself.

So he thinks this is funny does he? Lyon thought to himself.

"Ok, so if you tell me that that's the way it is then it must be so... because that's how things work right?" Lyon said in a clearly sarcastic voice. "What next oh master?" He said with his hands out making the quotations on the word master. Somewhat mocking Darren.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:24 am

Darren's eyes lighted up

Really?!?!?! Oh my, this is incredible, I'm gonna have to tell my family my sister, OmegaRed, My paren-


Wait, Ur joking right?
Seeing the hand motions

That was my worst lie yet, he had to admit.

Anyways... let's get out of this cave. I already can tell I'm gonna kick you out if we stayed here for much longer.

Alright let's head to the nearest town and see what we can do from there.
Pointing at the nearby structures.

I bet those fancy "Mages" will know how to deal with you. Dragoons should stick to their dragon slaying
he muttered as he summoned Albert.

The little pudding manifestation appeared in an instant looking very annoyed.

Master... did you really have to do all that it
said as he latched unto Darren's shoulder.

Darren then looked at Lyon anticipating his 1st move.
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:32 am

Lyon kinda chuckled when he first saw this creature. "So... what the hell is this thing?" Lyon said as he started to walk towards it. "And how does it help us get to a town? Lyon said as he stopped beside Darren and just stared blankly at this... thing... in front of him.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:39 am

I'm a Super Golden Magic Pudding Dragon. Albert replied looking with intelligence at Lyon. He's taking it well, I wonder what reason he might have for having such a will inclined to magic he pondered.

And he's your guide Darren retorted as he shoved him at Lyon.

Take good care of him, don't get into any fights and DON'T DIE, Were his final words before he walked to where Amelia was hidden and was teleported along with her to her school in town.
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:42 am

"So..." Lyon set the pudding dragon on the ground. "What now?"

Lyon kinda looked around, no idea as to where this could be. He didn't really know where Darren went either so he figured he might as well go along with things.

"Who do you think he was talking to about the fighting and dieing parts?" Lyon said jokingly.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:47 am

Well... Albert said as he looked at him

We walk... he said setting his feet forward.

So tell me about yourself. I would like to know more about the master's new "apprentice."
He said quoting the words.

He sighed just bare with him for now he has 1 intelligence in his profile at the moment...Erm I mean I bet he meant don't mess with any of the mages in the city. Some have a tendancy to go to the human world and burn people's houses for fun.
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:51 am

"I'm not his apprentice..." Lyon said more to himself than the creature walking beside him.

"So... what can you do?" Lyon asked curiously. "Have any cool abilities?" He said as they continued walking.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 7:57 am

I'm a as you probably remember pudding dragon...Albert said as he looked at Lyon.

I save lives, I appear as a guardian to people who are to careless with their actions, meaning Darren, but are combat orientated enough to not need me to attack.

They finally made it to town as they were talking. The dark town had it's share of dark mages and vagabonds and cutthroats.

I can't have my master's illusion of an evil street become fake
Albert thought as he cautioned Lyon with every step and every random item they came across.

So where do you wanna head first?
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 8:02 am

"Well, seeing as you know this place best I think you can show me wherever..." Lyon said following the steps he is told to go in as to be careful. "And what do you mean by your masters illusion of an evil street becoming fake?" He said in a semi-suspicious tone.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 8:13 am

Absolutely nothing, I was just thinking that, Albert lied as he lead Lyon to around the town.

Here's your stores-explanation*
Here's your bar for things to do, there's the armory, the castle, the hospital, and even the Fletcher.

However during that monologue Albert, had a few random mages overhearing this got very curious.

My My... said one of them finally.

What is a non-magic user doing here in our world?

We better just kill you now before that crazy man does with his paper and spoon!

Albert got in front of Lyon as the first magical bolt was thrown.

Albert took the hit and fell to the ground.

I would run you naive boy.

Behind them a temptress approached them.

Oh my...a new addition to this world? How about you abandon that little dragon and come with me?
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 8:22 am

"Who are you and why should I trust you?" Lyon said to the (pink text person) as he shifted his vision to the different mages. He pulled out his dagger just in case he had to fight.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 8:30 am

I am mistress Ofelia, incubus of love and despair. I'm the Godmother of this city, and soon to be yours...

That little pathetic summon you have signals that your somehow related to TrickBlue the crazed maniac vagabond that is supposedly in charge. His reign of terror must be stopped! For all the puppies in the world and for the sake of decency
she whimpered remembering her encounter with him.

These are my guard, Fervor, Might, and Pacman. Together I was hoping the five of us can team up and kill TrickBlue once and for all.
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 8:35 am

"What exactly has he done?" Lyon said looking at them as he put his sword away slowly and cautiously. "And the only reason I am in this world is because of him and that... portal... thing. I don't have any further connection to him..." Lyon looked back at the small creature that was forced upon him earlier. "What do you plan on doing with that?" He said pointing to the dragon.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 8:44 am

Oh my dear boy, don't you realize? He lured you into our world to fight us and get yourself killed! I can't tell you how many of his 1/2 baked apprentices tried to stab through my barriers in a vain attempt to get home. You shouldn't trust that man he does things with for no explanation. In fact I heard he regularly works as an assassin for the group he is in. He's bad news, why do you think he left you a a pathetic little summon to defend you with?. Pointing at Albert as he disappeared into the earth.

She looked around. The field they were in was already empty as they were talking. The mistress was actually well known for whipping anyone who even looked at her wrong. The three thugs were standing watch around them knocking over any stalls or tents that were in the area to make sure no one else was listening in.

Look at it this way. Either you join me and he dies. Or you defy me and you die
she said brandishing a whip with her bodyguards standing intimidatingly behind her.
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 9:13 pm

Lyon looked calm through the entire speech. He looked to see what song he was listening to then back to her. "So I'm guessing you aren't just going to let me walk away then... are you?" He replied lightly.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 9:32 pm

Tck, your just like him...of course not! She snarled, cracking her whip. I have had just enough of you!

She then chanted some words.

The area around them got dark as she called upon her dark minion.

From the depths of darkness a shadow suddenly formed from under the field.

It grew bigger and bigger until it reached a mass of about 6 feet tall.

It was a void raider, a creature materialized by shadow with an appetite to destroy worlds. This one in particular was a common foot soldier but never the less it was destructive still in it's scope.

I'll ask you again join me or die.

The bodyguards around her pulling out their weapons as she beckoned him.

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 9:38 pm

Lyon has never seen a creature such as the one she just summoned. He was interested to see what this creature was capable of but wasn't sure if he could fight it right now. He did have an advantage though, they think he is only human. Lyon swore to himself and questioned what he got himself into. "Seems like you made my choice for me... I might as well join you." He sighed and looked to the ground. "I wish I would have stayed home" He said muttering to himself quiet enough so they didn't hear him.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 10:15 pm

Meanwhile Darren was at the school with his sister Amelia telling of his recent journey from the human world, to her and her classmates.

After he visited the armory to show the new blueprints he recieved from the human world. In all he ordered a basic handgun (glock) , and a bolt action rifle (Remington) with custom made bullets that let him put his magic essence into to help pierce through anything the bullet hits.

Happy with the progress he made that day he decided to check up on Lyon.

Innocent Rage take shape! Pudding Dragon!

He was a bit surprised to Albert in a bit of pain as he appeared on the floor instead of the air as usual.

My, My, what happened to you? He said looking worried

Master, the seductress and her associates have captured Lyon! We were at the the field when I dismissed myself. Albert replied

Darren took it all in and dismissed Albert.

Hmm I better save ole' newbie or else I'd look bad
he finally said.

Lesse... seductress right?
He said bringing outhis greatsword. Yep, seductress he said as he headed to the field.

(Back to the field with Lyon and his new master.)

Excellent! Let's see how Little Trick here reacts to our little trick she exclaimed.
Now all I need for you to do is show me your loyalty. When TrickBlue comes to find you I want you to stab him right on the spot.
She said pulling out a wicked dagger and placing it unto his hands.
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 10:32 pm

Lyon held the dagger and looked at her. He thought to himself "I bet I could surprise her with my ability... It would be best to wait till Darren gets back though..."

Lyon nodded at her then looked around. "What do we do while we wait?" He said as convincingly as possible. Lyon started to walk around the area to get a better look and see if there was any way to get an advantage during the soon to be fight.

He didn't see much he could use but he figured the trees would be a good advantage if he could use them properly. He was up against magic... he didn't have much chance if it was just a head on assault. He needed a plan... the problem was, what other tricks did she have up her sleeve and how would Darren be able to help... or would he even help.

Lyon didn't know what was going to happen. No way out of it he decided to wait till Darren arrived.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 10:50 pm

Darren was already around the corner when she handed her the dagger.

He saw them in the field and approached from behind them and snuck up prone to them while he observed from a distance.

Darren took a look at the scene.

Tck it might be too late. That girl knows how to manipulate people rather well he said remembering the time he was talked into an ambush upon meeting her.

He was a bit worried seeing him hold the dagger in his hands.

He's seen that thing many times. It has a magic to charm the person holding it, it wasn't too strong but it was enough for people to fight a person they knew. He growled.

Hey! Ofelia get that thing away from that boy! Shouting at her from the distance.
He said as he ran unto the field

Ohohoho it's a bit too late for that she said as the magics in the dagger reacted to her will. The only way to break him free now is to utterly defeat him... a feat made impossible with since your dealing with me also.

That's what you think
Darren replied. With a wave of his hand a great wind separated his opponents as he charged the seductress.
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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptySun Feb 06, 2011 11:12 pm

Lyon was pushed back by the wind almost losing his headset and the dagger. Lyon tried to throw the dagger away but he couldn't for some reason. Instantly he knew this was not good. He didn't have full control of himself and he knew the dagger had something to do with it.

He charged uncontrollably at Darren and swung the dagger at him narrowly missing. As Lyon fought his actions he knew he could not use his abilities just to be safe.

"Darren, mind if you force this dagger out of my hands?" He said blatantly while continuously swiping at Darren and missing all of them. Lyon knew this would be the easiest way to regain control and hoped Darren would listen.
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Baka Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Stranded in a New World   Stranded in a New World EmptyMon Feb 07, 2011 12:36 am

What do you think I'm trying to do? he exasperated back, even if I forced that thing off of you you'll still be half charmed, I've seen it before.

He thought back he remembered he was with a partner affected by it. Even when he lopped the guy's arm hand off he was still charmed half the time...
Screaming bloody murder from the cut, the charm taking over and him suddenly trying to stab him from behind, then back to rolling on the floor in pain without warning. Well... he wasn't sure what was what but he wasn't going to do it again.

Going up against 4 and 1/2 fighters and 1 mage in the back. Hmph this is what his daggers are for...

Throwing the greatsword towards he had at the seductress he drew his daggers close to him as the great sword hit the ground near her.

Dodging the attacks that the minions and Lyon's he finally made some space for himself. He took a chance and made a huge jump back as he murmured with contempt

Innocent Rage take shape! Enveloping Winds!

Around him the winds responded to his impulses as he was dropping back to the ground.
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