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 Your Character!

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Female Posts : 912
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 30

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 1:16 pm

Wouldn't a thread to know about your character be fun? I mean you'll forget to add extra cool things in your profile that other people might find interesting. I'll try and include more and more questions, though people might not want to answer so much...

1. Your characters favorite food?
2. Your characters favorite color?
3. Current occupation?
4. Characters best friend (NPC or what)?
5. Love interest?
6. Any rivals?
7. If your character was going to be a different species, what would it be?
8. Favorite hair style?
9. Traumatic experiences?
10. Most chivalrous experience?
11. Any relatives?
12. Where was your character born?
13. Characters most liked thing?
14. Characters most disliked thing?
15. Characters worst fear?
16. Favorite accessory for clothing (eg. Ribbon)
17. Looks up to any other character?
18. Favorite magic type?
19. Favorite element?
20. Biased over anything?
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Female Posts : 912
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Age : 30

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PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 1:23 pm

I'll start!

1. Spicy Curry.
2. Purple.
3. A student mage in Everlast Magic School.
4. Will and Aliidan!
5. Maybe. Cat
6. None as of yet. Rose doesn't find rivalry interesting.
7. Ghost.
8. Rose's current hair style.
9. It's to be revealed!~
10. Obliterating the competition in a singing contest!
11. Her mother and father. A missing brother.
12. Magicus Mundus!
13. Animal cruelty, being alone in darkness.
14. Embarassing herself as a first impression.
15. Death of a friend... Sadness
16. Wrist bands.
17. Strong guys!
18. Fortune Telling, what else? Happy
19. Ice and darkness are her favorite (though she might not be good with dark).
20. Rose is biased for energetic music, she'll deny anything bad about it!
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Male Posts : 4808
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Age : 28

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 1:49 pm

Couldn't answer all of them for lack of imagination. :dissapointed:

1. Almost anything other than certain vegetables... Shocked!
2. Red.
3. Everlast Magic School Student.
4. Aliidan and Rose. :P
5. Maybe. It's a secret...
6. Will hasn't met anyone who'd be his rival. Yet.
7. A vampire. Or half dragon.
8. Spiky hair.
9. Nope. Will's usually chivalrous.
10. Saving people. I'm not going to name them all.
11. His parents and a smaller sister only two years younger than him.
12. Supposedly the human world. Where? Not sure.
13. Cute things (though he'll never admit it).
14. Mine's animal cruelty as well! But other than that, anyone dare hurting his friends.
15. I'll think of something when needed to.
16. Bandana!
17. Will admires no one! X3
18. Any form of fighting magic.
19. Blazing fire.
20. Not sure...
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Posts : 48
Join date : 2010-02-03

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 1:50 pm

I'll go next.

1. Blood
2. Gray
3. Student/drug dealer
4. Belial (Brother)
5. Fedelis *Moan*
6. None, not going to see them again unless the get sent to hell when they die
7. Ummm Wolfem/Wolfman?
8. Current Hairstyle
9. Watching demons hunt down and feast on souls.
10. I live in hell....
11. Belial is his older brother.
12. 6th level of Hell, known as Pandemodium
13. Composing Music
14. People who freeze up in shock over anything. Move or your going to get killed. Scream and your going to get all of us killed. Go emo and revengeful, your going to get us all killed!!!!!
15. It's weird to explain, but if it happens people are going to die.
16. Red String
17. No
18. Summoning
19. Shadow/Darkness
20. Does not under question (Literally)
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Male Posts : 484
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Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 3:38 pm

4.None as yet
5.not encountered anyone as yet.
6.The falcon demon and other..(to be revealed in the storyline)
7.Full demon
8.Current hairstyle
9.The azard destruction
10.To be revealed..
11.None,they all died in the azard destruction
12.Azard the land where magic and technology co-exist
13.Beautiful maidens
14.He has seen the world work and believes that everything bad is fr good.
15.Loosing someone important
16.A long hooded jacket.
18.Not a mage.
19.Again,not a mage.
20.nothing in perticular,except beautiful maidens.
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Female Posts : 356
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Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 3:56 pm


1. shrimps and rice.
2. sky blue/baby blue
3. Student at the Mahora Academy
4. none known yet.
5. Blush
6. Nope.
7. Eldar (Lord of the rings elves) Or maybe a vampire...
8. loose.
9. Lost her memories very recently (other will be added)
10. Saving a child from a fire (?)
11. A mother and a father (nobility/royalty) a younger sister, aged 5, a cousin, aged 22.
12. Cagliostro. (This nation, though nobody knows it, is in reality in Magicus Mundus)
13. The various arts (poetry, music, calligraphy etc.)
14. Cruelty (and the list goes on)
15. Spiders.
16. Ribbon Cat
17. Her mother.
18. Rie don't got magic...
19. Wind
20. Not really?

Last edited by Rie on Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Posts : 284
Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 35

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 4:06 pm

1. Strawberries Cat
2. Silver
3. Magical Student at Everlast Academy
4. Rose and Will Happy
5. Confused
6. Shocked!
7. a rock xP
8. Aliidan doesn't really fuss over hair...
9. Lost her entire family to war.
10. Selling flowers? Maybe?
11. Nope.
12. Magicus Mundus
13. Fun
14. boringness :dissapointed:
15. the death of her friends Sadness
16. glasses (she doesn't need them but she finds them to be the cutest thing ever)
17. Rose Happy
18. Sorceress magic (so no wizard can come and steal her work.)
19. Lightning.
20. Confused
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Male Posts : 15
Join date : 2010-02-07

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 5:18 pm

1. Your characters favorite food? Uh... none? o.o
2. Your characters favorite color? Blue. =D
3. Current occupation? Treasure Hunter.
4. Characters best friend (NPC or what)? None as of now. Sadness
5. Love interest? It's a secret? Shocked!
6. Any rivals? Nope.
7. If your character was going to be a different species, what would it be? Human. Happy
8. Favorite hair style? Uh... what ever he has now.
9. Traumatic experiences? When his best friend Roll was kidnapped.
10. Most chivalrous experience? None.
11. Any relatives? Nope.
12. Where was your character born? Somewhere. o.o
13. Characters most liked thing? Finding treasure
14. Characters most disliked thing? Reaver bots
15. Characters worst fear? Losing someone close to him. (Like Roll.)
16. Favorite accessory for clothing (eg. Ribbon) His helmet which he lost. (But he will find it later in his adventure.)
17. Looks up to any other character? Nope.
18. Favorite magic type? None.
19. Favorite element? None.
20. Biased over anything? Nope.
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Posts : 214
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Age : 30

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 11:35 pm

1. Ramen~!
2. Pink.
3. A ninja in training.
4. She knows a few ninjas since childhood.
5. Master Loheart... Blush
6. Any egoistic guy.
7. Beastwoman!
8. Pony tail.
9. None really...
10. Defeating egoistic guys for the people...! Cat
11. Yup, grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, two sisters, three brothers. All of them ninjas.
12. Karakana Village, a secret ninjas village located in the mountains.
13. Again, ramen. Being motivating and winning.
14. Seeing week, meek girls.
15. Being a week, meek girl who can't do anything for herself.
16. Her kimono's her favourite clothing, I guess a large ribbon he's favourite accessory.
17. Master Loheart and any strong female.
18. None.
19. Her favourite element would have to be flower.
20. Girls. Uh- not being sexist. :shiney:
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Female Posts : 511
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Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyFri Feb 12, 2010 8:56 am

1. Cake and other sweet things.
2. Sky Blue and other bright colours.
3. Magic School Student!
4. Uh. She's still developing relationships with everyone.
5. ...Um...
6. N-not really.
7. Something small and cute.
8. Free, flowing hair.
9. Kya! Yes. Larita has had a few.
10. Um... Defeating a monster I guess.
11. Larita has a mother and a brother.
12. Human World; England.
13. Meeting new people, thrills, music, light songs, etc...
14. Dirty people, perverts and INSECTS!!!
15. Getting swarmed by evil insects. Silly but true.
16. Star Pouch and other star related accessories.
17. People she might wish to be as strong as...
18. Music Magic!
19. Wind!
20. Nope.
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Male Posts : 1120
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Location : Fayetteville, North Carolina, U.S.A.

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptySat Feb 13, 2010 3:53 pm

1. Your characters favorite food? Strawberry Cheesecake
2. Your characters favorite color? Pink
3. Current occupation? A student
4. Characters best friend (NPC or what)? No friends, is too quiet to make any
5. Love interest? Nope
6. Any rivals? Unh-unh
7. If your character was going to be a different species, what would it be? A Mermaid!
8. Favorite hair style? Hanging down
9. Traumatic experiences? That'll be revealed later~
10. Most chivalrous experience? To be revealed
11. Any relatives? Eris - older sister, Tairado - younger brother, Airios - older brother, Dysc - deceased oldest brother, Gigas - dad, Illyria - mom
12. Where was your character born? To be revealed
13. Characters most liked thing? Peace
14. Characters most disliked thing? Innocent people hurt
15. Characters worst fear? Being alone in a extremely small place
16. Favorite accessory for clothing (eg. Ribbon) Jewels!
17. Looks up to any other character? Eris, she want's to be as courageous and strong as her, but hopefully, not as single-minded and short-tempered.
18. Favorite magic type? Water Magic
19. Favorite element? Water
20. Biased over anything? Likes to see the good in people, so she'll defend almost anyone
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Posts : 39
Join date : 2010-02-10

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptySat Feb 13, 2010 4:04 pm

1. Your characters favorite food? Whiskey.
2. Your characters favorite color? All the colours of the rainbow.
3. Current occupation? Alchemist.
4. Characters best friend: Elahan the Ermine
5. Love interest? Yes
6. Any rivals? Samir (NPC)
7. If your character was going to be a different species, what would it be? A cat?
8. Favorite hair style? Current
9. Traumatic experiences? Has recently seen 'Truth' and made a 'Payment' for 'Knowledge'.
10. Most chivalrous experience? Maybe?
11. Any relatives? Has a brother somewhere that she knows little about.
12. Where was your character born? The Western Realms
13. Characters most liked thing? Alchemy and knowledge.
14. Characters most disliked thing? Truth (she regards Truth as nothing more than a thief)
15. Characters worst fear? Truth and what he's capable and willing to take from people.
16. Favorite accessory for clothing (eg. Ribbon) Gloves.
17. Looks up to any other character? Will (for private reasons)
18. Favorite magic type? None
19. Favorite element? Fire
20. Biased over anything? Not that she knows of no.
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Posts : 27
Join date : 2010-01-27

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptySat Feb 13, 2010 4:11 pm

1. Your characters favorite food? Green seedless grapes.
2. Your characters favorite color? Sea Blue
3. Current occupation? Gunner/assassin
4. Characters best friend (NPC or what)? None at the moment.
5. Love interest? Not really.
6. Any rivals? If she did, they ain't talking no more.
7. If your character was going to be a different species, what would it be? a Dragon.
8. Favorite hair style? Current
9. Traumatic experiences? Not really (this might turn out to be a lie)
10. Most chivalrous experience? ...
11. Any relatives? a Family somewhere.
12. Where was your character born? Northern plains (magicus mundus)
13. Characters most liked thing? Guns Cat and sleep.
14. Characters most disliked thing? interrupted sleep
15. Characters worst fear? ... Not telling.
16. Favorite accessory for clothing (eg. Ribbon) a gun holster (yes she's crazy)
17. Looks up to any other character? Several, none that she's willing to admit to.
18. Favorite magic type? Healing magic (she enjoys the feeling and she likes healers)
19. Favorite element? none.
20. Biased over anything? Not to her knowledge.
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Male Posts : 235
Join date : 2010-01-29

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptySat Feb 13, 2010 4:42 pm

1. Beef
2. Red, followed by blue
3. Mercenary Archer
4. None
5. Has caught the attention of someone he likes
6. Not yet
7. Beastman
8. Current hair style
9. Scared of any type of height. He might even faint!
10. Saving the villagers from the Tri-Ape
11. Two younger twin sisters
12. England, Human World
13. Fighting, girls (though he won't tell anyone, or show it)
14. Play boys
15. Ending up homosexual
16. Jackets
17. Nope
18. Ranged Magic
19. WIND!
20. Nope
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2010-02-13

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 1:24 am

1. Your characters favorite food? Cherries and Peaches
2. Your characters favorite color? Pink and yellow
3. Current occupation? Student
4. Characters best friend (NPC or what)? She still wants to meet people.
5. Love interest? Ah, she used to have one when she was a child...
6. Any rivals? Nope.
7. If your character was going to be a different species, what would it be?
8. Favorite hair style? Pony Tail!
9. Traumatic experiences? Losing her voice...
10. Most chivalrous experience? Climbing the fifth highest mountain, for personal reasons.
11. Any relatives? Nope. Her parents put her out for adoption, and some church women kindly took her in. She thinks of them as mother figures.
12. Where was your character born? Magicus Mundus, somewhere...
13. Characters most liked thing? Rain, friends, profile likes.
14. Characters most disliked thing? Rude people, voicelessness.
15. Characters worst fear? Snowy Mountains.
16. Favorite accessory for clothing (eg. Ribbon) Bells!~
17. Looks up to any other character? Singers...
18. Favorite magic type? Flower!
19. Favorite element? None...
20. Biased over anything? Yup.
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Female Posts : 162
Join date : 2010-02-14

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 11:23 am

1. Pineapple and Salad. Especially Fruit Salad.
2. Blue.
3. Student
4. Um... Sadly no one likes her...
5. She used to have a boyfriend, who just used her to humiliate her.
6. Nope!
7. Angel
8. Current hairstyle
9. Ah... Being alone for most of her life. She always hated it.
10. Making a friend! Though they don't know she has a split personality.
11. Yes. She meets her mother and father regularly.
12. Countryside. It was actually relatively close to a dragon nest. Though they never found them.
13. Sweet things, helping people who are straying from their "path".
14. Emo... She hates seeing sad people!
15. Isolation
16. Scarf
17. Popular guys, who meet all the criteria on making friends. Selfless people.
18. Sand/Earth
19. Sand/Earth/Flower
20. Many unknown things
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Male Posts : 34
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Age : 31

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 7:15 pm

1. Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
2. Icy blue.
3. Teacher
4. Doesn't have one.
5. Maybe in the future...
6. Hmm... Never thought about it.
7. Wolfman!
8. Spiked all the way.
9. Nope.
10. Walking down to Hell's Gate and beating the crap out of Cerberus.
11. Sure, the ice dragons of the north.
12. Far north near the North Pole.
13. Snow and Magic.
14. Liver-and-onions (nasty food there.)
15. Melting.
16. His trench-coat.
17. Not particularly.
18. Offensive, close-range.
19. Ice.
20. He favors some students over others for how they act.
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Posts : 188
Join date : 2010-04-28

Your Character! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Character!   Your Character! EmptyMon Jun 07, 2010 11:38 am

1. Fish, preferably Barramundi.
2. Green.
3. Everlast Magic School Student
4. Her summon spirits... sad, I know...
5. Any hot guy!! (Ken, William, Kaito, Bex, Rogan, Daisuke, much more!)
6. Rivals... in love?
7. A summon spirit, most likely a chibi ghost
8. Lopsided ponytail
9. Her past, the forest burning...
10. Saving a summon spirit when she was 12, which was drowning in the river. She jumped in the river to save it, rescuing it as she done so.
11. Her family, she doesn't contact them much though.
12. A small village, near a spirit-inhabited forest.
13. Guys. I thought we made this clear.
15. She doesn't like insects or monkey! But, she'll defend them... while being scared.
16. Ribbons.
17. Ritia.
18. Summoning.
19. Wind.
20. Herself.
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