Rank Images:
Default Swords, from forumotion, looks nice, but ugly white edging.
Stars, for sexiness.. might change it to a new color background or just clear.
Mission board; something similar at least..
We could use some pruning, too many topics about useless shit.
Remember the Magic School Shop? It was destroyed, but it would be nice to have a few Shops again.
The Administration/Moderation team doing more than just: Approval/Deny Characters, Revise Characters, Grade RP Threads, and Spam the Hidden Staff Board with Artifacts & Never-gonna-happen Event Threads (and some NPC threads for events that do sometimes happen)
Also, it would be nice if we (you) could finish an event.. maybe two.
I'd love to revamp the Character & History sections, since they need it.
Also, some forum topics need to be updated, or at least expanded.
The majority of the role-play system is pretty bland, I would love to change it to something more simple and less.. spam-as-many-threads-as-possible-to-earn-big-SP/TP-amounts, since it favors people who've done that, as well as the older members.. a lot. Since we only get one or two new people every month and they usually don't stay long.
This forum, overall, isn't very newbie friendly.. everything kinda overwhelms people.
Simplicity should be a virtue.