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 An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)

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An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) Empty
PostSubject: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 4:23 pm

Back from his quest in the fairy forest, with his young body back, Nhieling encountered Mortimer during another of his little nap.

Waking him up by calling him, he engaged the conversation with a gloomy attitude.

Oh.... Mortimer, fine i wanted to speak with you.
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 4:26 pm

Mortimer rolled over seemingly oblivious to Nhielings presence.
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 4:49 pm

Upset by this lack of reaction Nhieling just throw his puppet right under the eyes of Mortimer, nose to nose.

Hehe, wake up now !

[wouldn't like to be wake up this way myself xD]
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 5:14 pm

Bating the puppet away mortimer remained asleep. Something more forceful than a creepy puppe would be required to wake him from this.
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 5:24 pm

I see, i'll have to use the hard way.

Immitating the voice of Umibouzu (even through only having hear him once)

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An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 5:33 pm

Strangely enough that was what did it. Rolling over Mortimer formed a spear of shadow, rolling into a crouch and thrusting the spear at where he thought Umi would be (though in truth it was only Nhieling).

Mortimer stopped short just before he completed the attack realizing his mistake aand allowing the shadow spear to dissipate. Slumping back down onto his sleeping spot and asked "what is it Nhieling? we're not killing anything today so why're you here?

Mortimer seemed to pay no heed that the old man had returned to a state of youthful vigor, but the mans clothes remained the same dirty rags as ever. And of course that demonic little puppet which followed him everywhere was still with him. This youthful man could be no one but Nhieling.
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An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 5:40 pm

Hmmm finally wake up.

Without being intrusive, I was curious about something, may I ask?
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 6:58 pm

Mortimer sighed. "Ask away"
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 7:01 pm

Daisuke was just secretly having his presence hidden as he eavedrop since he was following Nhieling for fun setting his visibility to none .In this current state ,he is able to keep hidden without being noticed though his voice may be able to be heard if loud enough [Just for fun Hehe ]
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 4:53 am

Okay, I'm curious. About you, about your past, your aim....

You're a mystery to me.
But i can wait for this answer, if i get everything right now it wouldn't be fun.

Right now, i wanted to understand something : what are you trying to achieve with Kitty and Kagami.
Just by looking those two it's predictable than a death fight will explose sooner or later.

Either way, you probably know this...
Wouldn't it be nice? Un true fight, between the fang and the steel. A wild fight between the wildness of the beast, and the nwildness of human. A fight between two opposed kind of vampire.... Personally, it sure would be interresting, but I can't understand what you'll gain into it...
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An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 5:03 am

Nhielings probing had struck a cord in Mortimer.Unfortunately now that it was conciously pointed out to him he had no choice but to acknowledge the truth.

His dreams had hinted at it, he had,had minor suspicions of it and now Nhielings words had confirmed it. Kagami and Kitty were in a deadlock over him.

And this very situation pained him as much as it probably did the two girls. "Is it that obvious then?" He asked. "Well the truth is I have no idea what I'm doing. Yes I'm in a committed relationship with Kitty and I do care for her... but I think I also like Kagami... and if what you're saying is true then she also likes me... SHIT! I'm caught in a fucking LOVE TRIANGLE!" The relization had just hit him and Mortimer was having a miniature freak-out.

He had become one of those shallow guys caught in a hopeless situation which he couldn't end without hurting one of them. Mortimer rested his face in his hands shaking his head at the unneccessary drama of the situation. "I honestly have no plan what so ever... I'm fucked arn't I?" He looked up looking at the newly revitilized-youth.
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An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 5:12 am

The aura around Nhieling suddently become cooler... Giving Mortimer a shiver....

With a grin, he add, with some sadism into his voice :

Sure... a sad situation...
Your in the position to do nothing, you can't prevent their fight, and you can only choose to hurt one of them, or to hurt both.....
You'll... Have to make a choice.

Then, Nhieling grin accentuated

This is the main point i wanted to reach : Who are you gonna choose?....

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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 5:26 am


"Kitty has that feeling of innocence and purity even though I know she's anything but. Being around her makes me want to protect her, to make her happy. I want to see her smiling and to comfort her when times are tough. I want to be able to role around in a field in broad daylight, eat cookies and fall asleep next to her... With her I have contentment and happiness which I know will stay with me till I'm old and grey. With Kitty I can see myself settling down and never fighting again. Just living our days peacefully..."

"On the other hand there's Kagami. A regular spitfire who's willing to chop you apart and then burn the bodies. She's not strong now but I feel the raw potential burning inside of her, waiting to be fed the right fuel and explode in a torrent of passion, rage and excitement. With Kagami I feel like I could change the world if I so desired, even burn it down if we felt like. And regardless of the ending we would keep going until we were spent having done and seen everything this world has to offer. A life of constant passion, destruction, violence and excitement. "

"So you see Nhieling, my choice is either a life of content happiness with a girl I love with the occassional burst of excitement, or the massive decades long vendor of action followed wither by my death or a similar contentment I might get with Kitty, but with no more excitement. Put yourself in my position Nhieling, assume for a minute that you arn't immortal, but the two girls you love are. Assume that you have a choice between these two lives, defined by these two extraordinary women... which one do you choose?"
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An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 5:40 am

Nhieling laugted...

Aahaha... You're interresting, like i though, Mortimer. You've seen the situation the same way i did. In my case the choice in easy, and i've already mad it, i've choose the passion of Kagami. I have eternity, and I had made my choice clear to everyone...

You're just an hypocritical... You said you can't choose between them... But in the end you just tamed the wildness of Kagami, making her your toy, but you can't even respond her feeling because you like Kitty, and you can't love Kagami the same way she did.

I know the choice you have to make. I mad it a long time ago....

Anyway, it's too late now. The only choice you have left is the one you want to keep for yourself, but their fight is unavoidable. So, who will you fight alongside with?
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 5:46 am

Mortimer could see where this was going now... the true reason Nhieling had come there "You like Kagami don't you?"
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 5:56 am

Liking her????????

Nhieling explosed in laughter

Man, even if my young body get his sexual pulsion back, i'm over 700 years old ! Love is just an illusion, a weakness that need to be erased....
I won't argue this with you, you're just too young and inexperimented to understand.

No, i don't say it because i like her, but because she's interresting, she has both the potential and the personnality that will allowed her to get far. I just want to be with her, to help her, to chase the boredom. Anyway, my choice right now his clear, even if I'll respect the 1vs1 rule, i'll help Kagami, and don't misunderstand me, i'm trully not ill-intentionned, but i'm not nice at all. The second an someone become an ennemy, i crush him. They're is no rule in a fight, so even if Kagami may be weaker than Kitty right now, i'll give her a way to fight equally.

Now is your choice : You can either choose one of them, of choose none.

If you choose none, both of them will suffer, but if you choose one, you'll loose her definitely.

Don't forget it...
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 6:04 am

Nhieling was right unfortunately. But still he had allowed Mortimer some insight into his problem... and Mortimer thought that he had just come up with a solution.

"Thanks Nhieling... this talk... helped." Standing up Mortimer turned around and made for the cabin. He had some planning to do. Nhieling might get a chance to ask Mortimer one more question before he entered the house.
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An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 6:22 am

Hmmm, we'll see your choice directly on the battlefield then...

I just hope you'll be able to make it before I triggered.... eeee before the fight started.... kekeke...
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Male Posts : 4808
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 6:25 am

(OOC: Noob, you do know there's always the harem route.

Also, 700 year old... wrinkly love... ewwww. I laughed tho', you done? I'll grade it.)
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 6:26 am

Yeah I think we're done... and as for harem route you have to remember that there are actual people behind this... some of whom are not interested in "sharing" in the relationship.
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 6:29 am

(But that's exactly it, they might accept you for your heterosexual ways!)
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 6:31 am

Just trust me... I have some semblance of a plan now... granted I have no idea what it is but I know that in some way shape or form it involves Ayra.
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 6:31 am

[Sure, you can grade it, Al, let's prepare the next topic... I can't wait Kill, Oh, I don't think Harem would do in this kind of situation.... ]
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PostSubject: Re: An ominous conversation (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed)   An ominous conversation  (Alberio, PM both to join, ear dropping is allowed) EmptyFri Dec 17, 2010 6:37 am


Alberio: 2 SP, 1 MP and 50,000 Drachma
Nhieling: 2 SP, 1 MP and 50,000 Drachma
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