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 Nhieling training (anybody free to join)

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PostSubject: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 9:11 pm

(got bored)

Feeling himself a little rough lately, comparing to the lvl he had is the past, Nhieling décide to go and train a little by himself.

To begin with, to work his accuracy, have to find a beehive...

Entering a sparse forest, Nhieling suddently stop, and sit silently. Holding his concentration, he animate his puppet. Right away, the doll start to move in all direction, searching everywhere.
Nhieling visage seem to crisp doing this, making his doll move so fast cost him a lot of effort and concentration... His skill sure have become dull in the past 2 century....

After two hours of this hellish training, Nhieling finally what he was seeking for. Covered with sweating he finally got in front of a big beehive.

Here start the second part of the training. Taking a safe distance, Nhieling suddently throw his puppet on his target. An army of furious insect sunddetly leave their home, rushing at Nhieling. Here Nhieling use his puppet to crush the insect the faster he can to prevent them from advancing.
" This fucking little thing are alway so hard to hit, we'll see who is going to win!"

Loosing control os the situation little by little, Nhieling was counter the minute he could hold : 1,2...9,10,11
"Are this thing in unlimited number? !!" Suddently Nhieling realised something : the bee where coming from all the direction...

"Don't say me that.... a central hive???? !!!!"

Suddently, start here the third part : Running for your life !!!

After 1hours of running, Nhieling suddently fell down to his knee, and kill the last bee that was still following him :

"So uncool... Good thing i come here to train alone"

Even if nearly emotion-less, Nhieling seem to still cling to his pride.

To recover from the first part of his training, Nhieling sit, fixing his doll right in the eye, and start mediting, giving the feeling he was dugging in some of his memory. Actually Nhieling was seeking for a special part in his memory : the part about Zieref memory, and especially his knowledge about curse magic.
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 6:52 pm

Nhieling was navigating into his own memory. It was like a little method to store data he had come up with during his long life. He was searching into his oldest memories, not even his own : Zieref one.

He was repassing his life, seeing everything to his first memory, to his condemnation. Revisiting his childhood, his desiillusion, his progressive fall into madness as the life seem to strive on him. Zieref could have been a lot of thing, he had a strong talent for magic and for fighting, but more than this he had what you could call godly instinct.
He discovered everything he knew about magic by himself, it was like he was a natural born wizard.

He had discovered his power at the age of 10, when he accidently cast a curse at someone he hated, causing him to die. After that, he slowly take his revenge over the world. Starting by becoming a gang chief, as his power were growing he started to get into the undergroung world, selling his power.
Falling into insanity, Nhieling, at the top of his art, discovered a way to enchained soul to the living realm, making them a vast energy supplie once their host was dead.
Then, one of the most terrific black mage in history was born. Through his soul drinking habit, Nhieling became stronger and stronger whith each village razed. The most frightening part is maybe that his terror reign wouldn't have any end, concidering that Zieref longevity was increasing as he feed from life energy.

Zieref even take disciple, and it was this that ccaused his end.

His seven disciple, lead by Liirdhan, corrupted 3 pure child soul, and the day Zieref absorb them, the most perfect curse was ready to seal away his power : the curse of the three penance. After this, they forced out of him the secret of the soul stealing curse, one of the way to immortality, and offer him to authorities, offering to carry the punishement of seal away his soul in exchange of being free of charge.

After this, Zieref memory are just a confusion of mixed feeling. Just one was still here : one of the last feeling that Zieref, and so Nhieling was clinging to, his desire to take revenge on the one that killed him.

By recalling himself all of this, Nhieling remember of some curse. He stand up, making crack his joint, and start searching for guinea pig to test his new spells.
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 5:28 pm

In his seek of a decent opponent, Nhieling go further into the forest. Killing somes animals to get somes souls to use.

Getting in the dark part, the first thing he encounter got to be... a bear.

Even if using lowly animal soul will get the curse weaker... i can still try it

Casting his first spell, he crippled the bear and distracted him with his puppet to prevent him from attacking him.
Then he tried the first curse : phantasmagoria curse .

The bear suddently seemed to see something, as he suddently stoped trying to take down the puppet.

Hmmm, i dunno what he's seeing, but for a first try it isn't bad, even if his brain is limited, it's still working.

Then Nhieling start using his second curse, one of the most deadly in Zieref repertory : Decay.

The bear suddently started roar in pain, as his flesh start to rot. The effect suddently end, still letting some visible damage on the bear leather, some plaque of flesh had turn black.

Hmmm still a long time to go, but i still can do somes damage with this.

Then Nhieling left, starting to think of the better way to use his new abilitie.

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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 8:54 pm

Kagami had been told by the ventriloquist-looking-guy she'd fought with that this was his place. She looked around curiously, wondering what he could want from her...
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 9:19 pm

OOC (it was "everlast magic school, dorm, Nhieling room) Let's just say than this thread will do, i end it anyway :)

So you've come... Like a thought... I think i must explain myself for now, to begin with, i'll start with what has made me interrested in you. The second i saw you i got interrested (OOC : actually it's true, when i first read your charac presentation i had already more of less prepared this)
To begin with, we're the perfect opposite warrior : You are the raw power fighter, with both incredible offense and defense. When i'm the total opposite, fighting with tactic, trick, you can call me a lot of thing: ranged attacker, mage, support, curser but absolutely not warrior. In this way we complete perfectly.

The other thing is, as you may know, i'm also of the kind of the immortal, even if i'm a different one, you drink blood to live one when a feed on soul. We're at the same time total opposite, and very close...
I know that you understand what i'm trying to say you : You know, deep in you, that we'll survived everyone we currently know.
I've lived alone for 500years, 500 years of endless killing, war, plots, scheme, and alway the same feeling, in the end we're alway alone, everybody is alone in the end, but in our case it's even worst,
We live, happily with the one that are maybe the grand grand children of our old friends...

To come to the subject, this whole world isn't more than a distracting place to me now, you'll probably become like me one day. Or not, and this is the point i want to get : we're not bind to eternal loneliness.

What i proposed you is to pair up, we formed the perfet combos, perfectly balanced. You got the potential, and i think i'll retrieve a good part of my old power soon. We got the sames aim too : chaos. We both refuse peace, i can't distract myself in a peacefull world, and you can't fight either in this kind of universe. Ine the end all we want is to continu on living, years after years, alway continu, without getting bored of our own existence.

Moreover, even if you accept i won't impose anything through this deal, i think that you'll like what i can propose you, I have... another aim, i'll detailled it later if you accept, let's say that i can grant you a good part of what you desire : Incredible fight, at a lvl you probably can't imagine right know (OOC : currently preparing a gigantic story line story), getting powerfull....

We could become a combos to be feared, and this through the century.

I'll let you take your decision, like i said i won't require anything, i'm just searching for the allies that could fit me well. Either way, i'll probably follow your action a little bit of time from now one, you wake up my interrest.

You're free to choose
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 1:03 am

You're done riiiight? Will told me to grade this, sooo here I go!

Rewards: Nhieling: 2 SP, 1 MP and 10,000 Drachma.
Kagami: 1 SP and 1,000 Drachma
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 11:18 am

Thx you :shiney:
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 3:05 pm

What about my experience stuff?
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 3:06 pm

[Kagami, you mistake the post, the first credit was about the training in the three first post, you just have to end the RP and then it wil be credited]
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 3:11 pm

Kagami could feel a connection with this guy. She couldn't deny that. But at the same time, she wasn't sure of it... "You'll have to forgive me. I know not which choice I want to make more." She shook her head, and with another glance into his eyes she decided she'd rather get more information and perhaps discuss a few ideas of her own. "Ok... what sort of an alliance do you have in mind?"
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 3:32 pm

Hmmm I know that we feel the same way, i can understand you better than anyone, except maybe for other immortal.

Let's just say that i want worthy companion, with the same life excpectansy. More over i'm just searching for some fun, and you can grant me this, your wildness is refreshing for a desabused like me.

Like i said, this alliance mean nothing in the fact that i won't ask anything from you, but if you accept we can find mutual interrest. To begin with, you seek battle and power, i seek revenge over on of the most dangerous ennemy this world is bearing.
I can help you i a lot of way.

Oh, one more thing, somehow out of the subject, i thought you would be interrested in why you lose to me no?
It's mainly by making stratégical mistake, would you like to hear about it?
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 11:19 am

Kagami thought. Striking a deal with this guy could perhaps help her unlock her past through her Memories, as well as those other benefits. She nodded and grinned, displaying her vampiric fangs proudly. She knew she could never go back to her old life, when she had family... So to her nheiling represented the hopes for the next best thing quite possibly.
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 12:23 pm

Hehe, fine, fine.

Said Nhieling with a grin

Then i'll explain what i can propose you :

They're is a soul sealed in my puppet that i've made a contract with. Our memory are now one, he was once a powerfull dark mage. To make it short he got betrayed by his seven disciple, and the secret for immortality, the same one that keep me alive, was stolen from him. His seven disciple must probably still be alive, they're more than 1500years old today (when i first met Zieref, sealed into his puppet, he had been in for 800years). My principal aim is to get revenge on them, and I also need their soul to.... another use.

They're strong, unbelievably strong, and i'll need ally to defeat them.

In exchange you can ask what you want from me.
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 12:31 pm

Kagami liked this guy as a friend. This was very much what she had wanted from the deal "Ok, but just to make things clear that makes you Mortimer-sensei's subordinate as well... Let's just say I didn't strike that deal well and he took advantage of it... Then again, probably for the better we met, because otherwise I would never have encountered you." She wondered something in the back of her mind and finally got it out then and there... "Have you met Mortimer-sensei?" If Nheiling hadn't that be the first thing she'd do was get those two properly introduced.
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 1:01 pm

Mortimer hu? Yes, I've see him. He's pretty interresting into his own way too. But i can't feel at ease with him. He possess a great amount of power, and the skill of a leader. But i.... can't understand him. His aims remain mysterious.
Being his subordinate his maybe a little too much, but i think nthat following him can be interresting
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 8:58 am

Kagami737 wrote:
What about my experience stuff?

You don't get any for doing one post, unless it's a fairly large one. If we have before, sorry. But they were mistakes. Sadness

Also, we don't regrade threads unless requested to... But that's a hassle, especially when Dorian already done the history update.
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PostSubject: Re: Nhieling training (anybody free to join)   Nhieling training (anybody free to join) EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 12:08 pm

William, can you up the topic "the vampire and the ventriloqist"?

I'm not sure about the exact name of the thread but it's something like this. It's just some rp end here.
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