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 Advent of the Arena Idols

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Male Posts : 2815
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 3:15 am

Umi and Yoko geared up, they were standing around in the waiting room contemplating there strategy for the fight while the minutes went idling by before show time. As the timer in the waiting room chirped, the pair made there way up the stairs and onto the stage.

The arena in Hecates was just a dirt circle surrounded by a colosseum full of cheering attendees. Umi and Yoko were forced to fight in the arena to get the prize money, as they were already low on funds as it was. With them fighting in the arena it would allow them to find prospective candidates for their organization.

"Well, lets get this fight started shall we?"
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 3:58 am

Yoko was prepared too, armed in the latest magical armor, he felt like a night, but had it custom slimmed down and removed the right arm just for aesthetic sake. At his side was his Gladius Fulminus, as well as several vajras, daggers and charms in his belt for the situation.

"Were using our standard Magi-Combat Style right?"

In front of them was their opponent, another pair was armed to the teeth, magic guns, swords, hammers, axes and other such weapon were attached to these guys bodies with all manner of rope and strap, they looked like they could not move, but Yoko was on his toes anyways.
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 6:28 am

Nhieling, passing by, just come to see the fight...
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 6:44 am

"Yup, i back you up with my Dolere Spell, while you use you Ougi's to blow the crap out of them, ESP says they arent magicians, so we can take them out rather easily. On three.."

Umi brought out his staff and began casting his Dolere spell, if they were to win the fight, Yoko would need the largest boost in strength that he can get. The two warriors that were their opponents were just standing there, having Umi a little worried

"GeroGeroJovis corpus, precari nos dare nostrum sociae cum Confirmare, Dolere Confirmarus,Three

Well it was worth testing out, so Umi sent Yoko out to fight.

"Fighters get ready...... Incipite!"
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 1:14 am

Yoko shundo-d in, coming in between the two armed warriors, allowing him to knock both of them away from each other, using his Kya-aya spell, he charmed up a double of himself to combat each of them. With Umi powering up his double and his Ki he would be able to fight both of them equally.

"Umi, you can use your spirit powers now.."
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyTue Dec 07, 2010 2:58 am

"Naw, ill sit back, it's pretty enjoyable from this distance, besides... i dont know any attack spells..."

Umi took off with his broom, observing the battle from far able the area, he could peacefully watch as Yoko beat the %*@! out of his opponents. With his ESP and his Archive, he monitored all three with it, and noticed something odd about their two opponents, despite both being Ki-user's, they had a noticeable amount of magic power, but rather than it being a boost or natural power, it seemed attached to them, perhaps through an object.

"Stay on your toes YOKO!"
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyTue Dec 07, 2010 3:26 am

As the two combatants were pushed apart their entire opening strategy had been ruined.

But there was no time for that. The taller skinnier one withdrew a bow, knocking six arrows in it as he backed up and fired them all at the approaching target. They were all ki-infused and thanks to some transparent thread he could manipulate their trajectory in mid flight. If he somehow managed to avoid his seeking-arrows he had a little charm bracelet with a fireball spell ready to throw.

The shorter fatter one withdrew his weapons. Two gigantic warhammers, three battleaxes and a great sword. This one new better than to attack his opponent head on and so he got into a fake defensive stance a weapon held between to fingers on each hand. The doppleganger was coming in fast and when he got close enough the squat mann would through all the weapons he held but his sword. If the man shundo'd that would be even better and if he actually managed to land a hit... well, lets just say he had a contingency plan for that too.
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 5:10 am

Yoko lost his shikigami double when it was attacked, but while it was destroyed, he took the time to launch a Raimeiken at his opponent, burning them from the electrical explosion that ensued, now that one of them was down for a few moments, he would be able to fight the other one while he recovered. The wounded guy, laying on the ground in front of him was alive, but still in shock from the volts that had just entered his body and was twitching on the floor.

Shundo-ing to the next guy he entered combat with him, Umi's buff spell would end in a few more minutes anyway, so he needed to finish both of them quickly.

"Umi! Team Wonder Battle!"
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 6:24 am

"It's come to that huh? Alright... Paries Extendetum..."

Umi, high above the area, removed both of his barriers and maneuvered his Anti-material barrier down towards his opponent, from this range he would be able to evade anything with his broom while he telekinetically moved it to block his opponents next attack.

"Area Constet"
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 12:06 am

The archer had managed to defeat the shikigami but his partner hadn't been so lucky. Still he knew that his brother wouldn't go down that easily. The archer set up his next attack, thirty two arrows each charged with ki and guided by a ki string. Immediately followed a massive fireball, all directly aimed at the shundoing enemy. The archer doubted this man could dodge so much especially when they were this powerful. And unbeknownst to the opponent his brother wasn't such a pushover.

The other combatant who Umi had seemingly took down had calmed down from the shock. He was lucky, tht blast had almost killed him and if he hadn't divorced himself from his outer layer he might have died. But he was no stranger to combat and so while his outer layer had taken the brunt of the damage from the electrical explosion, he still lived. A knife blade emerged from the back of the downed opponent and seemed to saw its way through. Bursting out was a stunningly handsome and muscular long blond haired man.

Contingency plans were always important. Seemingly unhurt with his apparent "rebirth" the man took up his six weapons again. Strangely unafraid (considering his lack of armor and apparent nudity). His partner was unleashing a massive attack, so all he needed to do was make sure the enemy couldn't escape. The man threw his weapons around the charging opponent, creating a semicircle, with the opening in the direction the flamming attack was coming from. Forming his hands together in a special sign he activated the barrier. Thus preventing the ki-using enemy from dodging the oncoming attack of arrows and magical fireball.

This match was far from over.

(OOC; What, you really thought I would make it that easy for you?)
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Male Posts : 2815
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 1:40 am

(You SHOULD, this is a qualifying match...)
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 3:28 am

Yeah, and to qualify you have to do more than a one hit KO. This is about the power Negi and Kotaro faced and the only reason they won was because they were so overpowered. You're not as strong as Negi or Kotaro, so it should be harder for you guys then them...good luck though. Hehe
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Male Posts : 2815
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 5:15 am

Umi: Paries Maxima!

Umi activate the full strength of his barriers, as he surrounded Yoko, allowing him to defend against the barrage of attacks and the fireball as they bounced off and crumpled underneith the might of his spell. With his barriers strong enough to cover both him and Yoko, Umi began to enact his battle tactic: Wonder Battle.

Umi: Lets go, Improvised Technique: Barrier Tackle!

Umi charged his opponent with his barriers on full blast, pushing him forward thanks to the anti-material while keeping his abilities staunch with the anti-magical. His large body flailed next to him as Umi charged towards the wall, before he stopped and bounced the large man against his magic walls, allowing him to ricochet him into the wall.

Umi: Fun right~?!
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 5:28 am

Yoko: Om~Kyan!

Yoko charged up and created a barrier charm with his technique while he was protect by Umi's barriers. As he left to go tackle his opponent he Shundo towards the skinnier one, with his attack focused on ranged combat, Yoko knew he would be able to take him out with a powerful sword stroke.

Yoko: Zanganken!

With a ki-infused slash, he cleaved the ki bow the guy was wielding into pieces and he readied his next attack with a sword thrust.
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySun Dec 12, 2010 12:59 am

The two were in panic now. Their weapons were gone and their powers diminished, there was only one thing they could do. Looking at each other they nodded depressing a button on each of their wrists, summoning a daemon soldier.

How the two of them had managed to get their hands on one was a mystery but it was big, and wielded a massive staff which it brought down hard on the floating Umi. Could Yoko stop the gigantic beast in time?
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySun Dec 12, 2010 1:19 am

"%*@!.... Cat"

Umi could not evade or block the attack fired at him, sending the huge club-like staff colliding with his barriers, as a cleric, his barriers could block out nearly everything a mage could produce, but the sheer magnitude and weight but on with the mace shatter and collapsed his barriers, and Umi with it.

From underneith the Daemon Soldiers staff, Umi appeared, in full spirit mode. No longer powered by the Ultimate Spirit of Water, Umi lost almost all his magic power regenerating from that attack, with only a small amount of magic left, he transformed his watery hand into a demonic claw, and enlarged it as he aimed to attack the Daemon Soldier.

"Sorry Yoko, it was my bad..."

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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySun Dec 12, 2010 6:27 pm

"Shinmeiryuu Ougi!... Hyakkaretsu Okazan!!"

Yoko did not hesitate, his blood boiling from the attack one Umi, he aimed right for the Daemon Soldier's neck, but was stopped by the creature large barrier, sending Yoko falling back to earth but caught himself on the tip of Umi's broom as they lifted both of them up, to engage the creature head on.

"Time to break out the Shinmeiryuu Exorcism Tactics against this spirit, right?"

Yoko, having not practiced the Shinmeiryuu exorcism tactics, has to resort to using his artifact to defeat his opponent, but something of that size might be hard to capture with just this artifact
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Male Posts : 2815
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 1:30 am

"Water Body Spirit Claw"

With his extended water claw, Umi sent it flying at the face of the monster, with the sheer speed at which he was doing it it slammed into the summon's magic barrier and began to use the claws innate ability to destroy the barrier. Thanks to the effects of water magic, Umi was able to staunch magic power in the area and cause it to decay until the barrier was destroyed. Now that the barrier was down, Umi would allow Yoko to finish of the summon, as he was already out of magic.

"My body is.... dripping?......I think im falling apart!...."

Umi's body, magical in origin, was starting to liquefy as his magic was no longer able to keep him together.
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 5:15 am

The daemon soldier stopped moving for a moment holding its right arm out in front of it as if in prayer while its left arm hung at its side keeping the staff verticle. A small sphere formed on the tip of the daemons massive fingers and began expanding, it was recreating its barrir as fast as it could.

Somehow the creature had already assertained the danger it would be in if it allowed a direct attack from Yoko to hit and was taking counter measures. The sphere was still expanding, rapidly now, if Yoko wanted to defeat this creature he would need to do so as fast as possible, before the daemons barrier covered its vital areas. Unbeknownst to Yoko was that the creature could still move, and if he did attack the creatures left arm would rise up as a fulcrum to knock him out of the sky. What was the shinmei-ryu using swordsman to do?
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySat Dec 18, 2010 6:37 pm

"Taima Senjutsu: Sabaku Kishin!"

Yoko activated his artifact, releasing hundreds of chains, locks and bonds to surround the Daemon Soldier, restraining its hand and collapsing the barrier it was forming all in one moment, thanks to the tremendous effort it took for Yoko to release the bindings, they began to break and falter almost immediately, acting fast, Yoko went straight got the jugular, literally.

"Shinmeiryuu Ougi Hyakkaretsu Okazan!"
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Male Posts : 2815
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Advent of the Arena Idols Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 2:06 am

"Yoko! Finish him quick, im think im dying!"

Umi was starting to liquefy at a horrible rate, he was already virtually a puddle by the time he finished his sentence, hoping he was not gonna die. He could regenerate, but that would require offering up his body again, the last thing he was gonna do, instead he exerted whatever magic he had left and tried to reform himself.

"Come on, Come on, Come on..."
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 2:25 am

Just as Yoko swung his sword the giant being disapeared, as quickly as it had come. Looking down, Yoko would have seen the two men, one tall and wielding a handgun, the other of average height and a virtul adonis staniding over Umi with glowing hands. The two arena fighters had withdrawn their trump-card it seemed, no use in letting their most valuable asset being destroyed.

The two men were both charging fire attacks at the steadily melting body of water which was Umi. Looking up at Yoko the grinned and said in unison "YIELD OR YOUR FRIEND GETS IT!"
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 2:36 am

Yoko snapped, the one thing he hated more than weak opponents were ones that took hostages, especially if the hostage was Umi. His inner demon was brought out, the sheer mass of Ki he emitted was enough to scorch the sand underneith their feet he drew his sword, ready to unleash an attack that would kill both of them in an instant.

"Give up now, or i will kill you, in the worst way possible!"
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 2:41 am

Wincing as their feet started to heat up but still not breaking their positions the tall one yelled up at the floating Yoko "Don't give me that shit. You attack us here and your friend becomes another unfortunate stain on the arena floor. Now yield before your friend gets evaporated." The mans bracelet seemed to glow red. The man seemed prepairing to shoot a fireball at the melting body of Umi.
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PostSubject: Re: Advent of the Arena Idols   Advent of the Arena Idols EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 2:53 am

Yoko did not even bother to hear him finish, he used Shundo and sent his nodachi directly into the mans stomach, while his palm landed square on the others face, with the force that could have broken his neck if he was not about an inch to the left of the palm strike.

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