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 Dark Treasure. (Private)

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Male Posts : 627
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 11:01 pm

Taurou was in need of some money and more in need of some gear. So he was itching for a treasure hunt sort of mission. He and a small group of people had banded together to get some loot! When Taurou was all set packing his bandages, he left the cabin he, master, and Daisuke had been resting in for the past while and looked around. He said he'd be here by now. Taurou said crossing his arms and leaning against a tree. He had always waited for his master to either wake up and get ready, or just had to wait for him to show up. He looked up and watched the clouds roll in. Looked like it was going to rain. He heard a rustling of grass like someone was walking towards him. He didn't heed it any mind thinking it was master.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 11:22 pm

Unbeknownst to Taurou, Mortimer was already there. In fact he was lying there sleeping in the tree. Oddly enough it was not that uncomfortable. But as Mortimer was lying in the tree this begged the question as to who was treading through the grass.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 11:29 pm

The sound of footsteps on grass stopped so close that Taurou was waiting for master to do something to wake him from his sky watching. He felt something tug on his pant legs and he looked down. A fox had found its way into their little private forest and seemed hungry since he was chewing his pant leg. Taurou picked up the little guy and it squirmed out of his arms. it landed with a thud on its rump and climbed up the tree. Uh... Do foxes know how to climb? He asked the tree. He heard growling from the fox and wondered what it found.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 11:53 pm

Sai had somehow found his way into this forest, still under the cover of his hood though. Finally having rid himself of that annoyance who managed to get him attacked by a bear, and into some 'endless training world' thing. Didn't really matter now though. Not expecting to find any sort of civilisation, he came across a cabin.. he had to wonder who would live out here. As he made his way around, he found out exactly who it was, and he wasn't exactly happy about it either.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 12:07 am

The fox sounded as if it had found something. Taurou was about to try climbing up there himself when he heard the sound of feet on grass again. He thought it was going to be another animal so look at the ground. He saw feet. He looked up and saw that man he had went through the training world with. Oh crap. He thought. He figured this guy hated him by now. What brings you here? You don't look like you'd be here often, Taurou said pushing himself from the tree he was leaning on.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 12:13 am

It wasn't long before Mortimers peaceful slumber was interrupted by an attack by an angry little fox. Unfortunately he didn't have time to retaliate as he was still fairly groggy and so lost his balanced perch on the tree limb.

He cried out briefly as he fel from the try before landing on the ground with a loud *Whumpf* as the wind was knocke out of him. Coughing slightly as he held his side and looked up he saw his old "friend". Well more of aquaintance and former research partner really.

"Hey Sai, how are you doin?" He asked drowsily as the uncomfortable soul sealer made eye contact with him.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 12:20 am

Taurou saw his master land on the ground which looked rather painful. He chuckled to himself until master greeted Sai. His eyes grew wide and he turned to Sai and back to master. You guys know each other? How? He was slightly curious but more confused on their relationship. He stepped back acting as if he had never asked the question. The fox who had knocked master out of the tree landed on his head and sat there. Taurou was going to kick it off, but he didn't want to disturb the other two.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 1:41 am

It seemed like Mortimer hadn't changed at all, though it was a surprised he lived so far out of the way... ”Hello Mortimer.. what are you doing out here?” he questions, though still covering his face for now, he waited for a reply, and seemed to ignore Taurou and the Fox that was sitting on his head.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 1:47 am

"Oh, the usual. Decided I needed to get away from it all for a while... though I havn't really gotten away from much come to think of it. So far I've gotten into a serious relationship with Kitty, took on a few apprentices almost got killed by a pack of zombies doing the thriller danceand built this quaint little cabin. As a matter of fact my apprentice and I were just going to head out to a ruin in search of some loot... come to think of it, it actually hasn't been that peaceful around here... still it hasn't been dull. So feel up for a treasure hunt? For old imes sake?"
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 2:23 am

Kagami had been wandering about... When she heard a familiar voice say treasure hunt. She ran over, jumping on Mortimer sensei and hugging him uber-hard. "Treasuer hunt?! You you damn bet Mortimer-sensei!"
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 2:27 am

"OH*" He said in a strangled tone following Kagami's glomp. Still speaking in a raspy voice due to lack of oxygen he continued "And this would be my other apprentice. Kagami Kaguya. Kagami, Sai. Sai, Kagami... now please let me have some air..." ortimer almost chocked as he said this last part.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 2:30 am

"Oh! Sorry again!" Kagami apologised, looking at Sai as she let go of Mortimer... Ever since him being turned into a kid she'd done her best not to acidentally choke him, but to little avail... "Hmm... So you can take the properties of something and put it into soemthing else huh? I've heard of you... Maybe you could help out a friend of mine after this."
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 2:35 am

So many people... Mortimer had been quite hard at work it would seem. No matter, he had also been telling people about his magic too it seemed, not that it mattered exactly. He looked towards Kagami. ”Something like that... yes” he replied, quite to the point really. But, the treasure hunt was what had happened to pique his interests. ”What kind of treasures would we be hunting for?
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 2:38 am

"Oh, the usual. Swords, armors, musty old tomes, everything that's in any chest we find, and maybe even some drachma. Long story short, artifacts and magic jewels which people tend to pay high prices for. Still interested?"
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 11:25 am

"I'm in, I can't leave you alone with... these people" he face palmed, he had a feeling this may get a little more difficult then he would of first thought... no matter, he would at least be able to help these people, maybe even find a bit of magic he could seal... he needed some more weapons.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 9:41 pm

Taurou looked at Sai and cocked an eyebrow. These people? What, you don't trust us? He asked with a little anger in his voice. He hated being considered as "These People". But he quickly calmed himself and leaned back on the tree. He yawned and said finally, Well we ready to go out?
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 4:08 am

OOC; Srry, didn't realize Ryo had posted until a few hours ago... I am stupid Disappearance Anywho lets get this show on the road.

Following several hours of hiking (and a break for lunch) later, the quartet of treasure hunters arrived at the ruins. The above ground level was basically rocks and rubble, but the real treasure lay beneath, deep through maze-like caverns and ruins made by people who seemingly had nothing better to do than store their treasures, graven idols and weapons underground... or was it that they used to live underground. Regardless;

It was one of those typical "dungeon crawls", a place where brave (or stupid) treasure hunters came seeking the fortunes left behind in ages past. The group was in luck as this particular crawl had been locked for centuries and could only be opened with a special "key" (which would have required a whole other series of quests) thankfully however, all mortimer had to do was solidify the shadow inside the keyhole (sticking out prominently from a four foot thick enchanted stone door) turn, and presto they were in.

Walking down the long stairwell which seemed to go on forever the group finally entered the first room, a broad area, box shaped and half as wide as a football field, the cieling seemed just as high with columns lining the walls, glowing torchs of greenfire stuck out at random intervals. On the far wall were two doors, one on the left, one on the right

Materializing from seemingly nowhere in a dim flash of green appeared a tall, muscular blueskined man with long wavey hair. His thin and skimpy clothes were made out of a combination of leather and greenflame. Green energy eminated from his eyes making them glow.

The man looked at the four treasure hunters and spoke "Greetings travelers. You seek the treasures hidden in this sanctuary but I must warn you now the journey is frought with peril. I shall act as your guide on this journey. You may summon me four times by saying my name. Once summoned I shall answer one question about the dungeon with a yes or no answer. If you summon me a fifth time I shall attack you. You may summon me by stating my name."

"...Sooooo what's your name then?" Mortimer asked? "My name... is Noe". Mortimer could see where this was headed already. It was going to be very difficult to progress without saying n- that word. As quickly as he appeared, the green eyed being vanished and the group was left with a decision. Do they take the right door or do they take the left. From the right could be heard skitterings and footsteps. But from the left there were measured taps and fwishes and regular intervals. Which door would the group choose.

OOC; Person who knows where I wripped this scenario from gets a cookie. Also, Kagami, you get to make the first choice in this adventure. Pyoh makes second and Ryo third. It's up to you guys largely as to how you deal with the challenges. Good luck :)
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Female Posts : 365
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 5:08 am

"I don't know about you bunch, but I'd rather take the road not plotted." She said quietly as she went up to the door to the right...

[Srry short post it's like midnight here and I got a headache.]
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 6:42 pm

With Kagami's words the green glowing man appeared. "I have been summoned"

Mortimer turned to Kagami. "You just had to say know didn't you?", before slappping his hands over his mouth. He had just said the word as well.

"Fear not, saying that word in my presence does not count against your questions. You may now ask me one yes or no question about the temple"

"You guys heard him, what should we ask?"
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 8:54 pm

Taurou, thinking it was his turn to do something, walked up to the strange being. Yes or no question.... Ok, if it's only yes or no, tell me- Do these ruins have any dangerous monsters? He cracked his knuckles, itching for a fight. He looked at the strange man as his eyes glowed brighter.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 9:17 pm

The blue skin green fired being simply looked down at the boy and replied "Yes, there are. You have three safe summonings left" With that the man disssappeared.

The group approached the right door, the one where skittering and footsteps could be heard from. Opening the door they found the room strangely vacant. The sides of either wall were lined with boxes with the appearence of human effigies on the front. It is clear that this area was once a tomb.

As the first party member places their foot inside the room the eyes of the effigies glow green an the lids slide open revealing at least a dozen skeletons dressed in full battle garb. Their eyes glow with a demonic green light, and wisps of green smoke drift from their breathless mouths.

They all seem to be wearing similar outfits, akin to what viking warriors would wear, though their weapons vary. Each is carrying a shield emblazoned with a green flame while in their opposite hand a deadly one handed weapon is grasped. Strangely their armor and weapons appear in good condition, almost as if they had been polished the other day. Wasting no time, the armored skeletons emerged from their sarophogi and with the speed and accuracy of living beings formed a phalanx, streatching the breadth of the room.

The skeletons are clearly powerful warriors and so they begin charging, pointed weapons held in front while shields cover what few exposed areas they have.

Mortimer calls up his own nocturnal shield but it is only large enough to protect himself. How will the other members of the group react to this charge?
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 9:35 pm

"Oh, crap." Kagami muttered under her breath as she did her Flame Spray at them before getting out her buckler... She had expected a fight, but not like this...
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 9:45 pm

A wide, dark grin spread across Taurou's face as he saw the skeletons got out of the sarcophagi and charged at his party. After Kagami's flame spray, he muttered the incantation of some spell under his breath. It was incomprehensible to anyone but him and three spheres of magic appeared around his clenched fist. Instead of white lightning though, the darkness once again consumed the spell, turning the spheres into a dark spinning circle around his arm. Alright! He seemed excited as he charged towards the phalanx of charging skeletons.

He stopped two meters in front of the phalanx, stomping left foot in front of him to gain leverage as he cocking back his fist as the magical circle of dark lightning spun faster and faster. He punched as the head skeleton and the strike blew away two of the first skeletons. Their bones flying everywhere, as black lightning arched out of the bones, signifying that the elemental strike did its job. The skeletons might have had all that armor and protection, but it was no match for a strike of dark charged lightning. He was pretty sure he could even punch a hole through one if he needed to. The rest of the phalanx overtook him, pushing him back towards his party. The blades missing his vitals by inches, and the wounds were so shallow, they might have just disappeared. Guys! Looks like I'm comin' back! He called back to his party, punching a hole in a skeleton's chest.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyWed Dec 15, 2010 11:12 pm

Sai had followed, having decided to flip his hood over his face again as they entered the cave. After his short trip back to his clan he had learned much, but wasn't exactly sure how it would help him here. The various goings on meerly passed the soul sealer by as if they weren't there. Barely having aknowledged the spirit that warned them of the dangers of whatever it happened to say. Though, as they continued further into the depths of this cave, the skeletal viking warriors seemed contented with attacking them. Unfortunately for these warriors, Sai was simply not in the mood. Quickly drawing his bow, he would pull the string back revealing it simply created arrows. But he didn't fire it yet.

"Liberatio!" The bow was gone, and in its place was the same rifle that Taurou would of seen before. Aiming at the incoming horde, he pulled the trigger, aiming at their chests. Each time, a small ball of some sort of energy would escape the barrel and hit the beings, exploding on impact.
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Dark Treasure. (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Treasure. (Private)   Dark Treasure. (Private) EmptyWed Dec 15, 2010 11:26 pm

Six of the twelve skeletons were decimated by the combination of flaming knives, shadow bullets and cat-boy fists. However six still remained and they were not letting their comrades deaths slow them down. Three of them surrounded Taurou.

They had identified him as the most dangerous target and so focused most of their effort on him. Surrounding the lightning-using cat boy in a triangular formation, the first skeleton lunged making an obvious attack. Meanwhile the other two waited for their chance. If the cat-boy dodged backwards or to either side he would be cut by at least one of their waiting axes. If he attempted to destroy their comrade he would be slowed down just enough that they could attack from behind and slice his back.

The other three moved to attack Mortimer Kagami and Sai. The three skeletons moved with inhuman speed darting back and forth, weaving an imperceptible yet rapid pattern. Mortimer couldn't keep up with how fast the three were moving. He couldn't get a lock on them and he knew that if he launched an attack from this range he might end up hitting Taurou instead. Mortimer had no choice but to wait until the skeletons were as close as possible and impale them just before they struck him. Summoning up his three shadow-spears Mortimer waited, eyes wide and unblinking, not wanting to miss a single movement. Wait... wait...wait....THERE! The skeleton was barely a meter away from Mortimer, its axe raised high ready to strike him. With a thought Mortimer sent his three spear-like ribbons out aiming to impale the creatures ribcage and prevent its movement.

But which was faster, his spears or the viking-skeletons swing?

Still Kagami and Sai had their own rapidly bobbing and weaving skeletons to deal with. How would the group deal with this onslaught?
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