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 Tau-Tau's Training

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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 1:44 am

Thwak, thwak, thwak. Tau-Tau was tired of sitting around doing nothing, so he trained his physical strength by striking a tree in the middle of an unnamed forest. He could of easily wiped out the tree with a spell or two, but he needed the physical conditioning. His fists and forearms were bloody and raw but he didn't care. it was conditioning. He delivered one more strike and finally sat down, back to the tree. He was too fatigued to do much more. He was thinking of heading off to find a near by town, but he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He put up a small barrier and stood; however, he was too weak and the barrier collapsed and he had to prop himself up against the tree to stand. He was ready for whatever was about to come.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 1:55 am

A man made of solid shadow emerged from the bushes. Sharp claws raised. The being seemed like it was going to strike him as it darted forward, it almost seemed like it was going to impale him on the tree.

It stopped just before killing him. It's long middle claw was about half an inch from his juggular. Then it did something even more strange, it reached into its coat and pulled out what appeared to be an envelope before dropping it into the mans hand, and retreating several steps where it kneeled before him, never taking its masked eyes off of him.

The Envelope had three words scrawled on its outside, Offer of Apprenticeship. The man was left with a decision, he could open the envelope and have his life change forever, or he could through it away and go back to the life he was living. But he didn't know that. And so Mortimer sat several miles away, watching him through his minions eyes.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 2:07 am

Taurou stared at the dark beast for a few moments then looked down at the envelope it had dropped in his hands. He looked back up at the beast and judged that it wouldn't attack him. He was thinking of ripping the envelope in pieces, thinking it would curse him, but thought otherwise because of the shadow beast staring at him.

"Alright then, beast. This is my answer."

Taurou opens the envelope and looks at the paper. It has no words on it, but a play-stop-rewind-and fast forward symbols. He touches the play symbol.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 2:20 am

From the page appears a hooded figure. Clearly the message was recorded so as to prevent anyone from determining what the recorder actually looked like. After a few seconds the figure began speaking. The voice sounded deep and ominous somehow. Everything about the recording seemed to be made to create an atmosphere of mystery. "Greetings. You have been found capable. You have demonstrated creativity, strength, and perseverance. However you seem to be missing one crucial element. A purpose. You have power, but it is unrefined like a piece of coal buried in the earth. However much preasure you attempt to exert on yourself, a lump of coal cannot become a diamond. For that an outside force is required. I offer you this one chance, agree to be my apprentice and be tempered through training and purpose into a diamond, or stay here and remain a piece of coal. You have one day to decide. To agree, give the paper to my minion before you. To reject, tear this message up. The minion will wait here for the next twenty four hours, until you decide. May you make the right choice." With that the shadowy being from the letter turned and faded out.

The young man had one day to decide... but would he take that long, or accept immediatly. Mortimer had no idea, still, dressed in black dress pants and oversized pants, he stood up held his arms out to either side and dissapeared into a swarm of shadowy bats.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 2:31 am

Taurou finished listening to the message and looked at the shadow minion.

"Apprenticeship, huh?" he asked it as if it would respond.

He sat down leaning his back against the tree again, wrapping his bloodied arms and hands with his always ready bandages. He looked up at the shadowy figure again after completing his healing session and crossed his arms. Did he really want to become a "diamond" and take this mysterious man's offer? Or should he rip up the letter and train on his own.


Thirteen hours later he had made his decision. He stood up, and fully rested, walked over to the shadow minion and handed it the Letter.

"I accept the apprenticeship," he said with a confident air about him. He munched on some dried meat he had in his satchel waiting for the shadow to do what it needed to. It didn't move until he said, "So, erm... Go do.. What's needed...?" then the shadow vanished.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 2:39 am

"Very good, very good now shall we get started?".

A boy seemingly no older than fourteen stood directly behind Taurou. He smiled faintly and his red eyes were half closed. Hands in the pockets of his trench coat, he wondered what the man would think of someone like Mortimer appearing out of nowhere and offering to teach him.

"So, what would you like to learn first?" he asked in a voice that seemed partway knowledgable and partway ready for a nap.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 2:46 am

Taurou stared at the young man for a long moment and finally said, What? You're my teacher? What happened to the man on the recording? He shook his head and looked up. Obviously frustrated in confusion. He looked down at the young man again, more calmly and said, Master, I would like to learn to strengthen my abilities to take more hits. He unwraps his arms and shows them. I've been conditioning but it's not enough.

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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 2:55 am

Mortimer leaned in close and observed the mans arms. The were bleeding, bruised and scarred. He was quite certain they were broken in a few places as well. "My boy, destroying your arms will only lead you to one thing... destroying your arms. Now first of all" Mortimers hands moved over the mans arms creating shadows as they went and solidifying them. By the time he was done it appeared as though the man was wearing a pair of full length gloves, stretching all the way up to the middle of his biceps. "We need to keep you from hurting yourself anymore. For now these should act as a good handicap. Now the only way you can become stronger is if you face and challange someone at well... your level. Daisuke, if you please, spar with your fellow apprentice will you?"

Last edited by Alberio on Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 2:58 am

Daisuke appears from behind the tree's shadow and slowly made his appearence in the light greeting Taurou "Nice to meet you ,Taurou .I'm Daisuke ,let's get along ,kay" he said it with a cheerful smile .Daisuke heard what Mortimer said and gave his answer "Alright master"
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:03 am

Taurou looked at this new arrival. He seemed kind, but he knew better. Looks can be deceiving. He stood in a fighting stance looking at his new, shadow covered arms. He snickered to himself then looked up at Daisuke. Looks like we're going to spar, huh? Well before we fight- what magics do you specialize in? He tried to sound polite while trying to find out his opponent's weaknesses. The Daisuke character just laughed.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:11 am

"Ah ah ah." Mortimer said softly while wagging his finger. "That is part of the exercise. You must discover your opponents abilities through experience. You cannot always expect to know what your opponent can do beforehand. Please, begin the match, you may gague each others skills during it. Daisuke, if you would please."
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:11 am

Daisuke just replied "Well since we are going to spar ,you'll just have to find out instead so that it would be fair ,onii-chan" he smiled once again .

Daisuke made a step backward with his right leg "I'm going to start now" Daisuke then places his right hand hiding behind he body .
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:15 am

Onii-chan? Never been called that before. Taurou laughed to himself. Well then! Shall we begin? He crouched into a low stance muttering something under his breath. He dashed forward and raised his hand and yelled out- Fulgoratio Ablicans!
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:21 am

[Am eating and beside your character is 17 and mine is 10 ,seen your character's information and noticed that you counted your stats wrongly instead of 45 stat points u had 55 . . .]

Daisuke watched carefully and then quickly ran towards his right side with his right arm still behind his body .
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:25 am

[OOC I DID MISCOUNT!? O_o Why didn't anyone tell me before now?! D: I'll fix that in a bit]

The thunder flew from Taurou's hand and struck the ground where Daisuke was. The hell!? He spun 'round with his back fist and swung at Daisuke, hoping to land this blow. The momentum in the strike would hurt quite a bit.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:30 am

[Surprisingly no one noticed such a mistake ]

Daisuke stomp the ground and made it seem like a caused the earth to risen but it was actually the Overdrive that sheild Daisuke "I see ,electricity is your magic .What else do you have in mind ?" Daisuke continues running around and while he was at it ,he punched a tree and a bending log connecting to the tree flew towards Taurou seemingly .
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:36 am

[Don't worry, fixed! 私の間違いを指摘していただきありがとうございます。]

Tch! Taurou stopped moving, muttered his magic keywords, and shouted Fulgaratio Gladius! A blade of solidified electricity extended out of his right arm. He swung at the falling tree and the tree was cut in half-the parts that were hit burned up on contact. One of the pieces of the tree struck him in the shoulder as he dodged out of the way. He cursed and rubbed his now sore shoulder.

Sneaky sneaky. Looks like this really is going to increase my endurance a bit.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:54 am

While Taurou was busy ,Daisuke cast Sagitta Magica "Dop Pe Ru 10 spiritus ignis coentes sagittet inimicum !" He right arm quickly returned to normal and turned into a blade .One flaming Sagitta Magica merged with his right arm into a flaming blader .
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:58 am

Rubbing his shoulder a bit more he lowered his hand and cast Fulgoris Gladius again. Close ranged fight now, is it? Should be fun. Lightning vs. Fire. Taurou crouched into a battle stance raising his arm in front of him allowing the lightning to spark, covering his face. He lunged forwards swinging downwards with his Fulgoris Gladius.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 4:03 am

Daisuke had a slight smirk "Heh ,who said anything bout close range?" saying as so ,his left arm transformed into a long whip with another merging with a Flame Sagitta Magica remaining 8 more "I'll guard myself if anything happens with my right and attack with the left" Daisuke's flaming whip was sent head on towards Taurou .
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 4:11 am

Ah! Taurou held up his Fulgoris Gladius and reduced most of the damage by the whip. There was a flare of two magics connected. Some of the fire from the whip scorched his arm. He winced at the small pain and held up his left hand saying- Poen a dioddefaint, Flans Exarmatio! hoping to blow away the flaming whip in his opponent's hand.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 4:20 am

[You do know that the whip is connected to Daisuke's arm right ? He's not holding it but connected to it]

While Taurou was paying attention to Daisuke ,2 flaming Sagitta Magica attacked Taurou from behind .Daisuke transformed the end of the whip into a short edge to attack Taurou .
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 4:28 am


Sh-- he was struck by one of the magic arrows, and the shoulder that was struck had the clothes scorched off. The other missed and struck the grass near Taurou's feet. The newly made edge to the flaming whip almost struck him in the ribs. Luckily, he used his abilities to expand the blade's width slightly and the flaming tip struck the lightning sending sparks everywhere. Taurou winced as some of the sparks touched him and scorched the shadows covering his arms. He spun around using his magic to fortify his speed and put all his strength into one kick aimed at Daisuke's abdomen.

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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 4:45 am

The whip quickly contracts back and is then formed into a fire claw .Daisuke held onto Taurou's leg and used another fire Sagitta Magic directly into Taurou .After that ,Daisuke quickly jumps back letting Taurou's leg off and runs around again to another end.
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Tau-Tau's Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tau-Tau's Training   Tau-Tau's Training EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 11:53 am

Taurou dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes after he was struck with the Sagitta magica. He groaned and sprung back up, fury in his eyes. He picked up a handful of dirt throwing it at daisuke. In the midst of the dirt and dust cloud, he started to chant his activation key, and the beginning of a spell.

Last edited by Pyoh on Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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