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 Defending Shrine

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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 10:43 am

"haha.don't get me wrong ,that wasn't my intention.Its just that most of the lower level monsters have disappeared and high level monsters have appeared.It would be best to leave it to the close combat fighters.Your assistance will be vital but since your injured it would be bad if you pressure yourself "

Although it was still strange why the monsters had disappeared all of a sudden.I wanted to go and help,but I was needed here.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 10:56 am

"Right now I am unable to use my bow... So I won't be helping" She was talking about how her arm was in an angle that wasn't quite right, but she was trying not to think of the pain so much right now.

"If there is any other way I might be able to help please tell me" she shrugs, suddenly pulling the white jacket from her shoulders, revealing a black shirt underneath, which didn't quite cover her midriff. She used the jacket as a make shift sling just for now at least, she looked a bit more comfortable.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 11:26 am

"Well there is something bothering me,my ermine had found a charm,but I'm certain he couldn't have fought a charmed monster.I think a few charms,probably very few are just hidden somewhere in the area.Places where people cant find them.All the rest are fighting the monsters,but we have to make sure not even a single charm is left .You might not be able to fight but your eyes are still an asset to us.Perhaps you can scout these charms.The enemies have decreased in number so you might not get much trouble,but I'm afraid I cannot come with you,so if you get spotted by a stronger monster,your on your own.I wont stop you if your that eager to go,but try not to get in trouble,because there might not be someone to help out.Im also worried about my ermine,so if you see him around,tell him to get back here"
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 11:37 am

"I don't think... that is really a good idea. In this state, I might as well just stay here" she shrugged, and found somewhere that she could simply take a seat and wait for this to all finish up.

"My name is Eva by the way..." she said, just to clear up the whole 'two colored eye girl' thing that was said before, she did have a name after all.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 11:47 am

Eri woke up, looking around as her Goki surrounded her in worry. "Master, you alright?" Liliana inquires, giving master a hug.

"She'll be fine, she's had tougher moments than this. My healing is done too," Riveria smiles. Looking around, everything seemed normal, other than a few deceased monsters. One wrapped completely in wood, another mauled to death. Well, it seems her spirits were even protecting her, in her sleep. Eri smiles at everyone,

"Let's go check up with everyone else!!"
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 11:58 am

"Haha,I told you its not safe.I'm bex,by the way"

Uhh what was the need to ask for help when you aren't up for it ? Although I guess its for the best,If there were any charms left,tridus had been out too long to clear them out

I looked at her arm.But didn't ask her anything about it.For a while we both just sat there,near the shrine.I took this time to study it a little.Words could not explain it.Actually I had no idea as to what god it was supposed to serve.It gave out a rather unholy aura for a shrine.But had been detailed beautifully . It felt uneasy to just sit here,when battle was still in progress.

"your a archer aren't you? I suppose you don't know magic"
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 12:05 pm

"Sniper... actually, but no, I don't know any magic." Eva didn't seem to notice that she had offered to help and then simply turned the offer down, but neither did she care. She pulled her bow off her back and inspected it for damage idly, using only one arm was slightly awkward, but she managed. Though much to her suprise the whole thing was perfectly in order, she had at least expected a dent or two after that fight from before, but nothing of the sort.

"Uh... do you know any magic?" she questioned back, slightly interested.
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 12:19 pm

Eri makes her way to the shrine, hoping to gather information, of course looking for more curse charms on the way, though it seemed invalid. "Almost there," She sighs with relief, then noticing a man from afar walk into a house. "W-what? A person, here? That can't be right... Liliana! Riveria! Minion! Let's check who that person was," Eri cautiously speaks, as they quietly sneak into the house.

As they entered, Eri heard a noise upstairs and goes first, not wanting her Goki to be in danger of an assassination attack, or anything of the sort. "Umm," She mumbles, signaling her goki forward, as they follow. There was only one room left unchecked in the top floor, meaning it had to be that room. Eri and her goki rush in, kicking the door open, only to find a charm laying on the bed. Eri rushes over to it and tears it. "That's another down!" She shouts with glee, still not finding who that person was though... before she knew it, she was teleported out of the house automatically. Right before the entrance...

"Master, that was a real charm, but, that man... I have no clue." Minion speaks.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 12:22 pm

"Nope,not a thing about magic" I replied back

Truly enough even after staying this long here,I didn't know even a spell.Although I had my own reasons to be here.

It caught my attention that there were no corpses left in the battlefield .

they rot this quick? I thought to myself.

Cold wind blew as we sat there in silence.The nearby trees rustled and leaves fell off.It was a pleasant weather,only if one could ignore the screams and crashes,clashing of swords and reciting of magic spells.Everyone was giving their best,But even best was not enough.

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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 12:30 pm

"Oh, right" Eva simply shrugged, she wondered if there was anything more productive that she could be doing right now. But really the others that she had seen before SHOULD be able to tear a few more charms... she had destroyed three by herself, so it shouldn't be that hard..

"I wonder how the others are doing" she ponders idly.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 12:31 pm

William awoke, almost perfectly healed, physically. Realising it was Leila, he goes to thank her, until she entered the same (destroyed) room he was injured in. “Thanks,” He says patting Leila on the head, as he stops her from continuing to push herself. “Me and Kitty will handle it,” He smiles at Leila.

Noticing the tank charging towards Kitty, “Go Men A Sai, Molten magma attero ferrum parietis pro nos! Magma Fist!” He chants, as his gauntlets are covered with magma. He quickly dashes towards the tank, as it shoots a shield out, William swings his fist forward, completely destroying the shield, giving Kitty a huge opening.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 12:48 pm

"we'll have to wait to find out"

So far not even a single person had come by to check up on the shrine.Are they all engaged in battle?Perhaps some must be injured and might need help.Just then ,between the bushes,I saw a shady figure.Before I could react,it vanished. Finally tridus returned.

" I could only find one more,besides those which are on the monsters "

"How are the others doing"

"The monsters are too strong,but they are gaining the upper hand,oh and someone is on her way here.I cant recognize her,but I think shes on your side"
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 1:39 pm

"Well nothing to worry about then" Eva commented, if they were gaining the upper hand then all was well and they should be finished this mission very soon, she wanted some rest very quickly. She was tired and in pain and she didn't like it one bit. Or the fact she had to get so close during the mission, if she had just stuck by her rule she wouldn't have a broken arm right now.
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 7:04 am

Kitty feels a strange sensation coming from her right leg and words come to her head. "Kittal-latic tartarus e calcitrare!" Kitty recites, her right leg glows and fills with power, she aims for the tank-monsters' stomach and kicks with all her might, unexpectedly he goes flying through wall. "W-wow, I didn't know I could do that!" Kitty exclaims.
(i edited it a bit the second time, there was a post that said you could gain new spells in missions, and since i didn't have any combat magic i invented a new spell for myself, i hope this is ok :D)
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 1:45 am

Leila gasped as Kitty sent the tank flying. Though, would that be enough? It was made of steal... "I don't know where everyone else is, I rushed here after I saw an explosion." Leila explains, getting up and resting against a crate, almost broken from the previous explosion. The smoke stuffed the air, so it'd be best for their health to leave soon. "Ah! We have to get the charm," Leila nods. About to limp over and get it, until a giant cube was shot up in the air and trapped us three mages inside it... as well as the tank-monster, who seemed direly injured.

"I'll kill you all!!" The tank shouts, shooting a lazer at Leila.
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 2:03 am

As Raven continued to barrage invalid slashes the icy monster brushes them off and continues to freeze the area. "Wait, what if that gets to the shrine? %*@!, I have to stop it!!" Raven pounds that monster, only for it to get slightly irritated and sent a hailing beam of ice onto Raven, as Raven blasts into the ground, the monster sends a pillar of ice to trap Raven, completely freezing him.
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 9:55 am

Kitty casted a magic barrier around Leila, Will and herself just before the laser hit them, Kitty then chanted
"Kittal-latic tartarus e calcitrare." and kicked the tank-monster again, this time he fell to the ground probably dead or unconscious. "Right, how do we get out of this cube thing?" she inquires.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 21, 2010 11:37 am

(no ones posting here anymore Sadness )
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyWed Jul 21, 2010 11:46 am

(i think most of us r waiting 4 will, i am but ill post)

Leila looked around, "I'm not sure. This is an actual metal cube, not made out of magic... I'm too tired to use my buff magic, sorry..." Leila slumps down, tired from overexertion. "But, there's only around 1 to 3 charms left!" Leila grins, grabbing the charm from the tanks back and ripping it in half.
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 22, 2010 11:22 pm

Raven was completely overwhelmed by the monster. He couldn't move, he couldn't break out of the ice. It was utter defeat for Raven. He tried to move his lips, unable to. Legs, nope. Nothing would move a single inch, at this rate, he'll be frozen to death! The pillar extended upwards, until everyone in sight could see it gradually getting taller and taller.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 22, 2010 11:37 pm

Eri wanted to go to the ice pillar she could see in the distance, but it might be another strong monster. Looking around, she saw a few houses being slowly turned into ice. It continued onto the next and onto the next again. "That's heading towards the shrine!! Goki - Liliana!!" Eri panics, "Let's do this, stop the ice from making its way to the shrine. Charm: Explosion!" She shouts over to Liliana, throwing three charms to explode at the ice on the floor, sending it back slightly however the ice quickly recuperated.

"Wall." Liliana nods, slamming his palm into the ground creating a large wooden wall popping out of the ground. This seemed ineffective, as it was just smothered with ice as well.
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyFri Jul 23, 2010 9:09 am

“We’ll just have to break through it!!” William cheers, pumping his fists in the air, rather excited about doing this. “I have a good plan,” Will nods, as the other two look strangely at him. Grabbing his gauntlets, he ignites them with fire surrounding his arm.

“Okay, Leila, you be the medium and empower us with your magic. I’ll start and weaken, soften and melt the iron with my fire magic, most likely with a barrage of hard-hitting attacks. Kitty, you’ll have to destroy it with some explosive attack, most likely that kick. That was awesome.” He nods, until he sees an ice pillar slowly building up in the background. Then the houses in front of them slowly are becoming ice. They have to hurry. Fast.
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Defending Shrine - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyFri Jul 23, 2010 9:16 am

Kitty nodded,"Sure I can do that, kittal-latic tartarus e calcitrare!" She chanted, her leg filled with the strange power as she waited for the signal.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyFri Jul 23, 2010 9:26 am

Leila slaps Will and Kitt on her back, "Kiki ni Rawr! Oh filiolus , erigo meus socius vires , tribuo lemma vox! Brutality!!!" She lastly chants, slumping down. This was her last spell before she's completely drained. "Go, now, William!"
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 5 EmptyFri Jul 23, 2010 9:31 am

“Go Men A Sai, Ardescat spheres, tentatio meus hostiles Triple Blaze!” William starts it off, as 3 spheres slam into the wall, bursting as they contact. “Go Men a Sai, Viginti spiritus ardescat coentes sagittet inimicum! Blazing Punch!” He quickly chants almost instantly after the second spell, as a barrage of twenty fiery fists burst into the metal wall. “Kitty, finish it off!” As the impact sent Will recoiling backwards. There was a huge dent in the wall, almost breaking anyway, but its best not to waste one person’s magic power.
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