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 Defending Shrine

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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 9:27 am

William backflips to avoid the wind blade the monster had sent towards him. "Streaming Flames!" He shouts, only for the flames to be blown black without effect. "What a tough monster," Will sighs with anguish.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 9:52 am

Eva was closer now, which was odd for her but her previous vantage wasn't quite as good as she first thought. Inside the village now, she found herself perched ontop a taller building, no more than 50 meters away. From here the chances of her missing were almost 0%. And if she missed it was probably out of her control anyway. Standing silently she drew her bowstring back with two arrows, looking down to where she saw the others, if any were paying attention they should be able to see her. Releasing the arrows, they tore through the short distance and embedded themself in a larger monster. It didn't die straight away, releasing a roar that drew smaller monsters toward it... lambs to the slaughter.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 11:20 am

Tridus had vanished again.My arms swung the sword carelessly.but It didnt matter where it hit,it was slaughtering these monsters.Hoards of em.Although the flow of monsters had lessen.They had become stronger.I knew tridus alone couldent solve it all.I had to warn the others.

"PLACE IS CURSED WITH CHARMS!MONSTERS KEEP COMING!YOU FIND EM YOU DESTROY EM!"I shouted out loud,so all the allies in and outside my line of sight could hear it.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 11:26 am

Hearing the yelling, just, Eva decided to move in. Of course after making sure she wasn't seen. Moving along the rooftops while silently removing anything in her way. She found herself closer to the fray than she first expected... oh well. Underneath her, only meters away was Bex. "... More yelling will definately kill the monsters" she commented, loud enough for him to hear as she drew her bow again, and expertly placed an arrow between the eyes of another monster.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 11:33 am

I Froze in place not turning around to see her face.

"you'v concealed yourself well.But im afraid even your arrows cant put an end to this"

Even her voice was silently soft.I imagined her quite near to me.

"You have good eyes dont you.Do you see anything?"

At my position,shouting was the best I could do,but perhaps where she was,there could be something of interest.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 11:44 am

Eva crouched and drew another arrow as she looked around, currently there was no need to use her target finder, everything was so close.. "What exactly are you trying to find?". She questioned, pulling the bowstring as she found another target, going mainly for the larger targets with obvious weak points. Specifically the head, right in the eye if at all possible.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 11:48 am

"Wait... that must be it..." Eri thought aloud, looking around at the area, only for three towers of cyclones spin rapidly towards Eri, sending her flying back as it destroyed everything behind her as well. "Kyaaaa," She screams as she flies into a water fountain.

"Master!!" Riveria and Liliana both shout simultaneously. The monster transforms into an ancient looking eye.

"I'll defeat you, for master!" Riveria shouts, only to be wiped out by a cutting wind blade. Liliana quickly creates a barrier of wood around herself and Riveria as a tornado engulfs them and traps them, rendering them useless. The tornado continues to get skinnier and skinnier, until its a battle of magic. The tornado begins trying to slice the wood barrier into nothing. "I won't lose...!!" Liliana mutters.

"It seems they figured it out. Beep." It states, with a robotic voice. "Proceed to eliminate."

"Will!!! There's a charm behind the monster, that's why it's so strong!! It was created to protect it, destroy it, like Bex said! Let me handle the monster, Charm: Barrier!!" She shouts, getting up and throwing it at the mechanical ball, who simply sends wind blades to destroy it, however the barrier stays still and Eri pushes forward.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 11:50 am

I caught the monster by the demonic hand.Surging ki through his body,making him explode inside out.

"And I thought,the yelling wold actually make a difference...Charms ,im finding charms.This is a shrine I know,but these are tad different,they have a curse imprinted on them,and are within the surrounding area.We destroy them,they stop coming.How many im not sure,but I guess my partner just destroyed one.Theyr paper,and even a bit of a tear would disable the effect"

I shot a demon into the head and kicked another trying to grab me.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 11:59 am

"Understood" Was all Eva said as she stood and looked around, looking for something along the lines of a charm... scattered around the area. Carefully she looked, deciding that these charms would be protected by stronger opponents, and just as luck would have it.. There was one rather burly looking monster standing infront of what looked like a sheet of paper stuck to a wall behind it, by means she didn't quite know.

It was a small whiles away, not far enough to make her think about this shot, but it did have to get past that brute up there. Moving cautiously, only the faintest sound of footsteps as she found her vantage, pulling back the string just a little more with a twist as she released. The monster just so happened to see something, but before it could figure out what it was, it felt quite a large pain in its shoulder, as the charm was peirced, the wall splattered with blood. Before it could figure out what just happened, a pair of arrows embedded themselves right into its eyes. "Got one" she informed Bex.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 12:18 pm

‘A barrier? Where...?’ William thought, looking around panickingly. “I can’t see one!” He shouts over to Eri, creating fire around his entire arm. “Go Men A Sai, Incendia ut exuro totus ut cinis cineris , caput capitis north quod attero totus in vestri via , numerus ruina! Streaming Flames!” He chants, planning on obliterating the monster and everything behind it.

“I do not think so, beep, beep. BEEEEEP.” It spastically spins around, creating a typhoon to suck in the flames as if it was a vortex. The flames disappear into the air, as the mechanical ball creates a beam of wind sending William flying away, crashing into a house window. “I am the strongest monster here; don’t think you can defeat me.” It beeps as if it were happy.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 12:23 pm

"Thanks,your a big help" I said as I sighed in relief.
and so the amount of monsters lessened further.But so many had accumulated in the time.Although a lot of them had been killed too.The battlefield felt like a slaughter house.bodies laid decapitated,some had even started to rot.And more kept coming.It was good to know that people had been evacuated.But one thing started to bug me.Who on earth could do this.A curse of this level was a dangerous threat.I don't even want to imagine what would've happened if we didn't arrive here in time.

Now all that was left was to hold on.My senses had started to fade.Sharp pain ran through my body as I tried to swing my sword.My skin was probably colorless.And my chest felt heavier than my sword.Ki held my body..for once I was happy to know all that ki was coming handy.But only if my body could hold on...just a little more...
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 12, 2010 12:29 pm

Eva didn't reply to this, she was too busy now, searching for another charm if she could. Really it didn't seem like there was any others around, but maybe she wasn't looking hard enough... Or it was behind that one monster the others seemed to be having trouble with. She doubted that her arrows could get through that... maybe another vantage point. "I will be right back" she said to Bex, as she then drew two more arrows, and began moving along the rooftops again, maybe the barrier wasn't all the way around, it had to have a weak spot... somewhere.
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Defending Shrine - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 1:42 am

"Kiki Ni Rawr, Oh filiolus , erigo meus socius vires , tribuo lemma vox!" Leila chants, throwing her hands in the air as they begin to glow with magic. "Brutality!!!" She shouts, increasing everyones strength. "Kiki, Tui Gratia Jovis Gratia Sit, Cura." She once again chants, healing Bex and Raven's wounds, even by a little.
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Defending Shrine - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 1:55 am

Eri and Will seemed to be taking a barrage of hits from the annoying monster and her Goki were still trapped in the tornado. She had to get the Goki out. "Come out. Minion." The monster buzzes, as a black dog appears from no where.

"W-wait... Will, don't attack it! There's something strange about it." Eri looks oddly as it calmly walks and almost instantly dashes, charging towards Will. Eri uses her strengthen charm and dashes at the eyeball monster.

"Charing at me? Invalid." It beeps with glee, as it sends a barrage of wind cutters at Eri.

"You'll see!" Eri grins, giving it a slap.

"Physical attack? You are joking." It beeps, until Eri starts running away. She slapped three explosion charms on the back. With a huge explosion, the monster was killed... Eri looked around the area, unable to see a charm, however looking behind a cardboard box, it was there. Eri picks it up and looks oddly at it.

"There should be around eight or more of these to surround the entire village, trust me. I'm a charm expert." Eri turns to Will with a smile as she tears it in half, totally forgetting about the dog spirit from before. Noticing, it seems to been forced upon it's will to attack us. "Um, dog thing, Minion he called you? Please stop, we won't hurt you." Eri mutters giving it a pat as it growls fiercely. Even though it was scared, it was definitely strong. Putting a charm on its head, it bites her hand.

"Grrrr..." It growls.

"You're a spirit that isn't cursed, so I'd be happy to make you my partner," Eri smiles, removing her bloody hand from Minion's teeth. The tornado from before keeping Liliana and Riveria trapped disappeared, making Riveria and Liliana jump with glee that there masters alright. Minion looked at the two happy spirits that quickly jumped and hugged their master, he decided to join. For his own reasons. Eri wasn't sure why, but that's three Goki that have joined her!
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 2:14 am

Raven with his new embedded strength dashes and wipes out a few monsters. If these was really a curse, who set it up in the first place? Other than that, he worried about Kitty. She's been in that werewolf form for too long. "Thanks for the help, Leila! Kitty, you should revert back to your original form..." He shouts over to the two who were relatively close together.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 6:45 am

Her assistance wasn't needed it seemed. Well no need to stay up on the roof at least. Without a moments hesitation she jumped and landed gracefully with not so much as a soft thud nearby Bex, because as of now it was the only person she had conversed with. Though for now she wasn't paying too much attention to those around her, more for the charms that needed to be destroyed..
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 7:37 am

Kitty turned her head towards Raven, and dipped her head to say thanks for his concern. "There's a something strange under this shrine, it's probably the reason why the monsters are attacking it." Kitty called out to her allies, while striking a nearby monster at its' head killing it. "Whatever it is, its' magic power is really strong."
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Defending Shrine - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 7:45 am

Eri sat down after using her magic too much, obviously drained. "I'll be fine, Will. Go and help everyone else, Riveria will heal me and Minion and Liliana will defend me. Please help them," She waves Will off as Riveria also begins to heal Eri's cuts and bruises.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 7:52 am

Will smiles at Eri, as her spirit begins to heal any wounds she might have. As this monster was defeated, he rushes off towards the shrine, where the majority of the monsters was more than likely to be. "Decem spiritus ardescat coentes sagittet inimicum! Sagitta Magica - Blazing Punch!!" He chants as he jumps in the air and barrages some monsters with flaming fists.

Looking around, he noticed an odd werewolf of huge proportions, a man with a demonic arm, though he did recognize him from the school, Raven, Leila and a woman with two different coloured eyes. 'Could this group get any weirder? Especially Leila and that werewolf.' He thought to himself.
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Defending Shrine - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 8:27 am

Kitty's energy was running out fast, and she had to change back before too late, "Kittal-latic reverto!" Kitty yelped in pain as she started to transformed, slowly her fur turned to skin and her paws back into fingers. Suddenly standing up, Kitty felt dizzy and everything spun, then she fell into darkness.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 8:49 am

"enough of this"

I pulled down my sword and kept all my weapons on the ground.The weapons only added up to the weight now that the poison was affecting my movements.I raised up both my fists.

Some of my wounds were healing,although the poison was taking effect in my insides.Nevertheless,even a little help was doing wonders.

"cmon then"

I punched a nearby demon and dug the devils hand in his gut.Channeling a small amount of demonic ki.I blew this one inside out.His insides scattered everywhere.His blood staining me all over.Another stood back,ready to charge.I extended the devils hand and caught him whole.Pulling him towards myself ,I prepared my free hand to knock him all over.As my fist connected,his jaw shattered,or at-least it looked like a jaw.

I sensed her behind me.The girl was back.I turned my head to look at her,and I saw her eyes,both of different colors.Quite calmly she sat there.She looked different than everything surrounding her.As if she didn't belong here.I turned my head back to the fight,although nothing new seemed to be happening.

I noticed more people coming in.

why don't they get it? Our numbers matter less here!

Last edited by bex on Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 9:01 am

Eva only glanced over to Bex, there was quite a chance now that she could be hit, which she didn't want. So she wasn't standing still long, mostly after the monsters being torn to peices only drew more, she decided that she had to find the other seals, eight or more apparently... time to find them then. As quickly as she had appeared she was sprinting off, avoiding monsters by finding her way to higher ground. Her mission was clear, find the other seals spread around the village... couldn't be that hard could it?

She stopped when she was out of harms way and high enough to see more of the village. Time to have a bit of a scout around. She crouched again and looked carefully around, mostly at walls and larger groups of tougher monsters. One seal was quite close, close enough for her to easily put an arrow through it into the wall behind... one down.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 9:27 am

"Guys, Eri had destroyed one seal, how much have any of you destroyed? I'm only back for information... Eri said there should be roughly eight or more, most likely not over ten." William explains to everyone, kicking a monster away rather easily, as it growls in pain, Will follows up by lighting it on fire. "Raven, you come to. I think you're the only one who's able to defeat some of these strong monsters guarding the charms, the demonic hand dude needs to stay here and defend the shrine, same with the werewolf and Leila."

Last edited by William on Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 10:05 am

I answered him back.

"2 have been destroyed on our side.One by my pet and another by an ally,With the one eri destroyed that should be about 3"

Although the archer had vanished again,she probably would have destroyed another by now.
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PostSubject: Re: Defending Shrine   Defending Shrine - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 13, 2010 10:26 am

Eva looked around, the roof she was on wasn't quite high enough for her liking. Though as she looked around momentarily there was a mighty crash as a large ugly hand burst through under her feet, grabbing her ankle getting quite a suprised "Eeep" of suprise. Just before she was then roughly pulled down through into the room below. When she regained her senses she groaned, the pain wasn't what she had expected, the hole was only barely big enough for her to have been pulled through... Lucky. On the other side of the room was the monster, tall and bulky, staring at her. Her bow was a few feet away, but not out of reach she was quick to get on her feet as she snatched her bow and moved as far back as she possibly could. Which in this small room wasn't very far at all.

She quickly pulled back an arrow and let it loose at the monster, and she hoped it hit its mark. But this was only followed by a mighty roar as its bulky shoulder was peirced. It only made the thing angrier, it charged soon after, ready to crush her against the sturdier walls. She was quick to act, diving out of the way as the beast hit the wall. She was suprised it didn't go right through, but she didn't have much time to think about this as it charged again, this time swinging its fists wildly, unluckily she wasn't quite fast enough, her arm got in the way and with a loud snap she felt a surge of pain. "AHH!". It felt broken, and it was the hand she held her bow in, but she wasn't going to die here.

Eva had dropped her bow, but quickly (And painfully) picked it back up, and unsteadily she pulled back another arrow as the monster charged her, she released and the arrow flew straight into its eye, it reared back in pain as she pulled a further two arrows out and fired them as well, right into its other eye, and this time there was no roar. Just a thud as the beast fell dead. As she looked over the monster, she saw another of the charms.. she walked over and slung her bow over her back, drawing her knife as she plucked it off the wall and tearing it in two. From here she had to get back with the others, which she tried, avoiding the monsters as best she could, when she was close enough she held the broken charm up. "Three down" she seemed anaware Bex had already said she had destroyed one already.
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